So when *THAT* moment arrives for Aerith... are you going to be able to keep your eyes dry?


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
I just hope they learn to be subtle with their deaths, instead of the big dramatic ones like in the Compilation.


Save your valediction (she/her)
Won't cry this time as I'm not 11 yrs old anymore.

Actually I find the older I get the more in touch with my emotions I am. Maybe because the longer life goes on the more one’s friends die off. Or maybe because at some point I figured it was a waste of my time trying to “be strong” or “cool.” Death is worth crying about, it’s a very sad thing.


Pro Adventurer
Actually I find the older I get the more in touch with my emotions I am. Maybe because the longer life goes on the more one’s friends die off. Or maybe because at some point I figured it was a waste of my time trying to “be strong” or “cool.” Death is worth crying about, it’s a very sad thing.

Same. I don't think I cried the first time I played, despite it being a surprise. But every time I replay it gets me, in part because it makes me think of another young woman I knew and loved that went far too young and far too suddenly. Death and mortality becomes more real when you get older.

The scene with Seto though -- that reduces me to a blubbering heap.

I honestly just hope they keep it simple and straightforward. Everybody knows about it. Trying to 'surprise' people will just make it more about the remake than about the event?


3x3 Eyes
People's experience of the event varies, because there are just so many different circumstances at play - the age you were when you initially played the game, if you possessed any foreknowledge of the event, if you had any previous RPG experience, and of course, if you had any significant loss in your life that this event could touch you on a personal level with.

I originally went in without any knowledge. It was a shock more than anything else, but it did leave a lasting emotional impact. Now that I'm older, with the voice acting, the huge increase in the character models / realism, and having now experienced loss myself several times over ... it is certainly going to be really emotional for me.


Old Man in the Room
I think going to Icicle Inn without her really drove home the effect more than the moment itself. At least for me.

But actually, I'm probably going to be trying to shut myself off from the rest of the world so I can get immersed in this. Because y'all just KNOW this is going to get the shit memed out of it.

Aerith meme.jpg


Pro Adventurer
Actually I find the older I get the more in touch with my emotions I am. Maybe because the longer life goes on the more one’s friends die off. Or maybe because at some point I figured it was a waste of my time trying to “be strong” or “cool.” Death is worth crying about, it’s a very sad thing.

I am pretty cold now that I am older and have a dark sense of humor. I won't be laughing when Aerith kicks the bucket but I laughed when Tidus did.


Save your valediction (she/her)
To each their own. I find it harder these days to enjoy even villainous deaths (that lawyer in Jurassic Park was just trying to do his job!)

Although... I might chuckle when Proud Clod explodes. That’ll be interesting to watch.


Yazzavedth Zayann
I think going to Icicle Inn without her really drove home the effect more than the moment itself. At least for me.
That's one reason why I think the part containing the Forgotten Capital can't end there.

Actually I find the older I get the more in touch with my emotions I am. Maybe because the longer life goes on the more one’s friends die off. Or maybe because at some point I figured it was a waste of my time trying to “be strong” or “cool.” Death is worth crying about, it’s a very sad thing.

The scene with Seto though
Yeah, I forgot to mention that one in my previous post. Whenever I watch that scene, the onions come out to play. Probably also because I'm aware of everything surrounding that moment, which I didn't fully grasp during my first playthrough.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
I actually didn't cry at Aerith's death.

Her death, while tragic, wasn't exactly what got me. Not to say I felt *nothing* but, I knew it was coming and her end was obviously sanitized for the rating of the game.

It was the reactions of everyone else that were the most painful. That's what sold the entire scene for me.

Barret's stoic yet pained shoulder pat.

Tifa caressing her face and presumably closing her eyes.

Yuffie bursting into tears in Cloud's arms.

Red XIII howling in grief.

I means... For the limited resources and graphics that existed for the game, they animated the grief of each character uniquely and sold how real the death was. Each character responded in a way that summed up their feelings and emotions at the time. Perfect for their character. And Aerith's death lingered for awhile over the entire party's head. I have no reason to doubt S-E's talents at making death scenes. Tabata ensured the mastery of that ability for years to come. I'm more interested in how they'll showcase everyone's reactions.

Especially Cloud's. His words were the most powerful in terms of their simplicity and sincerity.

And Sephiroth's response was as cold and heartless as you would hope it to be.

I can't see the scene lending itself for a long dramatic goodbye because Sephiroth wouldn't let that happen. And one thing I would hope, is that there's more of a realistic touch to her end. Given how messy a death like that would be, it would be fitting to see Cloud covered in blood once more, as he says farewell to someone close to him.


Author of FFVII: Lifestream & FFVII: Reflections
Nailed it with the team's reactions, Mako.

I've never cried over it (and as time goes on I find myself more affected by the conclusion of the Cosmo Canyon quest), it's definitely everyone else that makes the scene emotional.

I would agree with that, and I'm sure in the remake we'll see all their reactions both as it happens and afterward, and hopefully they'll spend a good amount of time on each character showing how he or she is affected rather than just speeding through or doing a quick group react. I think it would be better to show how differently each member of the group will react and how it affects them and thus, adding to the scene overall.

I don't usually cry either at that scene, though I do get a little emotional when it happens, partly because I like Aerith and partly, like some others here, I've experienced the loss of someone close so I know what it's like and what it does to you. My fiancee died unexpectedly eight years ago, we had been together almost seven years at the time. I've been raising our son on my own ever since. No matter how much time goes by, you never forget that moment. I can still remember clear as day when I found her. Anyway, it just adds to the emotional pull of Aerith's passing, at least for me. Can't imagine how it'll be in the remake, but I'm sure it'll be good. And hopefully we'll be able to hear her theme again while shredding Jenova LIFE into little pieces like in the original.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
I cried the first time and i even knew it was going to happen since I didn't play FFVII until early 2000s. I was really surprised at how sad and emotional they were able to make it with just these lego style characters.

I'm sure I'll cry this time as well. I have no doubt in my mind that I will. I'm not going to sit here and pretend or say "I'll have to see how it's played out" or anything, I KNOW I will cry. I'm almost kind of ... afraid of it in a way how graphic are they going to make it... are we going to see a lot of blood or anything? I guess we'll have to wait and see

Mayo Master

Pro Adventurer
As it's been said elsewhere, it will depend on how it's executed (Badum, tch!).
Personally, when I played the game for the first time, FFVII had been freshly released and there was no way I saw it coming. In the aftermath of the Temple of the Ancient segment, when you have the scene in Cloud's dreams where Aerith leaves for the Forgotten City and Sephiroth/Jenova chases after her, I initially thought "oh, well, classic case where the hero goes on a journey and manages to save the girl in the nick of time". So when *THAT* moment happened, I wasn't sad - I was shocked. Very much how something like this would happen in real life, the first feeling was utter disbelief. I remember saying: "if the game follows through with it (without bringing her back somehow), that's the most ballsy move in video gaming history!". I was quite in awe that the writers had dared doing that.
The sadness only began to seep in when I realized "we have to move on without her", and the heroes have to continue on their journey to the Northern Crater.


Double Growth
A friend did already tell me that she did die, but didn't tell me when. So basically every scene that involved her I was bracing for it to happen. When Cloud lifts his sword I thought "no way..." Once it went went to the prerendered graphics there I thought, "Uh oh."


Sephiroth's Best Friend
I cried at Aeris's death the first time I played it. I also cried at her death in every subsequent time I played it (which is many times). I know I'll cry at her death in the remake too.

I also cry when Seto cries those crystal-like tears. Every time.

I'm an adult. But I don't care that I cry.
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