Cat Rage Room
Great Old One
- Mog
From TV Tropes
A sequel to the classic mod Team Fortress Classic, itself based off of a mod for the original Quake, Team Fortress 2 has exactly the kind of story elements a multiplayer-only shooter should have: interesting settings, awesome character classes that each have a distinct personality and can be easily recognized just by their silhouette, and an Excuse Plot that stays All There in the Manual. Said Excuse Plot, in its entirety, is "The other side is the enemy. You've been hired to shoot their asses off." For the average player, it really doesn't get any more complicated than that. Crack that Manual open, though, and it's a different story ...
In short, Team Fortress 2 is fun as shit. A team based, class based, item heavy FPS, I got into this game a few years ago in college when it was first released. Since then, it's gotten a bunch of gameplay updates, limited but not including; Crafting, a bunch of new weapons, a ton of new game modes, and a strange obsession with hats. Oh yeah, and it's free. Generally speaking, if you have a decent computer, have even a passing interest in FPS, and would appreciate some class and RPG customization options in said FPS, I seriously recommend you pick this up.
Like I said, it's free.
BUT NOT ONLY THAT, obviously I play too and mostly because I lost my previous profile and am starting my shit over, I'd really like to play with you guys as well, even if not TF2, just add my Steam profile so I can maybe play some other games as well. I figure if we have enough people interested in TF2 or some other game, we could start community matches or something like that.
Also, it's free. Come on, bro.