Gym Leader Devil
True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
- So many names
So You Think You Can Dance: Final Fantasy Edition

Rock Band: Final Fantasy.
I'm calling it.
Does Rockstar-Sephiroth carry a Masamune shaped guitar that only he can play?
And you're a horrible person for it.
Dude's like 50. She's 16. YOU DISGUST ME
I wonder if, this year, they will give some news about a new FFVII game...
I hope they don't.
Up until recently I agreed that Squeenix should finish the Compilation. But my real-life friend said to me "You know you're going to have to eat those words up, right? Once they puke out the next abomination you will wish they had left the Compilation unfinished, just as you wish so deeply that DoC never existed."
You know what? He is right. Square has been so consistent in their failures that I am convinced the next FFVII title will fill me with despair. I'd rather see this mess unfinished than to see the messy conclusion.
The good thing is that at least... It can't be worse than Dirge, right?
Before Crisis would like a word with you.