so, CC is the first compilation title i've played

The Doctor

The Definitive Article
i'm a sickening FFVII purist, i thought the game was great and i viewed the compilation, since AC, as being a cheap cash in tbh. i purchased CC as the PSN release of FFVII sorta.......rekindled my passion for it.

now, i've just met aerith in the sector 5 church and as much as it irks me to say this, it's a cracking game. the formulas all seem right. the fight/magic system comes across as a rather well thought out evolution of FFVII's ATB/Magic system, it doesn't feel tied down to one spot. the story is as convoluted as one would expect anything in the FFVII universe to be and the characters are well rounded nutjobs, especially genesis, whose stories seem intriguing if nothing else.

of course i'm not that far in, the game could turn into a suck fest of paris hilton proportions round the next corner, i hope not but it could. it's also awesome seeing midgar in 3D, it's almost as god as how i imagined it back when i was 13!

so, in a spoiler-free way, can someone tell me if it turns crap later on?


In my opinion, no. It's kinda cheesy and sappy but that's no different from any other FF, so...:wacky:

I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
^ What xAerith said. :wacky: Because
CC actually stands for 'Clack is Canon'. :monster:

No, it does not turn crappy at any other time in the game. Even if it (the story) does seem to start becoming crappy to you (which isn't really possible), you have those missions to keep you entertained, and they're pretty good, also challenging.

Of course, this is my biased opinion, as CC is one of my top favorite games of all time. :awesome: And it's not just because of Zack, honestly.

don't believe Masamune. Zack lives. :wackymonster: *lies*


Higher Further Faster
The ending of CC is actually really great. It actually brought me to tears. What's great is that obviously, you know what is going to happen, but the way it's presented is rather new and fresh, and SO WELL DONE.

Zack dies.

Noooo don't spoil it for him he might not know! :wacky:

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
If you like badly directed melodrama with poor dialogue then I'm sure you're good to go.


Pro Adventurer
Just don't mind the cheesiness too much, there isn't THAT much anyway. If you do that, then I'd think you will rather like it.
If the ending doesn't at least pull your heartstrings, then I don't know what will.


Read My Mind
I adored the ending of Crisis Core until the last FMV started.

But I've debated this before.

Celes Chere

God, "Why" was a horrible song. It kind of ruined the moment. =/

Anyway, I don't think Crisis Core is a good game. I think it's a good movie. :awesome:


Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
Oh THAT part. Yeah I can see how it's cheesy. But at least it keeps you from feeling too sad about the ending. lol

It keeps you from feeling sad about the ending, but the song and cheese makes you want to cut yourself just so you can take your mind off of it. :awesomonster:

I liked CC. The only thing that irked me was all the random new apparent main characters that should have served a greater purpose in other compilation titles but otherwise didn't.... Such as Angeal, Lazard, Cissnei...
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Fiat Lux
Oh THAT part. Yeah I can see how it's cheesy. But at least it keeps you from feeling too sad about the ending. lol

I think they should have kept it as a Downer Ending. Zack dies. Let's not try to sugarcoat it. It could have been handled more tastefully, to be honest.


~The Other Side of Fear~
I havent actually finished the game as of yet as but what I've played has been very enjoyable. Sure the story's very predictable, but you know that when you go into it, so it's forgivable. And the DMV being entirely randomized annoyed me, but other than that the fighting was fun, the characters were memorable for the most part and the graphics are pretty.

Now I need to arse myself to beat the boss that's killing me and finish the game.


Double Growth
I liked CC. The only thing that irked me was all the random new apparent main characters that should have served a greater purpose in other compilation titles but otherwise didn't.... Such as Angeal, Lazard, Cissnei...

...well two of them are dead. What else would you have had Angeal and Lazard do? And Genesis apparently IS going to serve a greater purpose in other Compilation titles.

As for all the new Turks, I don't know really know what happened to them (I know what the story says they did, but still).

As for "Why," I liked the song well enough, but I agree that Zack shouldn't have had that out of body experience. Although him asking if he became a hero was tasteful. I also forgave any annoyances the DMW's randomness provided by the way it was handled at the end.
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~The Other Side of Fear~
Considering that the topic starter hasn't gotten very far in the game shouldn't you spoiler tag some of that?
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