The Final Fantasy XIV Thread [Dawntrail - 7.00]


Pro Adventurer
Mwha Ha Ha Ha! I now have Book of the Mad Queen! (ilvl 240 Anima weapon)

I'd post a pic, but as getting the ilvl 260 Anima weapon only takes around two weeks (or less) if you do it right; I think I'll wait.

The good news is that I won't have to spend 1k Scripture tombstones on the Sharlian weapon for my summoner and and can instead finish getting my ilvl 260 armor. It also means I can get the new PotD weapon for my Astro instead.

Speaking of PotD, give me a shout if I'm ever on at the same time you're on Jason. Floors 1-30 can totally be done by two people and Floors 31-50 can be done if you're careful/have a healer. And I've got a WHM to level...

Grats on the anima weapon! I still need 60 more points to finish my i240 weapon (so, 3/4 of the way there). I need to just force myself to run more than the expert roulette and it should go pretty fast.

Jason Tandro

Jason Tandro, Doc Brown, Santa Christ, FearAddict, Thibault Stormrunner, RN: Micah Rodney
Can I just say that I love that each content patch has its own unique logo? I know this is nothing new, most MMOs do it, but still they are all pretty damned cool. I think my personal favorite in terms of the sheer beauty of the design is either Dreams of Ice, Through the Maelstrom or As Light So Goes Darkness, but I love them all.



We have come to terms

no thanks to some scrub fucking tank almost getting us all killed at 5%

shit wait that was me


Jason Tandro

Jason Tandro, Doc Brown, Santa Christ, FearAddict, Thibault Stormrunner, RN: Micah Rodney
Famitsu Interview with Yoshida after NAS (translation)

Some interesting stuff in here.

I started watching the Mr. Happy video about this article but stopped because I hadn't even finished the 3.3 content before I started. Had a minor plot detail spoiled and was like "nope better rush through 3.4 before I do anything else."

On that front I did beat Xelphatol last night. Dat final boss was fun af.

Jason Tandro

Jason Tandro, Doc Brown, Santa Christ, FearAddict, Thibault Stormrunner, RN: Micah Rodney
Okay, fine I realize this may be petty but I had the most pathetic troll in my party today and I wanted to immortalize this event. In summary, I'm tanking and a noob DPS continually ignores my instruction to stop pulling aggro, which I promise was polite at first (hey, we've all been there. I made the same mistake my first dungeon). He finally pulls on the second boss and at that point I've had enough and decided to just let him die, backed up by the other DPS and the healer. He dies, we get back to the fight, win and then on the last boss he begins being a bitch, using our Limit Break on a regular enemy and not fighting, just emoting through the entire thing. I didn't even bother to kick the guy. I wanted him to watch us win so he would realize how pointless he was. And we did. And I felt good.

This video isn't public, I just wanted to share it with you all and a few FB friends who also play. I edited the video heavily to keep it under 2 and a half minutes and just so you would see the parts that matter.


Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
One thing I have noticed is that when I go DPS/Healer, it's pretty rare to find bad tanks who don't know what they're doing. When I go Tank though... finding bad DPS happens more often then not.

Jason Tandro

Jason Tandro, Doc Brown, Santa Christ, FearAddict, Thibault Stormrunner, RN: Micah Rodney
I always feel self-conscious Tanking. I actually prefer healing as, at least in the levels I've done so far, I am good at making sure people don't die but can also throw down as a suitable DPS. I realize high level content makes healing a full time thing and it becomes significantly less "relaxed" but I like being in the background and observing from mostly afar.

When I tank, I have to be the front-man and I have to make sure I hold aggro on all the things and it's very mentally intensive. I can't just slip into my tunnel vision like when I DPS (not that one should have tunnel vision as a DPS or else... well that happens).


Double Growth
Yeah I've only tanked a dungeon or two, both very very early ones, and I still found it super stressful. And I know those dungeons super well.

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
Oh yeah, tanking is the most self-conscious role, 'cause if you mess up, then it wrecks it for everyone else. I actually find dungeons worse then bosses as having to keep track of mobs is annoying. That said, tanking gets way easier on the Lvl 50 and 60 dungeons because you have your full rotation and stance systems. And you'll never forget specific dungeon pulls as a DPS/Healer ever again.

I find tanking bosses the easiest as they're the most predictable. Keep the boss positioned correctly, know what boss ability comes next and know how to use your cooldowns/debuffs correctly.

Out of all the roles though, tanking required the most environment awareness. I definitely wouldn't recommend it as the role to take when playing FFXIV for the first time (same with healing actually) because of that. It is the best class to get player commendations with though... :P

But man am I going to be happy when I get Paladin up to Lvl 50. I want my off global cooldown stuns back! and less abilities and more complex rotations.

*Obsidian likes her main classes to be complicated*


The Sublimely Magnificent One
Just so you know, using Provoke when you are already at the top of the aggro table doesn't do anything. All it does is put you at the top; it doesn't add any threat if you are already there. No need to work it into your combos.

Incidentally, given where you were at, be glad that the Bard was shitty. A good DRG or BRD will rip aggro from a pre-40 PLD every time, with nothing to be done about it :/


The Sublimely Magnificent One
Yeah I've only tanked a dungeon or two, both very very early ones, and I still found it super stressful. And I know those dungeons super well.

Tanking actually gets easier the further you get, especially nowadays with the majority of the players being synced down. Especially as a GLD/PLD, pre-tank stance tanking is Hell. I remember leveling my Archer in Sastasha, and I was effortlessly taking all the aggro from a decent PLD. I ended up having to cross-class Bloodbath so that I could just AOE heal myself through pulls.

Jason Tandro

Jason Tandro, Doc Brown, Santa Christ, FearAddict, Thibault Stormrunner, RN: Micah Rodney
Just so you know, using Provoke when you are already at the top of the aggro table doesn't do anything. All it does is put you at the top; it doesn't add any threat if you are already there. No need to work it into your combos.

Incidentally, given where you were at, be glad that the Bard was shitty. A good DRG or BRD will rip aggro from a pre-40 PLD every time, with nothing to be done about it :/

Yeah, I was kind of flustered at this point and even missing some of my combos (you'll notice twice in the video I use Rage of Halone without hitting phase 2 first.)

I generally keep Provoke there as my "oh shit" button for mobs, I try to keep all the hate with my 1-2-3 and Flash (and Shield Lob to start).

I'm told that Level 40 is the reckoning for Paladin's thanks to Shield Oath. As for pulling aggro from a tank, my main is a DRG. I know all too well. :monster:

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
Yes, Lvl 40 is when Paladin gets so much easier. Unfortunately, that's when all the dungeons get really annoying with pulls (Stone Vigil, Dzemael Darkhold, Arum Vale; who the heck decided wandering mobs and rooms filled with lots of mobs with large aggro ranges was a good idea?).
I remember leveling my Archer in Sastasha, and I was effortlessly taking all the aggro from a decent PLD. I ended up having to cross-class Bloodbath so that I could just AOE heal myself through pulls.
This happen to me in plenty of Lvl 60 dungeons when I go SMN. Doing two casts of Painflare with the Tri-Disaster/Bane combo when the tank hasn't grabbed enough aggro does it pretty well. Ruin III in Dreadwyrm trance is just the icing on the cake. It's gotten to the point where I make sure to target a different mob for every cast of Ruin III to prevent me from gaining too much aggro.


We have come to terms
see I wasn't even going to say anything about the rampart/convalescence on an enemy that gives up at 50% hp but you brought up that provoke

/tank main

god tanking as pld is the worst experience in the world while leveling; it's like having a pinecone shoved up your ass sideways compared to the much more fun and enjoyable warrior (who, incidentally, will almost never have aggro pulled off of it when in defiance, i.e. while running dungeons pre-52 [dps stance, deliverance, is gained at 52 and some people feel the need to tank in that stance, though personally I just prefer stance-dancing but hey that's me], at least when it comes to leveling

and then there's drk which is like having your first french kiss because it's mind-blowingly amazing from start to finish, but leaves you craving more when it's all over

what were we talking about again was it butts

speaking of which where's the butt slider at cmon SE you're dropping the ball

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
Yeah, 15 sec is quite the time crunch. I ended up doing a lot of practice and research to figure out the best use of that 15 seconds. Fortunately, SMN has a lot of abilities that have 60-sec cooldowns which makes for some fairly consistent rotations...

The best part is that most other DPS classes don't have to manage that kind of time crunch, so they feel like they have a lot more margin for error.

I have to say I like DRK best out of all the tanks. At any rate, it's the one with the most skills that I miss when I play as the other tanks. Especially it's Lvl 52-58 skills... Those are so much fun to use. Soul Eater as well, it's HP absorb is the most consistent self-heal for the tanks as it's not an ability.
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Pinkfish, Fish
I did something a bit naughty last night, I got a PB during a sale on A9S but we aren't allowed to upload sales to FFLogs. So to make up for it my Astro offered to feed me Balance cards for a normal A9S kill.

I'm now 1st in the world out of all healers on that fight with an over inflated parse of 2,551 DPS.

Yes I'm a horrible person


We have come to terms
I have to say I like DRK best out of all the tanks. At any rate, it's the one with the most skills that I miss when I play as the other tanks. Especially it's Lvl 52-58 skills... Those are so much fun to use.
if you ain't plungin', you ain't livin' life to the fullest

god I wish that skill was a 15s cooldown I JUST LIKE USING PLUNGE CONSTANTLY


Joe, Arcana
I can be a summoner and still use Carbuncle. Time to resub! owait lol I never unsubbed
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