The Abuse Of Science In Final Fantasy 7


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
The problem with this is that everyone who was the cause of all the experimentation is already dead. Everyone who is currently at Shin-Ra (and there's hardly anyone as it is) didn't have a part in it. So a further punishing of Shin-Ra seems more like revenge.

Interesting thought: Shin-Ra started out as a weapon manufacturer. They then got into energy and finally experimentation. At this point, I'm wondering what's to stop the WRO from taking the same path before or after Reeve leaves. After all, they don't claim to be a company, only security force, but we all know how quickly that can change.If you really want to freak yourself out, go research what types of experiments Nazi scientists were running on Jews and other minorities in the death camps. It's just... wrong. A lot of why they did this has to do with the fact they didn't view Jews and minorities as being human. Let's just say Hojo would have been right there in the thick of it. Actually, I wouldn't be surprised if that was where SE came up with his characterization.

Oh,man that is just plain fridge horror.In this case we are dealing with people who have the same mindset of the Nazis.You know what this is why Hojo scares me even more than Sephiroth because Sephiroth you know is just a villain made up from the stuff of fiction.However,Hojo on the other hand has unsettling and frigtening realism to him that creeps people out.Mainly because like you said there have been people like him.Sephiroth might scare you because he is a force to be delt with but Hojo he scares you because he actually might have a chance of having a real life counterpart.And people have done horrible things in the name of science or just pure sadism.

Yeah,its wrong to punish people who had no involvement but the fact that President Shinra approved of so many things that at times I find him as equal a monster as Hojo.Or the fact that Hojo was willingly to experiment on his own son speaks volumes about how horrible he is.As horrible as Sephiroth is just thinking about what kinda of person who is willingly to put his son through a childhood of experimentation shows how he even didn't view his own son as a human being.Thats just the definintion of being a sociopath.Also Hojo's obsession with making Sephiroth a perfect being is probably more of an extension of his madness and selfish sadism.Actually now that I think of it he reminds me a little bit of Ghetsis from Pokemon.And now that I have thought deep and hard about it Hojo is defiantly one of Final Fantasy's most terrifying villains in the franchise.
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Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
IT did, in Auswitz. Do some research on a guy named Joseph Mengele.

I have heard about that guy.And just reading about the guy makes my skin crawl.He's like Hojo in real life and most of the stuff I have read about him are actually simliar to what Hojo did.That similiarity just makes Hojo even more dastardly in my opinion if he was based on Joseph Mengle.


Pilot of the Sephiroth_Zero
That damn sephiroth woman
I have heard about that guy.And just reading about the guy makes my skin crawl.He's like Hojo in real life and most of the stuff I have read about him are actually simliar to what Hojo did.That similiarity just makes Hojo even more dastardly in my opinion if he was based on Joseph Mengle.

Actually, he's based on the Head scientist of unit 731.


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
Actually, he's based on the Head scientist of unit 731.

I looked up Unit 731 and man it was just horrific as the Nazi experiments.

If Hojo's experimentation was based on what went on there then man I officially think truth is more horrifying than fiction.Then again the Japanese are really ashamed of the things that were done during World War 2 and this is just one of them.

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
I was going to mention the stuff the Japanese did, but given this is a Japanese game... I decided against it.

Actually, I think the reason FFVII has such staying power is that it's one of the few games in the series where the reason there is a villain in the first place translates into real life so well. Most of the villains in the other games don't. We might not ever be capable of producing something on the level of Sephiroth, but the process used to create him and drive him mad is in this world as well. The fantasy setting of FFVII serves to point out how wrong this type of thing is as we can't ignore it in the game like we can in real life. That's what makes Hojo so freaky. We can actually understand why people in the game would overlook and not want think about what he's doing, because that's what we do in real life.


Pilot of the Sephiroth_Zero
That damn sephiroth woman
Or the fact from some implications throughout the franchise that Sephiroth's childhood was probably on a lesser scale of horrible than Deepground.Actually Sephiroth's path to being a psychopath were ineffitable mainly because they thought of him as a weapon and not a person at all.This doesn't excuse the Tvsiets or Sephiroth of their actions.Now that I think of it Shinra should be getting more punished for their crimes more severly.The fact that they would put children through that kinda of hell hits home to me of real cases in real life when people use children for their own twisted experiments.

Ah, the may plot holes of FFVII. We try so hard to fill them in. The fact that Sephiroth had friends proves that he wasen't completely anti-socialised by wathever he may have faced growing up. A lot of people critisize his lack of motivations, but the things is, he has none. He's a monster and so, well, do what monsters do. The essence of tragic characters is determinism, don't forget. That said, remember that FFVII is mostly allegoric. In truth we are overanalysing it and seeing elements that the creators never entended.


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
I was going to mention the stuff the Japanese did, but given this is a Japanese game... I decided against it.

Actually, I think the reason FFVII has such staying power is that it's one of the few games in the series where the reason there is a villain in the first place translates into real life so well. Most of the villains in the other games don't. We might not ever be capable of producing something on the level of Sephiroth, but the process used to create him and drive him mad is in this world as well. The fantasy setting of FFVII serves to point out how wrong this type of thing is as we can't ignore it in the game like we can in real life. That's what makes Hojo so freaky. We can actually understand why people in the game would overlook and not want think about what he's doing, because that's what we do in real life.

You know about those old cauntionary tales that people for centuries have told each other to stir them from taboos.I think believe it or not media today are still doing that kinda of thing.And one of those taboos in today's world is abusing science.Mainly because of the atrocities done in the name of science and the aftermath it has brought.Humans might advance more and more but we are still at human nature still the same.

One taboo is essentially crucial to humans is when we overstep boundraries and stop caring about ethical lines.Are we willingly to overstep that line in the name of whatever goal we have?

Speaking of Hojo,I wonder what did he do to Cloud and Zack during those four years.I don't know about you but I have a feeling it wasn't pretty.Hojo is behind the reason why Cloud has the amnesia in the first place.It also shows how Shinra is willingly to put loyal members like Zack under Hojo's experimentation.Thats another piece of the puzzle of how Shinra views human life.They think of it as expendable and replaceable.
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