SQEX has no plans to bring FF XIII demo on ACC's US release


Rookie Adventurer
Now, now children play nicely! :lol:

Hmm, I'm not surprised that this is a Japanese exclusive. Japan does seem to get the exclusivity on these things...but then, maybe SE are working on an English demo for PSN and XBL - surely that would be better!

I would definitely download it.

Anyway, I am pretty sure that the US will get the demo at some point, it's just a question of whether Europe gets it too - and for anyone who knows just how s*** the Euro PSN is, that could be never!!!!


わたし は つか
oh, well. not like it wont be coming to the US. itll probably be on PSN or XBOX LIVE sooner or later.:joy:


Kind of sucks though you know? Not being able to download just yet.....=(.

But I got the JP Demo, It was fun :P


Site Staff
I only have a European PSN account...out of curiousity, it is difficult to have accounts with store in other countries?

Nope, just create another acc using a address from the desired country and you're in! To use multiple accs on the PS3, just create another user, I got 3 on mine, US, JP and EU. If anyone want to add me, Kuraudoffxi, feel free to do that.
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