The Elite Order of Cloud


Higher Further Faster


Should be obvious, this is a club dedicated to the main protagonist of FFVII himself, Cloud Strife! This is, of course, the same name as the Cloud club from ACF, which had obtained Elite status, an honor that only a small handful of clubs at ACF received.

So, please Discuss Cloud and all the different aspects about him, as well as why you like him, where he is going, and other things.

No LTD, please. There are other threads for that. This is about Cloud, not Cloud/Aerith or Cloud/Tifa.

moar banners to use in your siggies if you wish:​




Pro Adventurer
My favorite FF character! Count me in =D

I'm going to come back later to praise our chocoboy, because right now I'm a lil tired and sleeepy ;)


Higher Further Faster
Oh my, that femme!Cloud pic is fan-flipping-tastic! :monster:

Well, to start us all off, what do you guys think will be happening with Cloud in future installments of the compilation? Will he fight against Genesis? Will he have a prominent role? Will he be over his issues? lol


Your Mom
I'm extremely tired right now so I probably won't make sense but ... wasn't some big deal made somewhere about Cloud being the last living character with Sephiroth's cells or something? Was that in CC? This ring a bell with anyone? :P

Genesis will most certainly play a role in a sequel, but whether he'll be good, bad or somewhere in between, I can't decide. I really hope they don't dredge Seph up again. Though I suppose it will be hard for them to resist, what with his insane popularity. I'd like to see a new enemy and new challenge, but I'd like it to be with the familiar crew, with Cloud at the helm. No grown-up Denzel or any of that crap. My reasons are purely sentimental value. I played FF7 at such a volatile time in my life -- it was my escape from reality. And so I have a strong emotional attachment to it and its characters, warts and all.

I want to see Cloud the way I liked him best: his goofy yet heroic self that he was at the end of FF7. He can still be socially awkward, but please, no more sulking! I want to see that cheerful, driven guy again.

sorry for the ramble ...


AI Researcher
In the post-Nibelheim CC, people were after Cloud because he was the last one with pure Sephiroth cells, and he does seem to be the last one with them who's still alive anymore?

I'm going to wait to see what ACC brings :monster:

Now post KittenCloud in this thread too :monster:


Your Mom
In the post-Nibelheim CC, people were after Cloud because he was the last one with pure Sephiroth cells, and he does seem to be the last one with them who's still alive anymore?
Oh good. Glad I'm not imagining things. :monster:
Well I can't imagine why they'd introduce that angle if it weren't going to become an issue later.


Higher Further Faster
Ah, such good points you all bring up!

Yes, in CC Genesis and Hollander did want Cloud for his pure S-Cells. I don't know if he was the only one who had them, but certainly by the end of FFVII he was the only one still alive. This may yet play a role, and it would be a good way to kinda sorta bring back at least the memory of Sephiroth if not Sephiroth himself.

But what would Genesis want with pure S-Cells? He isn't degenerating anymore.

And I agree, 'Bella. No more sad Cloud. I want happy!dork Cloud. :)

And you mean this kitten, hitobito? :duhard:


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
S-Cells are Jenova cells.

C'mon people! Read the translations that this site hosts, it's why they're there ^_~

S-Cells are Jenova cells.

As for this club, I'm so glad that this has been reborn. Cloud's one of my all time favore FF heroes and I love seeing him in Dissidia.

I know its not really out yet in the US or Europe but if anyone wanted to discuss him as shown in that game, that'd be neat too. It's the newest depiction we have of him, thus far after all.

I do wish his outfit had more of a difference from his original, like all the other characters. That made me sad.
[quote author=Tennyo link=topic=377.msg10043#msg10043 date=1232507676]

Why has no one made this yet? :monster:[/quote]

Who would have guessed you would have made this. xD

And obviously, as Cloud being my fav character... I'm joining!!!
I'm curious to see how Cloud deals with being the (sort of) father figure for Denzel. Since Denzel wants the strength to protect people, what will Cloud do if Denzel asks Cloud to teach him the ways of fighting? Will there be a father-son or teacher-pupil conflict? Then again Square may want to avoid the mentality of Cloud being a parent and instead just deals with Cloud being Denzel's hero. Personally I find that approach to be less...full of risks.

So yeah, I'm mostly curious to see how his family life continues.
One small "hint" I'd like to see in a future title is this; the character you control explore Cloud's closet. If you look carefully, you can see a purple female dress there. ...... :monster:
A bit "out there" since his cross-dressing adventure came out of necessity and all Dissidia-references to this misadventure and his androgynous looks (which FF character isn't?) does not confirm that he is a transvestite, but it would be a funny joke.

I've been a fan of Cloud for quite some time, but recently I've started to find In a weird sort of way. It scares me. :-\


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
You're forgetting that in tactics Cloud can wear women accessories too... :monster:

And despite it being out of sure is strange how Cloud never ditched any of those key items after he used them once. I always thought that was weird.

That, and the whole panties thing.
[quote author=Makoeyes987 link=topic=377.msg10743#msg10743 date=1232746574]
And despite it being out of sure is strange how Cloud never ditched any of those key items after he used them once. I always thought that was weird.
Ah yes, I can see it in front of me...

*team decides they have to throw things away, Cloud goes through bag(s)*
Cloud "These Shinra HQ Floor cards... Nah, we can throw them away."
Others "But what if we ever enter Shinra HQ again?"
Cloud "We can't carry unnecessary weight."
Others "...What about those garments there?"
Cloud "There are no garments."
Others "Bu-"
Cloud "Let's mosey."

*visits Shinra HQ on disc 2*
Others "Nice going Cloud! Now we can't enter the highest floor to look for the remains of Rufus!! You happy for carrying that dress now?!"


AC pretty much concluded the rest of Cloud's personal conflicts, so in a future title I think the focus should stay off him. His story had run its course IMO.

Howeverm I do want to see Avalanche properly come together once more in some sort of fight, or adventure. When/if that day comes, then obviously Cloud will be the leader. Silly dork Cloud ftw :monster:

Also, for a future title, I want Cloud to make some sort of weird joke that no one laughs at. Just because.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
So who's gonna star in it? Genesis? Denzel? That hardly fits considering most of the Compilation titles deal with main characters, (barring BC since its essentially a self-insert Turks game).

Just because most of Cloud's personal conflicts from FFVII are over, due to FFVII being over, doesn't mean no new ones can't be written.

They're already going to have to write a new story from scratch given how most of the FFVII related loose ends are all but tied. But that doesn't mean shifting the main characters to the side. That'd be lame.


Oh, I didn't try to make it seem like Cloud should be a secondary character or anything. If there's a threat to the planet, then Avalanche goes to arms, and Cloud would be their leader, naturally :monster:

What I meant to say is that Ac and DoC in particular have been very character-driven stories, but the overall plots were a little compromised. I'd like to see in the next Compilation something alot more balanced, so that all of Avalanche plays a role. By not taking focus, I just mean I'd rather not have another title about Cloud freaking out over something... again. He should have his doubts and insecurities obviously, but not much more than any other party member.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
DC is probably definitely one that had its plot "comprised" but was still character driven. I just think they didn't try hard enough cause CC did it a lot better.

So you're kinda asking for something like...FFVI or FFXII. :monster:

I agree with you to a point. That would work really well if done right. Everyone would be important and have lots of characterization.


Agreed with DoC and CC. DoC had interesting stuff but it sorta fell flat. CC was muchmuch better, but I don't think that highly of its plot either.

Well actually, I was thniking more like FF9. FF6/FF12 didn't really have clear main characters, while FF9 had a very clear lead, but the lead's tory doesn't really alienate/overshadow any of the other character's importance to the story.

But that maybe just my bias, cuz IMO FF9 had the most ideally balanced story in terms of characters and plot.


Higher Further Faster
But of course! :monster: Any and all Cloud fans are welcome. :)

So tell me, why is if that you like Cloud so much? :)

For me it's because he's really an everyman that had something extraordinary happen to him. I like to draw parallels between Cloud and what little I know of Spiderman. :)


Pro Adventurer
I love Cloud for his epic badassness and handsomeness and...



Speaking more seriously though, I like Cloud for his personality, even his weak points I find pretty much endearing ;)


Carpe Diem
G's Apple
I wish I could just copy-pasta that very long, long, loooooong monologue I had at ACF about how I met Cloud... oh well.

Meet him a few years ago, when my older brother stole/kidnapped/borrowed/took/got AC and TSW from some dude at school and we watched them together. Then I snatched AC from him and watched it even more.
Now, that was before I knew what RPG meant :monster:

I loved the graphics, really and I did understand the story a bit and I thought this was actually a set of movies, so I asked my brother ''Where the f*** are movies from FFI to FFVI?!'' It took me a while to actually realize that they were actually a series of games. So, I begged my brother to find me a FFVII game, because I remembered that he once got a FFVIII, but I didn't play it, because the music wasn't playing.

As for Cloud... my first impression of him in a movie?

A douche.

The beginning of the game?

Even bigger douche.

After finding out his past?
Heartbreaking... but he was still a dork. :monster:

But I've grown to love him, because I just have a thing for blonds, blue eyes and tormented pasts. Heck, even my mom says he's a cutie. I also like what he become... like that song, ''From zero to hero.'' At first, he was just somebody and nobody, but then he rose up into a hero in the end (or rather, he got a nodachi in his gut and became a powerhouse of badassnes xD) I guess he embodies everything a boy dreams to be one day... a hero.
He's the ONLY guy whom I consider worthy of badass title (the other is my mom) :monster:
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