Some of my art. (anime-american fusion)


Pumpkin King
Vistillian Visty
All art and characters except Rinoah Heartily And Jinzo, are copyright me.

Please respect original characters

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Celes Chere

WOW you have some very gorgeous art. The first one is definitely my favorite, it's so cute! <3 Please tell me you have a deviantart so I can see the rest. xD


Pumpkin King
Vistillian Visty


Pumpkin King
Vistillian Visty
I actually disagree with this. I think the colouring he did with pencils(?) looks fantastic.

Yes it was colored pencils Except the one at the bottom. Jinzo was done entirely with Photoshop.
many of my fans (and by many, i mean all 3 of them) disagrees with each other with what looks better, Colored pencil. or Digital. I tend to favor Colored pencil for the natural control i have over what i color. But i also favor Photoshops' ability to go back and correct mistakes. leaving me with no true medium yet.

But from what i have gathered, (among the fans) its simply a matter of preference.

Why would you want to give up a 4 year DA account? =(

Im not rely giving it up. Im just dividing it. The new Tragic Pumpkin account is going to be for my non story related art. such as fan art and my Pumpkin series.

My 4 year old account will be reserved for drawings based on my original story.

I would switch the two but DA dosent allow users to change names. (gay) Its a process but im 72% sure i know what im doing.

Thank you all for the comments and inquery. ^_^

Heres a new pic for a side project im working on...

I would post it in a new thread but i dont want TBH to jump all over my shit.>_>

Ravynne Nevyrmore

that one Lucrecia fangirl
Eh, pencils are very grainy looking. I mean it's fine in lieu of CG and the skill he has with them is commendable, but anyone who thinks that the finished result of pencil work actually looks better than the smoothness that could be achieved digitally is probably just of the mind that "omg traditional > digital" because it's "artier" or something.


Pro Adventurer
I wouldn't quite say that. You'd really have to look up some pencil art from artists far better than myself to get a true feel of what I'm talking about, but pencils can be much more beautiful than renders are.

Sketch paper adds texture and you get a better sense of realism through pencil art. Maybe that's just me.

And I think (despite the fact I'm sure plenty of people disagree) traditional art takes a wee bit more skill. Not that digital artists aren't skilled, by any means.

I dunno, traditional art has always been more attractive to me.


Pumpkin King
Vistillian Visty
No one takes more skill than the other. its the effort that goes into it. it is purely a matter of preference. sure chiseling an image in solid stone is harder to do than use digital. but dose it make it superior? its all a matter of art evolving.
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