The Final Fantasy XIV Thread [Dawntrail - 7.00]


Joe, Arcana
Grats on your down! I'm away from Eorza for a little while but I've been watching all of Lucrezia's savage videos. Mental :D


Pinkfish, Fish
Thanks, I'm pretty certain we wont be clearing A3 for a couple of weeks, it looks like only one or two groups out of all the EU servers have downed it so far and no groups on Cerberus have as of now, I get the feeling Corpse, Panda and I.B aren't far off though.


I still hold a subconscious grudge against Panda for all the shit they pulled with the hunts when they were first released. It seems to be community consensus on Cerberus that they're the dickiest FC around, though I've played with a few folks from there who were really cool.

I'm starting to feel the Eorzea pull again. Will probably login shortly and marvel at how behind on gear I currently am.


I'm currently in such a way that I have to grind to get to level 56 in order to be able to continue the story. Grinding really, well, grinds my gears. I'll do it in the next week or so, I'm sure, but I'm too busy to get much done with that most evenings this week, and I would hate to get to level 56, only to have to go to bed immediately because it took me 4 hours to get there.

I really am liking the story, though.


Pinkfish, Fish
I still hold a subconscious grudge against Panda for all the shit they pulled with the hunts when they were first released. It seems to be community consensus on Cerberus that they're the dickiest FC around, though I've played with a few folks from there who were really cool.

I'm starting to feel the Eorzea pull again. Will probably login shortly and marvel at how behind on gear I currently am.

Oh I remember that, it wasn't all Panda's fault, quite a few people had grudges against Panda and were ninja pulling then using /sh to blame Panda members for it. I saw one of my friends in Panda get blamed for ninja pulling multiple times when he was either crafting in Mist or offline at the time.

The actual core progression static in Panda weren't involved in that anyway, by the time hunts were out they were already BiS. Over the last couple of months that FC has had a massive clear out though and the second in command has taken over, I've seen him say that anyone who gives their FC a bad reputation will be removed from now on.

The thing with hunts is that it makes a large amount of the player base really toxic, and as soon as a hunt is pulled the go to FC to blame is Panda, the amount of times I've seen a hunt body pulled by someone on a mount for some un known player to start screaming it's Pandas fault in chat is stupid.

That being said I Panda aren't completely innocent, a few of them did ninja pull quite frequently, just no way near the amount that the server made out.

I'm currently in such a way that I have to grind to get to level 56 in order to be able to continue the story. Grinding really, well, grinds my gears. I'll do it in the next week or so, I'm sure, but I'm too busy to get much done with that most evenings this week, and I would hate to get to level 56, only to have to go to bed immediately because it took me 4 hours to get there.

I really am liking the story, though.

For me 56 was the worst level to grind, 57-60 are a lot faster, 59-60 is crazy fast.

By the way how is everyone finding the Moonfire Faire? It's my favourite event on the FFXIV calendar although it's not as good as last years.

If you want to get the tokens quickly synth 30 Battered Fish (level 5 Cul). You can buy the Haddock from the Festival Fish Vendor next to the hand in in Costa for 4gil, you can get the Olive Oil and Table Salt from the Sahagin Vendor in Western La Noscea, and Popotos can be bought for cheap off the Market Board or gathered from the Lvl16 nodes in Eastern Thanalan.
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Pro Adventurer
I'm currently in such a way that I have to grind to get to level 56 in order to be able to continue the story. Grinding really, well, grinds my gears. I'll do it in the next week or so, I'm sure, but I'm too busy to get much done with that most evenings this week, and I would hate to get to level 56, only to have to go to bed immediately because it took me 4 hours to get there.

I really am liking the story, though.

Don't forget the Challenge Log. The XP boosts it gives really help.

Also, I saw an article saying that the EU servers were going to be physically moved from Canada to Europe sometime before the end of the year. That is great for you guys on Cerberus who live in the EU. Do you guys here that are in Europe personally struggle with lag currently? I am a little worried about my latency going up after they make the switch since I am in the U.S. I already use Pingzapper since I was getting bad lag in dungeons, so maybe that will help.


Joe, Arcana
I've never had a problem with lag, personally. I've been on Cerberus the whole time and haven't experience latency our server issues outside of queue times during congestion.


I've had lag like... twice I think, in the whole time I've been playing the game. One thing we should watch for is the "used to it" effect though. Moving cancels a cast, and you can pretty much move a whole two seconds before your cast is complete - from what I've read that's a result of our "natural lag" on the EU side, but it's something we've always worked with so idk if it's any different closer to the servers. According to Reddit it's not.

Things that really matter - AoE for example - I've never noticed an effect at all. If I'm not in the targeting zone I don't get hit.


Joe, Arcana
That's just a result of server latency. Location of the server itself isn't going to change that. At this point that server latency is a part of the game and 'working as intended'.

I know a lot of WoW players that moved over to this and for them it's a big deal. At the end of the day, though, once you're used to it it has basically zero negative impact.


I definitely have some lag when it comes to AoE attacks, and it's super annoying. I have more of a problem with it on my computer than on Force's, which is odd, because I'm hard-wired to the Internet, and he uses wifi. Also, he experiences more "skipping" lag than I do. So I don't know what the deal is.


Joe, Arcana
Was fiddling with a screenshot earlier while waiting for something. Figured I'd drop it here. :monster:



Kissed by Fire
So I did my first ever dungeon at level 15 and its pretty intense. The others kept giving me hints how to be a decent tank and I tried... and we beat it. But it's pretty intense. If every dungeon is like that I don't know...


Joe, Arcana
You'll certainly get used to it after a while. Each dungeon comes with its own set of challenges but you'll pick up the basics of dungeon tanking in no time.


Joe, Arcana
When I started tanking I always told groups straight away as I got into the dungeon. People in FFXIV can be really damn supportive and I also got a lot of tips.


Pro Adventurer
I've never had a problem with lag, personally. I've been on Cerberus the whole time and haven't experience latency our server issues outside of queue times during congestion.

I've had lag like... twice I think, in the whole time I've been playing the game. One thing we should watch for is the "used to it" effect though. Moving cancels a cast, and you can pretty much move a whole two seconds before your cast is complete - from what I've read that's a result of our "natural lag" on the EU side, but it's something we've always worked with so idk if it's any different closer to the servers. According to Reddit it's not.

Things that really matter - AoE for example - I've never noticed an effect at all. If I'm not in the targeting zone I don't get hit.

Thanks, guys. That gives me hope that it won't really affect me when the servers get moved.


Kissed by Fire
Yeah that's what I did my second run and they gave me plenty of info. I also read up on turning the enemy away from the group so they can hit the backsides. So that's what I'm aiming for. Every now and then I can't sway one enemy away but I think I'm improving.

I can't believe how much more powerful the dungeon drops are. I made all my own hq armor but the drop I got was better still...


Joe, Arcana
Yeah that's what I did my second run and they gave me plenty of info. I also read up on turning the enemy away from the group so they can hit the backsides. So that's what I'm aiming for. Every now and then I can't sway one enemy away but I think I'm improving.

I can't believe how much more powerful the dungeon drops are. I made all my own hq armor but the drop I got was better still...
The other benefit to turning the enemy away from the group is to mitigate damage. A handful of mobs/bosses cleave and most enemies have a form of aoe (typically conal). By facing away from the group, the enemy will typically only target the tank with these abilities and so the group won't take any unnecessary damage.


Pro Adventurer
So I did my first ever dungeon at level 15 and its pretty intense. The others kept giving me hints how to be a decent tank and I tried... and we beat it. But it's pretty intense. If every dungeon is like that I don't know...

Don't worry. The game does pretty well with easing you into progressively more difficult encounters. When you are level 50+ you will do the level 15 dungeons again and think they are super easy mechanically.


Yeah, the dungeons do get betterer, even. Also, later on in the game you get to revisit those dungeons for a purpose - something that Other MMO That Should Not Be Named could learn from.


Kissed by Fire
I actually kind of like them now. If you do your job well people give you rep points...

On another note, does anyone have as hard of time as I farming hq skins? I just went through 75 nq skins and finally got 2. It's frustrating.
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Joe, Arcana
So 'The Rising' is happening right now. It's an event to commemorate the two-year anniversary of FFXIV:ARR. It's got a little questline along with some other typical event stuff. What's really cool, though, is the way this is overlapping with the 'Moonfire Faire' event which is also taking place right now.

You may already know that during the faire the cities get all decorated and fireworks even go off during the night to the Moonfire Faire celebratory music. Now, though, the music being played is from the anniversary event, which is a very chilling rendition of FFXIV's main theme. The result is night-time fireworks over a very nostalgic and haunting track. Excuse the eh quality and enjoy a video I just took.



Pro Adventurer
So, my main goal in the game the last few weeks has been leveling all the crafting classes in order to build an Airship for the FC, especially since they are supposed to be adding new content in the coming patches for exploring islands with unique monsters and gathering nodes using your airship. After a few million gil spent, I now have all crafting classes at 50+ except for Goldsmith and Alchemist, but I got Goldsmith high enough to contribute the required Goldsmith materials for the airship (level 42). 3 out of 4 of the airship parts are now complete. I will complete the last component once I get Alchemist to level 41 and can turn in the required mats.
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