The best music of Final Fantasy VII


Fiat Lux
Has anyone mentioned this one yet?

I remember it playing as you run across Corel's railroad.

Good times.


Dedicated Fan
It may sound funny, but for me the least favourite track is The Great Northern Crater BECAUSE I was scared of the Ultimate Weapon...:O


Save your valediction (she/her)
The Great Northern Crater was one of my least favourite as well, but mostly because I hated that squealing instrument they use for the main melody. When the piano comes in half-way through though it gets so awesome. That song is one of the only instances in which I think Advent Children actually improved on the composition.

I don't know why everyone loves Rufus' Welcoming March so much. By the end of that sequence I hated it so much I wanted to die. It was funny in FFIX for about five seconds before my blood started to curdle again.


Lv. 25 Adventurer
I don't know why everyone loves Rufus' Welcoming March so much. By the end of that sequence I hated it so much I wanted to die. It was funny in FFIX for about five seconds before my blood started to curdle again.
Yep, it kinda fit the occasion well, but then every time you return to Junon you have to listen to that over and over. It's almost as bad as the Golden Saucer theme.


Save your valediction (she/her)
Actually, I love the Junon music starting on Disc 2, otherwise known as "The Shinra Army Wages a Full-Scale Attack" - the bridge of that song has the most balls-awesome trilling flutes ever, I used to run around Junon in circles just to listen to it.


wangxian married
Getting the obvious out of the way, Aeris' theme is one of my favorites. Second to that would be Lifestream.

But I also really liked some of the more unsettling music in this game, like Who Are You and You Can Hear the Cry of the Planet.

And any of the Jenova tracks are great.


alex is dead
Alex, Ashes, Pennywise, Bill Weasley, Jack's Smirking Revenge, Sterling Archer
Who Are You
Quality call right there.

This track and its companion piece are massively underrated and incredibly atmospheric.


I Am the Darkness, I'm the Monster

This track drove me near insane, when I was stuck in the Temple... Yeah, I actually got totally lost, before I figured out how to advance xD. Yet at the same time, I like this track... I have no earthly idea why.

As for favorite tracks, I have way too many favorites xD. Northern Cave is actually rather creepy, I will add.

~ Raz


Double Growth
The Great Warrior probably gets my vote as the best. As Tets said, that scene is really powerful and the song is perfect. When the drums kick in right about when Nanaki starts barking that he is the "son of Seto and will come back a warrior true to that noble name," I damn near lose it.

After that would be Judgment Day. I raved about it in my Final Dungeons retrospective. It's the most rousing theme for a final dungeon I've encountered.

Honorable mention goes to Oppressed People. I love that song :monster: It gets used again in Rocket Town, but it's definitely the Wall Market theme. It just fit it so well.


Rookie Adventurer
Judgement Day for me personally:

And I'm positivly shocked that no-one's mentioned this song yet:

That song is too awesome for words.
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Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
So many people have said lots of my favorites already so here's some favorites of mine that I don't think have been said yet.

Under the Rotting Pizza
Chase the Man with the Black Mantle
If You Open Your Heart

Like several people have said, it's easier for me to pick which songs I don't like.


Fiat Lux
I've always had a thing for Lurking in the Darkness, too:

It seemed like the perfect interlude when you were creeping around the underground.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
So many people have said lots of my favorites already so here's some favorites of mine that I don't think have been said yet.

Under the Rotting Pizza
Chase the Man with the Black Mantle
If You Open Your Heart

Like several people have said, it's easier for me to pick which songs I don't like.

I mentioned "If You Open Your Heart" and I thought I mentioned "Underneath the Rotting Pizza" but apparently I didn't :monster:

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
I totally did mention Under the Rotting Pizza though. But it deserves additional mention because it rocks. :monster:


Dedicated Fan
Cid's theme is definitely one of my favorites. But I love Judgement Day a lot. The Great Northern Cave is another. There's a few more though.

All in all probably Anxious Heart would be my favorite.

The Judgement Day is the best dungeon theme I´ve heard. It makes me feel like I´m fighting for something really big. ^_^

Ghost X

Besides One-winged Angel, Anxious Heart would probably be my favourite. Really sets the mood... if you are about to commit suicide or something :monster:. Its the only song from FFVII that I bothered to learn on keyboard.

Wolf Kanno

Memento Mori
Too many to list really. I love half the damn soundtrack:

Those Who Fight On - Probably the best Regular Boss theme in the series.

Main Theme - Just gorgeous.

Opening - Bombing Mission
- Great opening and one of the better ones in the series.

Aerith's Theme - Takes some of the melody from Aria Di Mezzo Carratere and makes another gorgeous track.

Tifa's Theme - I don't care for Tifa but she has a lovely theme.

Cid's Theme - probably the best Cid theme

nxious Heart - I feel it represents the mood of the Midgard section.

Turk's Theme - Gotta love them

Who...Are You? - Love creepy music.

On that Day, 5 Years ago...
- I love the Nibelheim flashback, its one of the high points of the game for me, this music I feel fit it very well.

- Awesome special boss theme and always made fighting Jenova a pleasure.

Other Side of the Mountain
- Its so peaceful but sad

Launching a Dream into Space
- I adore the use of Leitmotif with Cid's theme, just drove home the connection here.

One Winged Angel
- Awesome boss theme and up there with Dancing Mad and Battle for Freedom as one of my faves.

- I LOVE this track one of my favorite themes

The Great Warrior
- My other favorite track in the game, which is ironic cause I actually don't care for Red XIII, yet all my favorite tracks happen at Cosmo Canyon.

One Chosen by the Planet
- I still consider this more of Sephiroth's theme than One Winged Angel. Beautiful and dark.

Word's Extinguished by Fireworks - Really cute theme, I may have gotten Tifa originally for the date, but I still associate more with Aerith, despite Cait Sith having more ownership...

Listen to the Cry of the Planet - Really trippy track but I felt it was perfect for the Cetra Ruins.


Lv. 25 Adventurer
I mention only these non- or rarely mentioned ;-)

Most favourite:

Reunion - great especially in the Northern Cave. Not boring even after much AP levelling only with Movers ;-). Great harmony and melody.

Holding my Thoughts in my Heart - I feel really connected to this song, because it was the first FFVII melody I've ever heard (anyone played the PC Mt. Corel demo? Couldn't find any information about it :/)

Parochial Town - kinda jazzy ;)

Turks Theme - AFAIR nobody mentioned it! It's great what can one do with MIDI drums :D

Ahead on Our Way - just beautiful in its simplicity.

Cait Sith's Theme - great! Currently learning in the piano ;)

World Crisis (ff7ending2 audio) is really good, too.

Lurking in the Darkness, Don of the Slums (really interesting harmony effects), Still more fighting.

Only one hated piece - The Great North Cave - it would be good, if it was only there, but as a world's main theme it SUCKS.


Dedicated Fan
I mention only these non- or rarely mentioned ;-)

Most favourite:

Reunion - great especially in the Northern Cave. Not boring even after much AP levelling only with Movers ;-). Great harmony and melody.

Holding my Thoughts in my Heart - I feel really connected to this song, because it was the first FFVII melody I've ever heard (anyone played the PC Mt. Corel demo? Couldn't find any information about it :/)

Parochial Town - kinda jazzy ;)

Turks Theme - AFAIR nobody mentioned it! It's great what can one do with MIDI drums :D

Ahead on Our Way - just beautiful in its simplicity.

Cait Sith's Theme - great! Currently learning in the piano ;)

World Crisis (ff7ending2 audio) is really good, too.

Lurking in the Darkness, Don of the Slums (really interesting harmony effects), Still more fighting.

Only one hated piece - The Great North Cave - it would be good, if it was only there, but as a world's main theme it SUCKS.

Aaah...I love the "Reunion" track. I feel like it has some kind of healing effect when I listen to it :) On the other hand it reminds me of my confusion in the Northern Crater. (Sephiroth´s clones stuff :huh:)


Lv. 1 Adventurer
OMG! There are some that I love that have not been mentioned yet!

Some of my faves:

1) You Can Hear the Cry of the Planet

2) Lifestream


4) Trail Of Blood (I cannot believe no one else has mentioned this so far, I love it!)

5) Main Theme of FF7/Cloud's Theme

6) Aerith's Theme

7) Highwind Takes to the Skies

8) The Great North Cave

9) Weapon Raid

10) Opening Theme/Bombing Mission

And of course much more...


Dedicated Fan
Ok. I wrote "Interrupted By Fireworks" in my first post but there are so many other favourites. I just can´t help it :nah:. So, here goes: Aerith´s Theme, Reunion, Main Theme, Still More Fighting, On The Other Side Of The Mountain, Cid´s Theme, Tifa´s Theme, Great Warrior, Jenova and so on... Oh my. I really love this soundtrack.


Lv. 1 Adventurer
For me the "Main Theme" is the best one.

Did somebody ever notice:
* the second part of the Main Theme is actually the Interrupted by Fireworks theme?
* the music "It's Difficult to Stand on Both Feet" and "Trail of Blood" share the same "theme" (the first 4 notes from the Tuba on the first is the same first 4 notes the violines play slowly on second)
* Barret Theme and Mark of a Traitor are basically the same, despite the fact one is in Major tune, and another in Minor.
* The "Chasing the Black-Caped Man" music - after the intro (about 19 seconds) - the theme starts with the same 4 notes from the second part of the Main Theme - like "interrupted by F."

Some are easy to hear, some not so much. But it's just an example, there's a lot of theme-related material among the songs, but we can't recognize at first because although the songs share some the same notes, the tonality is different, orchestration changes, etc... someday I'll prepare a music-analysis of FF7 OST!
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