Spider-Man (616) [Marvel]


Harbinger O Great Justice
I dunno, the conclusion wasn't mind blowing, but I don't think that it was terrible either.

X :neo:


Pro Adventurer
Benoist; Captain Highwind
Ben Reilly dies at the end of Scarlet Spiders #3

My hopes for another Ben Reilly series, dashed so easily.

Although technically, isn't this the Ben Reilly that was in the What If Ben killed off Peter (or something along those lines,) he was kind of moody, like another Kaine. I was hoping they'd just take the 616 Ben and do a time loophole like they did OctoSpidey.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good


Higher Further Faster
So, from what I've gleaned of the spoilers, this sounds like a horribly underwhelming ending to the "Spider-Verse" event.

Read it. It was certainly rushed, as X said, but I wouldn't call it underwhelming. But it really should have been longer.
616 Peter vs Morlun was the fight everyone was waiting for, but it was sure over quick.

That being said, THEORY TIME that will probably play into your Avengers end of the universe stuff, Tres.
Otto killed the Master Weaver. This has HUGE implications for the universe as a whole. I totally called it, too. I knew the Master Weaver was probably going to bite it. I didn't know it would be this soon and that Otto would do it, but I figured it was coming.

Either way, when all is said and done, they are going to need a new Master Weaver. I see one of three things happening:

Kaine isn't really dead and becomes the new Weaver.

OR when all of creation eventually begins to collapse 616 Peter will step up and become the new Master Weaver.

Or Ultimate
because why else is he even alive? He wasn't even in Spider-verse. :awesomonster:

Now watch me be proven completely wrong. :monster:


Harbinger O Great Justice
Glad to see the REAL end of Spider-Verse, and looking forward to the Secret Wars title.

X :neo:


Higher Further Faster
Finally read the epilogue. Lol I was so wrong about
who would be the new Master Weaver
. But I was right about
Kaine still being alive. :monster:

Now I'm even more curious about what is to come. It has been hinted at before that Peter has some great big
tragic destiny
, so what is it?

Also, I'm even more confused about Miguel than before, now. Is he 616 or not?

I have more thoughts on the final fight with
but I'll type that up later.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Miguel was never 616, but time is severely broken now thanks to the events of "Age of Ultron." After that story, time travel no longer worked the way it used to.

In the absence of Doomlock technology or time travel performed by a reality warper (e.g. Legion in "Legion Quest"), traveling through time used to just mean you were traveling to an alternate universe (often created by the very act of traveling through time). Now, traveling backward through time means you risk actually changing your own era (i.e. the future you came from).

tl;dr: Don't think about it too hard. Time is screwed up, so Miguel's era is fucked.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
I think Slott (or maybe it was Peter David; or both) kind of did want to retcon Miguel's 2099 era into being the actual future of the 616, but I don't think they got editorial on board with that since it's being treated as an alternate universe for the purposes of Dissidia "Secret Wars" -- Miguel's home being one of the universes that contributes a chunk of its Earth into the making of Battleworld.

Apparently most Marvel writers and editors always hated the 616 (and consequent other designations) thing, so "Secret Wars" is probably also a creative way of getting rid of that along with baggage like the Celestials.


Harbinger O Great Justice
I think Slott (or maybe it was Peter David; or both) kind of did want to retcon Miguel's 2099 era into being the actual future of the 616, but I don't think they got editorial on board with that since it's being treated as an alternate universe for the purposes of Dissidia "Secret Wars" -- Miguel's home being one of the universes that contributes a chunk of its Earth into the making of Battleworld.

Apparently most Marvel writers and editors always hated the 616 (and consequent other designations) thing, so "Secret Wars" is probably also a creative way of getting rid of that along with baggage like the Celestials.

That makes a lot of sense.

Also the Dissidia comment made me lol. :awesomonster:

X :neo:


Higher Further Faster

2099 being the 616 in the future is the only thing that makes sense. Does Marvel even know what they are doing?

Maybe they need Feige overseeing the comics like he does the movies. He seems to be good at running a tight ship.

But you're right, I shouldn't think about it too much. I'll just hurt my brain.


Harbinger O Great Justice
Tenny, at this point just chalk it up to the fact that the whole multiverse is in a tailspin of fucked up nonsense and 2099 that he comes from already doesn't even exist any more, sooooo… which 'verse it comes from is totally irrelevant now.


X :neo:

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
I can see why it's confusing, particularly with that line from Spidey-UK. I totally think Dan Slott at least has been trying to retcon Miguel's place in the multiverse into no longer being Earth-928 -- but it doesn't work. Miguel's era is the setting of the "Future Imperfect" story that will take place in the Dystopia domain on Battleworld. Manhattan, which will be a different domain of Battleworld, is going to be the contribution from Earths-616 and 1610 in the present day. That requires that Miguel's home and the 616 are alternate universes.

I think Slott desperately wanted Miguel's era to be part of the 616 for whatever reason, but it can't be.

So anyway, basically what X said. :monster:
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Harbinger O Great Justice
Also, Spider-man 2099 #10 makes this a metric shitton more confusing, because it might maybe actually be the 616's future now as of Spider-Verse, and
it involves the use of time travel via one of Doom's machines, and the artifacts in Maestro's trophy chamber totally seem like the current 616 versions of the heroes.

X :neo:

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Well, when Peter David created "Spider-Man 2099" twenty-three years ago(!), the 2099 imprint was billed as the future of the 616. :monster: It doesn't surprise me that he wouldn't have let go of that. Even back in the 90s, he didn't seem content to abide by the alternate timelines concept (see the "Spider-Man 2099 Meets Spider-Man" one-shot).

Not that I'm saying ignore him or anything, but it looks pretty much like "Secret Wars" isn't going by that.


Higher Further Faster
So I just read #17. If this issue does anything, it cements even further how much I fucking adore Anna Maria Marconi. She is seriously Peter's greatest asset in his life right now. I mean seriously now that Spider-Verse is over there will be more of her and she just may be reason enough to pick this comic up for people who aren't reading regularly. Love love love her cheeky sass. She knows exactly how to put Peter in his place and make him squirm.

I am seriously hoping they find a way to be able to
extract Otto's suppressed conciousness from Peter's mind so Anna can confront Otto about what he did. She really deserves closure because she really genuinely loved him.

Also, read the letters colomn for a tid bit on SP//dr that made me scream and then cry. :(
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Harbinger O Great Justice
Can you summarize/screenshot/quote the SP//dr thing? I'm not reading 616 Spidey, but I really wanna know...

X :neo:


Higher Further Faster
Well, at least no one died.
except maybe Sajani oops


But you really gotta love the straight forward way in which Anna Maria deals her verbal blows. It makes her come off sounding innocent but you know very well she knows what she's doing.

Shooting down all of Peter's insecurities whenever they threaten to get in his way.

Can get him to swing her across town when he doesn't really want to.

Spouts out uncomfortable truths she knows will freak him out because she thinks he needs to stop being so secretive, which is true.

And through it all is extremely loyal and even proactively helps cover for him.

I sometimes feel like Anna Maria may be the representation of every criticism the fandom may have about this comic.
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