The Bigger Pom - KupoCon NJ 2.0

Are you going to Kupocon: The Bigger Pom?

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Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
Okay.... so I'm getting a little ahead of myself on this, it's not scheduled until June 29, 2019... but that's a year away now, so maybe we should get ahead of ourselves?

I was chitchatting with Lith about it briefly yesterday after also talking to Mr Channy about it in the car. We're already trying to get some funds sorted.. I mean, it's going to be expensive. I've got shit on my credit card tho from that stupid pin obsession Lith has got me on, but anyways~~..

It might be worth checking in, keeping a tab of who's going and maybe getting a early rise on coordinating together to save moneys. Like how it was done for the UK peeps, a bunch of you did the whole airbnb thing. With NJ and New York on the side, may or may not be a viable option. Lith indicated she'd prefer to stay within the hotel itself for ease at least that night, so maybe if we were in small groups of at least 4 sharing a room, we'd be able to get by.

I'll be flying solo for this one. Mr Channy clearly has no interest to go to NJ. But that's fine. I've always wanted to go to NY and I was gutted when I couldn't make it last year. So I'm going to want to do the touristy things... Go to Central Park, Times Square, maybe see the statue of Liberty... and for some of the out of towners who are coming down, might want to get in on this too and we can do some touristy shit together and do the airbnb thing after the con. Who knows? Some may only come in for the day/night of.. I wanna stay close to a week and see it all.

After my other thread for a tropical adventure the next year kinda flopped... I'm hoping there's a bit more interest generated in this :monster:


Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.
My plan for going next year was always there and it was for a week, too. After moving into a new place, paying out for a lot of things and unnecessary crap that doesn't really belong here, I'm going to fight to make this happen. I've ALWAYS wanted to go to New York and you can bet your sausages I'm going to spoon Tenny/Channy going!


Double Growth
It's a shame that it isn't in a city that's less shitty than Newark, lol. But I'm a little over an hour away, so I'll be there.


Pro Adventurer
This is actually happening right on my birthday, so I'd like to try and come to this. Depends on money and where I'm at in life though. :D We'll see!


NY? I guess it's one of the more accessible US cities, direct flights going there etc :monster:.

We'll see.


Hackermens extraordinaire
Yoshikage Kira
Is there more info I can find on this? Seems interesting. I've never travelled north, but this makes me wanna dust off my Reno, Prompto, and Crossdressing Cloud cosplay.


Pro Adventurer
Since the event is almost a year away, there won't be any new info on it just yet.

What we do know:

The event is on Saturday, June 29, 2019 at 10 AM - 6 PM
Location: Best Western Plus Robert Treat Hotel in Newark, New Jersey

Tickets go on sale October 2nd 2018.

And yes, I will be going. :monster:

I'm hoping that by the time we'll be able to order tickets we'll be able to reserve rooms as well. I'd like to knock out those two in one hit.


Hackermens extraordinaire
Yoshikage Kira
From what I googled so far it seems pretty cool. I'll more than likely make an appearance.


Chloe Frazer
Why is this back in Newark again? Or really Jersey in general? I'll probably go to hang out with you guys and if I recall correctly from London I think I have a free ticket for this. But I'm only going to do Thursday to Sunday cause I have other trip ideas for next year.

Also I want that pizza at Lombardi's we didn't get around to last time. I remember seeing a video on facebook some time ago about a place that made giant pizzas somewhere in NY, I must find this, I will eat all the pizzas.


Hackermens extraordinaire
Yoshikage Kira
Any tips for the northern parts of the US?
Can my alligator, Annie Mae, freely travel there and do I have to pay for her parking?
Also is there deep fried twinkie/chicken stalls at every corner?
What is the snow and how do I defend myself from it?


Pro Adventurer
Ok, you've mentioned alligators, fried twinkies, and chicken all in one post. You're obviously from the south.

Wherrrrrre? :kermit:


Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
Why is this back in Newark again? Or really Jersey in general? I'll probably go to hang out with you guys and if I recall correctly from London I think I have a free ticket for this. But I'm only going to do Thursday to Sunday cause I have other trip ideas for next year.

Also I want that pizza at Lombardi's we didn't get around to last time. I remember seeing a video on facebook some time ago about a place that made giant pizzas somewhere in NY, I must find this, I will eat all the pizzas.

I am also on board with checking out what might be the best giant pizza ever. I challenge you to a duel!


Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.
I know this hasn't been posted in for two weeks (and I've been not very active, sorry!), but I'm down for getting the hotels etc sorted as soon as the tickets are purchased. I'm practically just waiting for confirmation of what we're doing and then I can put my holidays in for work next year. This is most certainly still on my radar because I have to beat Liam's streak of KupoCon's, damn it!


Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
I'm down for booking hotels once shit is in order, or start setting up some chats to get it on a roll. How many can stay in a room? Totally want to bed with Lith, Flare, Ami, Tenny and Carlie :megusta:

I mean that's like... 3 beds...


Pro Adventurer
Well, I was thinking that when con rates for the hotel are released maybe it'd be possible for a group of us to get like a 2 or 3-room suite? Two people per room, and we might have a couch with a pull out bed. Just an idea.

Yeah, I plan on going all out with this trip. I'm gonna be saving up a buttload of money. I'll probably be turning it into almost a week long thing like I did with Big Pom.


Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.
I'm down for booking hotels once shit is in order, or start setting up some chats to get it on a roll. How many can stay in a room? Totally want to bed with Lith, Flare, Ami, Tenny and Carlie :megusta:
Fix'd. :monster:

We got four of us in one room for Pomtropolis, but I'd imagine it depends the kind of rooms that the hotel does. I wouldn't mind bedding sleeping staying in the same room with as many people as possible. More company and less money to spend.


Kingdom Hearts530

Pro Adventurer
I will most definitely be going! I'm localish (I live in/near NYC) so I probably don't need the hotel shit, but I'm TOTALLY down for going.

I really wish they'd done the convention in legit NYC rather than NJ (cuz Jersey... is Jersey), but eh. I'd totally be willing to show y'all around NYC though!


Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
Definitely profit. I think Liths got a good idea, if we can get adjoining rooms that would be a fun way to go about it. Maybe two adjoining rooms of two beds, so that could be like 8 people. Or fold out couches/hideabeds are also valuable options, I used to sleep on one as a kid a lot for fun. Either way I’m also totally fine with sleeping like sardines to cut costs. With my shitty Canadian dollar in relation to American I need to try cut costs as much as possible cause it’s an additional 25% for me.

I also want to do a week long trip. I want to see the Statue of Liberty, Times Square, famous nyc style pizza places. I wanna go full tourist.
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