Square Enix lists 5 Elements that Make a Final Fantasy Game


Double Growth
But they don't even play it at a climactic romantic scene...they're just talking on the airship while she sits on his lap. The climactic romantic part already happened.


Which gives it that much more impact, IMO. The dramatic/ climactic part might have happened, but the aftermath, the confession of feelings etc is the most appropriate place to play that song.


tbh in a ~*~cinematic~*~ sense the only song placements i thought were done well were in ffx and ffx-2


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
From the sound of all this talk about romance I can say its an important element apart of the Final Fantasy games.

I do say that when handling the romance make sure its believable and not rushed.And I would file romance under the requirement of good writing.For writing a good romance can either be easy or very hard.Also don't let the romance overtake the whole plot.


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
Romance really isn't that important in FF. Just look at FFV, the only FF from FFs IV-X to lack a romance subplot.

You my friend are right I guess its just in so many of the games there seems to be some sorta of romantic subplot.

Then again in FF13 there wasn't any talk about romance so you got me there too.

However,if you put romance in a game how would you want them to hanled it.Because sometimes romance can be a hit and miss thing.


The main impact thing the song in FFVIII had on me was that that song was played on a different audio track than the regular midi soundtrack, which made it play at a dozen times louder volume than the regular sound/music volume and me frantically trying to change the volume at an important scene while probably the rest of the family in the room could hear the shit coming from my headphones and wonder WTF was going on, :monster:. This was the first actual game with story/romance ever, btw. Awkward, :monster:


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Romance wasn't an important aspect of early Final Fantasys
(this is in fact the correct pluralisation because it is a title)
but it became increasingly so with later titles. FFIV was, if memory serves, the first game to have an important romance subplot. FFV omitted one, but if memory serves every game starting with FFVI had a romance subplot, and FFVII and FFVIII represented the point where they started to become really important to the plot of the games. (FFIX was an exception to this trend to a certain extent but the games after that seem to have placed a pretty strong emphasis on the romance again).


Ooooh Salty!
roxas9001, Krat0s9001, DarkSlayerZero
New World actually makes sense according to this

The song describes the story of Final Fantasy XIII-2 and the relationships between Serah Farron and her sister Lightning, as well as her fiancée, Snow Villiers. It may also allude to the relationship between Noel Kreiss and Paddra Nsu-Yeul. The song is about finding the strength to carry on even after being apart from loved-ones across time and space, a common theme in Final Fantasy XIII-2.
Two people have left Serah since the ending of Final Fantasy XIII. Lightning disappeared right after Cocoon fell, and Snow left two years later. Serah thinks both of them constantly. Noel, the game's other protagonist, is always thinking of Yeul, the person whose Guardian he wanted to become but she died while still young leaving Noel alone. After Serah passes, she leaves people behind, most notably Lightning, who crystallizes herself in order to preserve Serah's memory and the "new world" she fought to create. Noel also leaves a message to his past self that can be found in New Bodhum 700 AF, where he alludes to Serah's death and tells himself to stay strong because there are "dark times" to come and he will have to face them without having Serah by his side.

The song talks about "seeing the New World" with "the love you gave me". Many people in Final Fantasy XIII-2 fight with the power of love. Serah's love for Snow and Lightning gives her the strength to start her quest. The situation is similar to Noel in regards to Yeul. At the end of the game, Lightning's hope for the future is restored after she learns that Serah was ready to die for her sake in order to give Lightning a future worth living in, even if she wouldn't be able to be there herself.

The "new world" may allude to the unexplored world of Gran Pulse where the people of Cocoon were forced to migrate to after the catastrophe, and it is largely a new realm for both protagonists Serah and Noel; for Serah because she is from Cocoon, and for Noel because he hails from another time. The "new world" also alludes to the new future that Serah and Noel want; they want to change the future and eradicate the Dying World from the timeline, effectively remaking the world into a "new world". Another allusion is at the end of the game, when Lightning decides to crystallize herself with Serah's wish in her heart. After learning of how Serah sacrificed herself, Lightning decides to live on and see the "new world" in the future, where she will one day wake up at the end of eternity.

The song plays during the ending and talks about keeping hope alive even after having lost people dear to us. Final Fantasy XIII-2 ends on a sad note with Serah dying and chaos taking over the world, and the song's message also reminds to keep hope alive even during the darkest of times, in its own way alluding how the end of Final Fantasy XIII-2 wasn't the end of the world and that even in a world overtaken by chaos hope of a better future still persists.

Kermitu Kleric Katie

I wanna know why summoning was included, because FFI and FFII don't have summoning at all. And I honestly would've put "Awesome Music" as one of them, because every FF has had awesome music in it, even the ones without Uematsu(which would be many spinoff games, FFXIII, all but 1 song of FFXII, most songs of FFXI, and a few songs from FFX).


The Crawling Chaos
Abortedj, The Offender, Abortedjesus, Testicules,
  • Magic
  • Summoning
  • Gorgeous Beauty
  • Refinement
  • Change and Challenge


First, doesn't "magic" more or less cover "summoning". As summoning is a kind of magic, isn't it? Guess both are in them, as Chaos in FF1 was summoned with the corpse of Garlan... still kinda weak.

Beauty, maybe. Beauty is "in the eye of the beholder", so is subjective. Still I personal would agree to a certain level a beauty, at least seen somewhere in each game.

Refinement. On what exactly? What is meant by this?

Change and challenge. Well these are both rather slippery terms. Sure the game are not identical to one another, so there is some change. Challenge, a little to subjective a term.

Not trying to be an asshole here. This just seems like an odd list to me.
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