Pro Adventurer
Not sure if this should be in the debate section or not, but I'll post it here.
Alright so The Golden Age of Gaming is over, with the rise of the Internet and online gaming, games are becoming more expensive and we are receiving less content.
It is true that, with things like Xbox Live, games are shorter, and have less intricate stories. Online play starts out with good maps, but as these grow old, you have to buy more maps as they are released, when they could have easily been fit into the original release! But why do companies do this? They are profit driven. Games are more expensive than ever but we receive less content and more online play, that means less traditional game, and more having to play with 12 year olds on a laggy Internet server.
Sure some of you might like online play, but look at the original Xbox, those games now cannot be played online, and in the future, the hours you poured into these games will all be deleted at the push of a button, what will remain is a 5 hour campaign for you to play.
And PC gamers have posted all over saying nothing is wrong with their games, well, I got a game called Total War, and I had to install something called Steam just to play that game on my PC. It served no purpose but to bombard me with adds whenever I wanted to play my game, and it added literally nothing else.
Other examples such as Alan Wake can be seen, the game was awesome, but had no online, so they could fit more into the game, and they did, but you have to download it!
"The Passing", from Left 4 Dead 2, you have to pay 7 bucks for stuff they could have included elsewhere!
Battlefield Bad Company 2, short campaign, but the online is what selling the game, you take that away and you aren't left with much.
What is truly sad, all the "extra content" that these companies sell would have never taken off if it wasn't for YOU, the gamers that buy this cheap crap. If you would all stand up and say no, we might start getting what we deserve from these $60/£37 games.
Theres my rant on the issue, please post your thought.
Alright so The Golden Age of Gaming is over, with the rise of the Internet and online gaming, games are becoming more expensive and we are receiving less content.
It is true that, with things like Xbox Live, games are shorter, and have less intricate stories. Online play starts out with good maps, but as these grow old, you have to buy more maps as they are released, when they could have easily been fit into the original release! But why do companies do this? They are profit driven. Games are more expensive than ever but we receive less content and more online play, that means less traditional game, and more having to play with 12 year olds on a laggy Internet server.
Sure some of you might like online play, but look at the original Xbox, those games now cannot be played online, and in the future, the hours you poured into these games will all be deleted at the push of a button, what will remain is a 5 hour campaign for you to play.
And PC gamers have posted all over saying nothing is wrong with their games, well, I got a game called Total War, and I had to install something called Steam just to play that game on my PC. It served no purpose but to bombard me with adds whenever I wanted to play my game, and it added literally nothing else.
Other examples such as Alan Wake can be seen, the game was awesome, but had no online, so they could fit more into the game, and they did, but you have to download it!
"The Passing", from Left 4 Dead 2, you have to pay 7 bucks for stuff they could have included elsewhere!
Battlefield Bad Company 2, short campaign, but the online is what selling the game, you take that away and you aren't left with much.
What is truly sad, all the "extra content" that these companies sell would have never taken off if it wasn't for YOU, the gamers that buy this cheap crap. If you would all stand up and say no, we might start getting what we deserve from these $60/£37 games.
Theres my rant on the issue, please post your thought.