- Silverette, Snowballs Lover, Divine Creature!
Would you?... "Serah" The lone blonde giant uttered to the tear shaped aquamarine crystal in his hand, holding
it up to let it take in the sight around it. To Oerba and the snow covered wasteland that once used to be a
bustling little village. "Serah, Serah, Serah. What would you say to me if I said that I think that I have
found love with another person?" The giant asked the gem, holding it up to the light as if the gentle
warm rays will bring it to life to answer his questions. The light that bends through the gem shines upon him, scattering streams of blue light onto his
gentle yet undeniably masculine features, bathing him in its luminescence. "Would you have cross words
with me? Would curses rain like a waterfall from your precious pale coral lips? Would your eyes be
ablaze in anger and rage?" His cobalt blue orbs lock in a gaze at the shining jewel he held up before
himself. "Would you actually hit me? Would you use your powers as a L'cie to strike me down, or do
even worse?" he says with a pained whisper, taking the memento of his former beloved, grazing the tip of
the gemstone along his cheek to see if it would cause him physical pain, retribution for what he has
caused for the gems true owner. With his eyes shut closed he expects a slash with a searing burn to go
along with it, for ruby red drops resembling his own unshed tears to spill out from within. Yet all he got, was
nothing. No pain nor a response, and he couldn't suppress the crestfallen look the look of anguish that befell his features. "Would you support me in my choice?" He asked the final keepsake of the once previous love of
his life, sitting on the ground covered in the element he was most attuned with, as if pleading for it- for
her, to hear him out to the end. "You would like him ya know, he's a smart kid." The blonde sentinel
admits to the stone, his telltale smirk creeping back onto his face. "Smart, kind, forgiving, sweet, and
beautiful. He stole my heart without ever really trying." The six and nearly a half foot giant took a look at his surroundings, snow covering every bit of
the expanse surrounding him, a blanket of snow and ice as far as the eye could see. The suns rays
illuminating all that it can in its brilliant white hue. It would have been a sight to beheld back when Oerba
had human life within its confines. Now it looked like a winter wasteland with its own populace of failed
L'cie of the past. "Serah, when will you awaken from your slumber so I can tell you all this in person, and
not to your crystal like a coward!" His rage at his own failures and insecurities reaches its peak as he lets
out an anguished bellow before curling up a fist, as if taking all his confused emotions and thoughts and
thrusting it upon the ground before him. Little does the man with the vast boot size know that the last part of his audible soul searching
was overheard by the boy of the group. The silver haired adonis that once despised the giant for all that he
was, yet it was impossible to hate him now. He came closer to the distraught man from out of his point of
view, appearing out of the blue like an angel. He laid a meek, tiny, frail hand upon the guardians shoulder
before gently holding the blonde's rough, behemoth sized hand that he punched the powder covered earth
with in both of his tender palms. The murmurs of a cure incantation could be heard, and it was like music
to the larger male. It was the voice of the one that has cured him of so many ailments. "I'm sure that one day, you will get your chance to tell her all that you need to." The boy said
simply, going eye to eye with the one who had more life experience than himself, and it was a breath of
fresh air to the elder. "So lets finish our mission so you can be one step closer to your chance." The
silverette said as he finished tending to his sentinels wounds like a caring ally would. Before he could get
up and turn away from him, he felt a strong yet gentle grasp on his shoulder. The blonde pulse L'cie held his younger charge in place with just one arm. The one who he
swore to protect on the last few breaths of his mother's life. The boy in question was instantly pulled
toward the warm, comforting yet solid and protective chest of the one he can't ever truly hate, but of
another emotion all of its own. "Hope, would you"- The man's question was stopped in its tracks by the
teens swift finger upon his lips. "Yes snow, yes." Was all he simply said. For once, one of his deep
questions was answered for him without having ever really asking, and he couldn't have been any