n00b said:
I really want to get a copy of the Settai Shoryu and have some of that scanned but unfortunately that's kinda pricey and I'm broke as a motherfucker right now. The last Ultimania I was able to purchase was..the Dissidia one a year ago.
That's why we get donations and have a big financial backer, i.e. me

b00n said:
I'm not sure of what's going on with FFXIV but FFXIII Versus has some potential. That's basically the only new S-E game I give a shit about right now, tbh.
XIV will definitely not be something anyone of us will want to spend time on, really.
star said:
Secondly, what about some articles for the mainpage based on the kind of thing that Cracked do (or a more series specific example, like what they do on The Snake Soup). You know, funny or serious articles listing like Top 5 or Top 10 lists of things to do with the Final Fantasy series. 'Top 5 endings in the series', 'Top 10 most random, wtf moments' 'top 15 boss battles'. Little things like that which could inject some humour into the front page, alongside some discussion which could move some commenters to posting on the forum.
That could actually work - although it'd have to be good and unlame, unlike most of such articles are (when you look at it closely).
Diego said:
As such, why not actually open TLS into a general gaming forum - to start with?
Most definitely not.
If you want to cover other video games and create content for it, I'm fine with that, but not on this frontpage as it is - it's a FF site, and it should stay that way, else it'll become a giant pile of random articles with no common denominator. Creating a new site / Wordpress installation if you or whoever can make the required content is trivial and much more effective in gaining visitors than having one site try to cover it all.
The alternative is to abandon the FF / Compilation thing altogether and use the TLS name to cover a broader array of video games. But even then I'm not too positive about it - we don't have the people with the dedication, as far as I know, to be able to provide lots of content for all those aspects.
Omega said:
No, I'm saying that if we expand the view beyond just FF, then it's going to draw people in, especially if it's of the same quantity and quality as with the Compilation stuff.
Well, do we have the people and skillz for it?

Lots of people have discussed the awesoem translations we've posted, but really, we only have one (1) regular translator here (as far as I know) who hasn't done anything for a while (not criticism) - we'd need at least half a dozen of those if we are to create enough content for other games as well.
Assuming someone would show me how to record it, that is.
Hook your TV up to your PC (use it as a monitor) and use a program like Fraps (or whatever) to record it,

If there are legal barriers to this that would be likely to get us a cease and desist order then disregard this suggestion.
As far as I know, it's pervfectly legal to create phone emulators,

. In fact, they probably exist already - what else would they use to develop the game? Getting the game wouldn't be directly possible from the site, but some hints would probably get most people going

Given the power I’d be willing to revamp things quite a bit. I’m not interested in changing the politics of the way this place works any but there are some things that could make the forum experience quite a bit more comprehensive and interesting and judging from past actions I’m pretty sure the other people with the power to enact them are too lazy to do so
That's pretty vague,

. What 'things' would that be, exactly? You don't need to be in staff to suggest things you know
