The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks


It's like playing Resident Evil 4 on the Wii... knifing people by swinging the Wii remote is fun for like 5 minutes. Then you're like... okay, where the fuck is my controller

You can still swing the knife in RE4 with the buttons. I never used motion controls in RE4. But using the pointer to aim was awesome. :monster:

Alexia Ashford

Y'know, I wish more games now adays had harder puzzles.
That's what really hit me hard with things like the newer Resident Evil games and even teh Silent Hill ones... well I haven't played the newest one but 5 and Origins and even 4 were kinda like.... okaay... come on....

And Zelda's kinda been the same way but at least they keep it up with stories and whatnot.
But I miss the difficult puzzles that you have to actually think about instead of just running through it with no real trouble.

But I'm more of a puzzle oriented gamer than a fighting gamer I guess.

And that's one of the biggest disappointments for me in Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks. The only time I EVER have difficulty is when my stylus is pointed at one point and Link thinks it's going somewhere else. :/

Or when I blow into the mic when it tells me to and nothing happens.
I'm a flautist for cripes sake! I know how to manipulate a constant airstream.

Flautist just sounds awkward imo.
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