Square Enix Wants To Release A Major Final Fantasy Game Every 1-2 Years

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Square Enix wants to launch a new Final Fantasy once every year or two.
This, Final Fantasy producer Yoshinori Kitase told GameReactor, will keep fans interested in the role-playing game series.
"[For] the current generation console, Final Fantasy XIII was obviously the first game, and personally I think we took a little too long getting it out," he said.
"When you think of Western AAA titles like Call of Duty, Battlefield, and Assassin's Creed, they seem to work with a lot shorter turnaround - they make a new game in one to two years. That is something we need to follow up, because that seems to be the best way to keep our fans interested and attracted to the franchise."
Final Fantasy 13, which launched in Europe in March 2010, was the first in the series for the current generation of consoles. Final Fantasy 12 launched on PlayStation 2 in Europe on 23rd February 2007.
Kitase admitted Square Enix "learnt a lesson" from the game's long development, and is happier with Final Fantasy XIII-2, which launches early next year after 18 months of development.


it's nice to want things I guess


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Oh yes because there is nothing better for creativity than strict deadlines :monster:

I don't think theres any danger of people losing interest in FF, I'm still interested, even though the last FF I played and liked was IX but I'm still interested, the fandom is even bigger than the games themselves.

I'd rather they took their time and came up with something good than just churning them out over and over....there are a lot of things they could be doing differently (like the whole style over content stuff) but I'm too tired/drunk to list them all.
I have a feeling that quite a few Square employees are gonna pass out due to overexhaustion, as they try to work as fast as possible but without knowing how to do it efficiently. Here's hoping that nobody in the development teams will commit suicide!

Celes Chere

Guuuh I'd rather them take a long time and produce a master piece rather than rush and produce a piece o shit.

Cookie Monster

"When you think of Western AAA titles like Call of Duty, Battlefield, and Assassin's Creed, they seem to work with a lot shorter turnaround - they make a new game in one to two years. That is something we need to follow up, because that seems to be the best way to keep our fans interested and attracted to the franchise."

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
The thing is, those games he refers to.

The assassins creed games are the only ones with massive open worlds and dozens of npc and content.

Cookie Monster

They also need to get their priorities straight. How can you release XIV without first completing the XIII series? They're spreading themselves too thin, taking years just to produce garbage.


I'm not as familiar with Assassin's Creed (other than what Force has told me about it), but...what I do know about Call of Duty and all of its many "sequels", if they could/should be called that, is that they're all, well, kind of the same game (I really hope I don't get beaten in a dark alley for saying such things). FF titles have been so vastly different as far as story/characters/battle systems/leveling/etc etc etc that I haven't minded waiting for them (although I do need to be perfectly honest and say that the only one I've actually had to wait for since beginning to play FF games was XIII).


Great Old One
Games aren't mostly about creativity (by far), they are mostly about Software project management. Good PM'ing makes thing speed up ahellufalot faster, and Square Enix should have the experience, staff and finance to give out FF titles faster than they have for the latest years. But it seems like they've got a lot of good stuff going with the framework/ engines they have produced over the last years.

Ghost X

Hohohoho... They think we're losing interest because they're not releasing games regularly? Way to miss the point.


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
Square Enix's problems are never what they think they are.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
I'm not as familiar with Assassin's Creed (other than what Force has told me about it), but...what I do know about Call of Duty and all of its many "sequels", if they could/should be called that, is that they're all, well, kind of the same game (I really hope I don't get beaten in a dark alley for saying such things). FF titles have been so vastly different as far as story/characters/battle systems/leveling/etc etc etc that I haven't minded waiting for them (although I do need to be perfectly honest and say that the only one I've actually had to wait for since beginning to play FF games was XIII).

They're not. But the last 4 Call of Duty games all used the exact same engine, reused many of the same environment, weapon, and character model assets. The campaigns in the games are incredibly short, and linear, consisting mostly of corridors.

It isn't that hard to make a game like that every year when you do it like that.

SE is in denial if they think that's comparable to making an RPG.


They're not. But the last 4 Call of Duty games all used the exact same engine, reused many of the same environment, weapon, and character model assets. The campaigns in the games are incredibly short, and linear, consisting mostly of corridors.

It isn't that hard to make a game like that every year when you do it like that.

SE is in denial if they think that's comparable to making an RPG.

They're not what, sequels? Yeah, I know that they're different periods/scenarios, so I guess sequels was the wrong word, after all, haha, but I'm in agreement with you on all of this. That's what I was trying to convey :P


The Black Swordsman
Aithex, Atom
Oh boy I sure love games being pushed out to farm cash with no attention to detail. Perfect fix for this franchise.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
They're not what, sequels? Yeah, I know that they're different periods/scenarios, so I guess sequels was the wrong word, after all, haha, but I'm in agreement with you on all of this. That's what I was trying to convey :P

You said they were pretty much the same game.
There's got to be some middle ground. Where games don't take forever, but they do quality work. I mean, how can you use FF13-2 as an example? It's a sequel with a similar battle system. You're updating the gameplay and probably using tons of left over stuff from the first game in terms of design.

I think FF13-2 will be a good game even though there's a short development period because of those things. If it had been a brand new game I would be much more weary.


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
Well I think that's what SE is forgetting with the other games. The other games re-use a lot of things like SE does with XIII-2. Which is why it's coming out a year later.

Plus idk about Call of Duty if it has any in depth plot or character development? Assassin's Creed does, but it's happened over the course of like 3 games. The first AC had like zero character development (despite what Altair fans would lead you to believe :awesome: ).

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Surprisingly enough, AC rev built a whole new world from scratch with a completely new storyline/characters in record time and I'm surprised by how acclaimed it's become in such a short time.


Surprisingly enough, AC rev built a whole new world from scratch

Which is smaller than the previous ones

with a completely new storyline/characters

Which is just filler

Really, even though AC Rev is an excellent game I also think it would've been better if Ubisoft didn't go for the 'one game a year' route and instead jumped straight to AC3 with an extra year of development time.


Waiting for something
I swear I've heard this story before, but really come on, Type-0 has just been released in Japan and don't even get me started on Versus, not to mention FFVII's compilation isn't finished and they want to try and release a new FF every year or two? I would say someone really needs to tell SE to get their priorities straight but I think we're all tired of singing that song.


little nerdling
No, Squeenix, the best way to keep fans interested in the franchise is to consistently produce well-made, envelope-pushing games with compelling, unforgettable stories and characters.... you know, like you used to when you were just Squaresoft.

That statement just shows they've completely lost touch with what made the FF series so great. ;_; My childhood just died.
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