W51H progress
Recently I have acquired another W51H and it did have another Before Crisis Demo. This inspired me into trying new things to do to retrieve this lost game from the phone. I have kind of stopped due to the fact that well with someone like me, someone who isn’t this skilled in this stuff and with the way the W51H is, we ran out of ideas on what to do and help. So someone suggested a new idea and that is where we tried using a program called RevSkills but that didn’t seem to work. And then I was asked to use Portmon.
Portmon is a utility that monitors and displays all serial and parallel port activity on a system. It has advanced filtering and search capabilities that make it a powerful tool for exploring the way Windows works, seeing how applications use ports, or tracking down problems in system or application configurations.
When transferring Brew games to phones or in this case EZアプリ to a phone, you need a MySync cable. These cables are rare and they aren’t available to buy in stores anymore. But Buyee will rarely have them and the fact I found one is rare to begin with. With the MySync cable and Portmon to monitor the activity when using a program called MySync Biz.
MySync Biz is a program that can transfer various files such as images, movies and documents to the AU phones. I recently found this program and archived it as you can only get it by purchasing a CD copy of it.
So we tried using MySync Biz with Portmon and with the results we have determined this
“”it might be so that the phone doesn't validate the paths that are passed this way and it might be possible to read file from some path like ../../brew/mod/...””
Results for Portmon monitoring MySync Biz and W51H data extraction
So we tried using the Brew AppLoader and Portmon to read the file path for W51H. However Portmon couldn’t pick up anything. Brew App Laoder couldn’t even open the W51H brew folder. Not sure if this is due to me making a mistake or it’s something to do with the device itself. I don’t have experience in brew stuff.
So this is the so far progress in trying to save this game from the phone so far. With Ever Crisis coming I hope we get the original Before Crisis somehow (let me dream).
TLDR: Brew App Loader might give us access to the folder where Before Crisis is but not sure if the program AppLoader is the issue or it’s the W51H
Our problem so far: BREW App Loader doesn’t seem to detect the phone? Will test this on multiple AU devices first