I haven't switched banners yet but that's easy enough to do.
Also, I cleaned up the first nine or ten articles on the test site, but there's not much point doing more, because that's not the article database we're going to use when we go live with the new theme. Lex and I just had a chat about the best way of proceeding and I think it would be this: make a copy of the current article database from the live site, move it to the test site (so we have all the new articles from the past year on it), edit / touch up articles there, then move the database back.
I'm pretty sure that's possible but not 100% sure. If it is, it's a bit of a technical process which I could do by Googling the instructions, but I'd rather leave it in more capable hands so I don't mess anything up. Lex and I have set a date of the 27th to mass-tidy articles together, so if it could happen before then, that'd be much appreciated. Yop?