Site Design


Pro Adventurer
Our self-imposed deadline for picking a new WordPress theme is just four days away. I had put it to the back of my mind while running the music event, but there's going to be a lull in that for a couple of days while the last round 2 polls close up, so I thought now would be a good time to cast my eye over everything that has been suggested/discussed so far. Thanks to Lex for reminding me.

I'll start off by saying that Claymore had some good ideas which he shared with a few people by PM - Claymore, would you object to us discussing them here, publicly? You had some good ideas which deserve to be seen.

Now, onto the theme suggestions:
I quite liked this one but there are a few problems with it (the scroll speed lock, the heavy imagery, the price is fairly expensive considering we'd have to hack it to fuck).
This theme (Oblivion) was my favourite of the three you suggested to Yop and myself over PM, and while I still think it's visually impressive, I have significant reservations about it. It might be possible to turn off all the unnecessary features, like the "smooth" scrolling, the parallax images and so on, but like you said, if we're going to do all that, why not just find another theme that suits us better? The bottom of the page feels a bit cheap compared to the rest of it - and I think we should give our forum a lot more exposure than that - while I also don't think the narrow (mobile) version of the page looks particularly good.

I kinda like the way the lower section of this one is laid out, with image, headline and a little bit of the article. Its nice for going back through the archives.
That lower section reminds me of one of my old draft images for the front page, which contained some tweaks that were never implemented. We were aiming to increase the density of our content on the front page. I don't like the way the articles get truncated with a [...] in that layout, but I imagine we could change that to show excerpts instead.

I'm not sure if you were suggesting that theme or just saying that we should just look for something with a similar archive section, but in case it was the former: the drawbacks are the price (almost double the cost of Oblivion, which Lex said was expensive in itself), the content density at the top (I think it's ridiculous to arrive at a page and only see one headline, "Bloodborne Gameplay Walkthrough") and the feeling that, once you get past the box of six top stories, it feels much more like a blog than a proper news site. I can't recommend it.

I quite like Newspaper:

* lightweight
* has a nice featured articles area,
* blocks for different highlight sections - podcasts, remake news, audiobooks, fanfiction, VII articles, etc...
* customizable sidebars
* sticky / unsticky menu
* has 11 different posting styles - so there will certainly be one you either want to stick to, or a couple you rotate through for specific topics (examples:
* The only question is how customizable the colours are, but I think that's changeable. I was given the theme for free if you guys want to test it out somewhere
Newspaper looks like a great design for a busy site. I can see seven stories as soon as I load the page (on the "video" layout preview), and plenty more without having to scroll down too much. I like the way it highlights different topics - "Don't miss", "Lifestyle news", and so on. The drop-down menu on the demo seems to contain more news articles but I could see it being a great way to highlight static content as well.

I worry about what it would look like after a period of inactivity, though. I know we want to become more active in publishing articles but it's good to think about what would happen if we don't manage that. If four of the top seven articles are podcasts, it's going to look ridiculous - unless we can find some way of prioritising certain articles over others, so that only one podcast post appears at the top at any time, for example. Something like the "health" layout might actually work better for us (I know it looks bland in the preview, but as Lex has said before, we're just finding a base to customise here). I'd go as far as to say it's the best option of the themes suggested so far. One concern I have with it is the different image ratios: the four images at the top use three different ratios. That might make it difficult to predict exactly what pictures will look like on the front page when we create/edit/upload them. The right-hand-side of the page also scrolls a bit oddly, but not in a way that makes the page feel sluggish, like the Oblivion theme. Most problematic might be that the top of the page displays a horizontal scroll bar when the page becomes narrow. Horizontal scroll bars should be avoided at all costs.

Let's keep looking. I'll see if I can find anything decent and I'll happily critique any other suggestions that are put forward in the next few days.


The Pixie King
Well on newspaper, it does actually have a section under performance training, that has that archive layout. Not sure if it can be set up with a link to look through more of the archive.

Above that would be the stuff we want to highlight. A section for TLS exclusive stuff, one for editorial style articles. Maybe a section for podcasts at the side. I dunno


Pinkfish, Fish
If you guys are using Wordpress I would advise taking a look at the Salient theme, the latest update called Agency is really nice. you would have to use the portfolio grid for your news section, but you can set up multiple grids and break them up by category which would translate over to a news feature rather well. The page builder is simple to use, and with this you can set up templates for News articles in a way that you want them to appear as opposed to a preset that comes with a theme. It also has some nice features such as parallax and video backgrounds and is responsive. I personally love the theme and use it for any work where I don't have access to an actual developer.

Here's a site I've been working on with it (please note I made this in just over a day so I haven't had a chance to tidy it up on mobile)

Other themes you might be interested in are Valenti and Ciola

Both are similar to Newspaper, but i could see Ciola working quite well with a fantasy themed site.
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Pro Adventurer
If you guys are using Wordpress I would advise taking a look at the Salient theme, the latest update called Agency is really nice. you would have to use the portfolio grid for your news section, but you can set up multiple grids and break them up by category which would translate over to a news feature rather well. The page builder is simple to use, and with this you can set up templates for News articles in a way that you want them to appear as opposed to a preset that comes with a theme. It also has some nice features such as parallax and video backgrounds and is responsive. I personally love the theme and use it for any work where I don't have access to an actual developer.
I can only agree with Pixel: that theme wouldn't be suitable for a news site.

A very elegant theme, but I can't help but feel it's a bit... generic? I feel like I've seen dozens of sites that look like that, and none of them particularly stands out in my mind. That's also the impression I get from looking through the example sites. And it's another theme with smooth scrolling. Why has that become a trend?

and Ciola

Both are similar to Newspaper, but i could see Ciola working quite well with a fantasy themed site.

Me too. It's perhaps not the most exciting one available to us, but I like it. The article excerpt on hover is a nice touch. There are downsides, however: the author doesn't offer support, the theme could be wider (and it's not customisable), some of the text is a little on the small side by modern standards, and the drop-down menu is very plain.

I guess I think we should go with something like Ciola that isn't Ciola. :P


+1 on liking Ciola and being disappointed that it isn't wider or customisable. But I think I like it more for the way content is laid out which is something we decide anyway. I just like how everything is evenly proportioned and your eyes are free to roam all the sections rather than being specifically drawn to one place, it pleases my OCD (and is what we're trying to do outside of featured news at the top).


A lot of those themes posted here just feel heavy; things pop in and reshuffle the page while it loads, etc. Have people with low-end devices (like not high-end smartphones, netbooks, older PC's, etc) check them out too, see if they like it.

Second, all of them are rather image-heavy - content makers, are you willing and able to provide images and shit for all content?


Pro Adventurer
Everything we publish on the front page already needs a featured image, so it wouldn't really be any different. We just might need to introduce a little more variety so that we don't use the same picture across multiple articles.


3x3 Eyes
I'll start off by saying that Claymore had some good ideas which he shared with a few people by PM - Claymore, would you object to us discussing them here, publicly? You had some good ideas which deserve to be seen.

Just my usual attempts to expand on what's been proposed, but yeah, that's fine.


Over the next couple of days I want a kind of last minute scramble from everyone - shop around and share if you think something looks good, then we'll narrow it down to two.

I can only comment on what I like and what I don't like and I feel I've done that already (by this I mean I'm not a designer so my choices will be entirely based on what I think will present our content and feel best rather than adhering to some hidden standard that I'm not trained to understand).

I'm not going to have much internet over the coming days but rest assured I'll find the time to come on and post here to help narrow down our choices.


Just point me at the ones you'd like a technical review of - shit like maintainability, performance, customization, etc. I don't like the ones that feel weird when scrolling, there's no need for any site to take that over. If it flows when I use my clicky mouse wheel, it's weird, :monster:


Moar last minute scrambling

I know we're all caught up in the remake hype again (and the PS4 release of the original) but all the more reason to focus on making the site beautiful <3


The Pixie King
If there's anything you see that you really like, but think might be a bit expensive, I might be able to cover it.


3x3 Eyes
Alright, we need to kick things up a gear. Perhaps we should put up a new thread with a poll of what options we have discussed in here and then make a forum announcement to draw attention to it? Then we can get the ball rolling on selecting a theme because it's going to take a while to get all the current content looking good on it, not to mention any new content. And we're going to have interviews and news coming out of our ears very soon. We should get a headstart before we're inundated and put us in a great place to get cosy with SE.


Pro Adventurer
Agreed, I suggested to Lex that we make a short shortlist, produce some mock-ups of them in TLS colours, and try to establish a consensus on the best option.

I'd be happy to help with producing the mock-ups, and I've been meaning to look through more themes, but other things have been taking my time and energy.

Edit: I'll quickly throw The Review into the mix as an affordable ($49) alternative. The basic layout is pretty much what I think we should be going for; it's quite similar to Newspaper. The live preview is a bit sparse but we could probably make it look a lot more exciting. Dezzain seems pretty good for a free theme.
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I can install the free themes onto a TLS test environment (publicly accessible) so people can see what's what if need be, how it looks with our content, fiddle with the controls to see if we can make it work, etc. Just toss me a link. I might even fiddle with colors, but, I'll make sure the style editor works so you guys can fiddle with it yourselves.


As I mentioned to Lex just now, I have a testing environment set up; you can install WP themes from the official WP theme repository with one click, edit them, etc. If need be I can provide an FTP account to upload stuff; just let me know. It's a separate environment (okay, folder / database) so changes shouldn't affect the original wossname.

(off course, if you're a h4x0r I'm sure you'd know how to h4x0r the website via that, knowing it's the same server)

(edit: off course, I could tweak security by running that set of pages under a different usergroup)


3x3 Eyes
FTP would be easiest to upload these themes as they are from premium sites, but if you're worried you could just set up a temporary FTP account and like (I'm not very technical minded...) set up like one folder or something that account could write to? (Is that possible?) Then I could just upload them straight to there and you guys can then move them to the actual location it needs to be?


Eh, uploading to /some/temp/folder instead of wp-content/themes is basically the same thing, so, :monster:. I'll set it up tomorrow if that's all right, I need to GTFO for now.

Deleted member 546

I like The Review and Fraction as styles, one thing that really narks me is menus that pop-up, Smartmag had one and Fraction's top menu plops down. It's probably just me being an old fart but stuff like that seems a little gratuitous, more there for the sake of it. I know it's to keep the page clean and to-the-point but we kinda want people to click links and browse around more and IMO they're less likely to do that if the option isn't staring them in the face.

*crawls back under rock*


3x3 Eyes
Lol, I know what you mean. That option can be turned off for Fraction though. Can't remember if Smartmag's can or not.


Great Old One
Make sure you pick themes that preferably have several people working on them, and not just one, as one-person projects tend die / stopp offering support on the theme much earlier. We've seen this happening with several of our plugins, and then you need to start looking for a replacement, potentially while staring at your broken site for weeks.

A theme will always need to be adapted to WP's main themes at least 2 times per year (preferably 4) to be kept up to date with WP's framework (to use that word.) If a theme doesn't keep up, stuff might start breaking for "no apparent reason" because WP changed something. For the previous years they've launched a new main theme every year - the current one is Twenty Fifteen, iirc ours is running on Twenty Twelve. Since we customized WP's default theme ourselves instead of purchasing a theme, nothing's broken since then except for a few things where PHP method used had to be changed because it was deprecated in PHP itself (the programming language). If we'd purchased a theme back then, chances are the creator would have abandoned it long ago, making it look funny with existing plugins or whatnot, telling you to upgrade to Twenty Fourteen. And then you'd have to upgrade, which can be ugh. (Don't get me wrong, upgrades should be done, but sometimes there's just no people around to do it.)

tl;dr software is always on the move, and a WP theme is never 'done'. If you want less hassle and less broken shit, choose theme for support and quality first, then features, look and feel, etc. I'd like to say the front page hasn't been breaking because Yop, Flint and I were so quality* oriented during the last round.

* as in, 'I want this thing to be able to live on its own without me having to fix st00pid bugs every 2 months'
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