Tekken Hybrid
Just thought some people might be interested in this. Its coming out towards the end of the year and includes the film Tekken:Blood Vengence, Tekken Tag Tournament in HD and a prologue to Tekken Tag Tournament 2 which is coming out to consoles next year.
Trailer for Hybrid
Trailer for Blood Vengence
Now, from what I've heard the film isn't great even with the director of Tekken, Katsuhiro Harada having a major input for it. Ling Xiaoyu is the main character, with Alisa Bosconovitch being the supporting and there's this random new boy Shin, with people like Jin and Kazuya (which the Tekken story has always revolved around) getting not as much screen time, there is also only a small minority of Tekken characters in the film.
English dub (it's been released in America first hence there being more reference to English dub trailers rather than the Japanese dub...has anyone here actually seen it) and lip sync are apparently awful (no surprises) but there are supposed to be some good, funny moments and the fights are supposed to be excellent, the animation does indeed look fantastic though. There's something else, it's supposed to be set between the fifth and sixth tournament, also Lee Chaolan and Ganryu play teachers in the film so I'm wondering how canon is this film exactly, its probably not, I think its more fanservice than anything else.
I for one would rather enjoy replaying Tekken Tag 1 in full HD and a prologue for the new one seems interesting. Actually one of the things I'm looking forward to with the new Tag Tournament is Jun Kazama has been brought back
