Snope's Fanfic Corner (COME ON BOYS! ;)

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Silverette, Snowballs Lover, Divine Creature!
So like. There was this priest who had sex with like 200 deaf underage boys. They were all so cute together and they had amazing chemistry together.

Wow oh em gee, I never knew that.

But ya know some priest are like elderly. Snow is just 21. Hope is in his teen year's which isn't bad.

Priest that is 60 and a boy that is 7 years old....Thats bad :/ And plus the hot love connection with them at hope's house confirms!! snow wanted him then and THERE! Hope's dad approved of snow even :lol:



Silverette, Snowballs Lover, Divine Creature!
Well then. Would you do a 14 year old?

Not at all, because we aren't snow and hope.

If i was hope and was constantly huggled by snow, Of course i'd do snow and i'd be 14.


Silverette, Snowballs Lover, Divine Creature!
So... it's okay to be a pedo if your name is Snow?

But this isn't our world. it's the 13th world of the Final Fantasy series.

They might not even have rules whereas someone like snow couldn't date someone like hope because of age....

And like i said before when you have chemistry like these TWO DO! age is nothing but two intergers that just so happen to be stamped on your life! I firmly believe that ok if hope reached 18 and snow would be 25 they could still be dating or just start dating. it just so happen they meet now while hope is 14 and the relationship starts to blossom into a pretty sugarplum flower :)


durr. When I feel chemistry with my nine year old neighbour girl and utter that by sticking it in her pooper, they put me in jail and kill me there. What the fuck is this about FFXIII world rules? That's a terrible excuse for pedophilia.

I mean, that's as lame an excuse as priests saying that it was the devil that made them rape kids.

imho, you're into pedophilia. Am I wrong?


Silverette, Snowballs Lover, Divine Creature!
durr. When I feel chemistry with my nine year old neighbour girl and utter that by sticking it in her pooper, they put me in jail and kill me there. What the fuck is this about FFXIII world rules? That's a terrible excuse for pedophilia.

I mean, that's as lame an excuse as priests saying that it was the devil that made them rape kids.

imho, you're into pedophilia. Am I wrong?

I'm not a pedo-expert but i'm pretty sure you can't do that.

Anyways Just because a 18 yr old might like a 25 yr old OR IN THIS CASE a 14 yr old might like a 21 yr old doesnt mean they have to "DO" anything. they can jjust be really good friends.

Snow/hope is really cute i mind you to! :whistle:

Celes Chere

I'll never look at Snow the same way again. T___T My image of him is ruined.

THANKS A LOT ASSHOLE. This pairing doesn't even make sense. T__T


We have come to terms
You say that they don't have to DO anything...yet you said that if it was YOU, you WOULD do him. How is that NOT pedophilia, exactly?


Friends, yes, any more than that, pedo. Also, adults being 'friends' with children moreso than their age peers is often a giant red 'pedo' flag.

Oprah said so.


Silverette, Snowballs Lover, Divine Creature!
Friends, yes, any more than that, pedo. Also, adults being 'friends' with children moreso than their age peers is often a giant red 'pedo' flag.

Oprah said so.

Oh really? I've never seen that episode.

And replying to some other poster up there.
I meant they.

They would'nt have to do anything, to make you feel better.

I'm so sorry if you think moi ruined your image of snow hwen really he's always just looked good with hope!



Silverette, Snowballs Lover, Divine Creature!
Well i guess since noone really likes this pairing i invited some friends to accompany me and enjoy this thread cause i dont wanna just be alone on my lonely side without anyone to shaare my fanfic with.


omfg i love it so much, its so gay and romantic, and hope and snow make the perfect couple together, is there gonna be more?? i was actually hoping for a gay sex scene between these 2 u could write about plz:joy: who ever dont accept this suck my big meaty cock


alex is dead
Alex, Ashes, Pennywise, Bill Weasley, Jack's Smirking Revenge, Sterling Archer
For the love of god. Wasn't one dupe account enough?
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