The Jungle Book


Pro Adventurer
This is the first movie where full CGI creatures feel natural to me, something until this point only LoTRs had ever managed with Golum. I went into this movie expecting to be constantly taken out of the movie. If anything, it's Mogli's cgi stunt work that tended to break the immersion. But the animals are all spot on, and I'm totally ready for a Lion King and Little Mermaid movie next.

For a 'cartoon' Shere Kahn is probably one of the scariest portrayals of a sociopathic personality I've ever seen. It was a bold move for a movie still aimed at younger audiences. My hat goes off to Idris Elba.


The Sublimely Magnificent One
I saw this last weekend, and I've had nightmares of giant monkey Christopher Walken ever since.
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