The Point of NO Return


Lv. 25 Adventurer
The Green Hat
Let it be known, that I have nothing but respect for what everyone does in life. Sometimes the road is bumpy! I am really grateful for what you guy's accomplish here too.

I apologize for being rash with anyone, any time before.

*** What happens when you take out Sephiroth from the game? You are left with options.***
***What happens when you take out Jenova from the game? You are left with no game.***

Would it be safe to say that FF7 is a Divine Comedy?

Here is some research I found in regards to who actually run's Shinra.

I don't even know if this information has ever been presented either.

Please wear a seat belt....

MY RESEARCH is primarily from FF7 / online research. I have beaten and played crisis core and dirge. As well as most of the kingdom hearts.

Who is the person pulling all of the string's at Shinra?

Is it Rufus Jr? I don't think so, because those guy's are ok. And besides, look what happened to his old man when he ran the company.

How does the enemy usually know what is going on?

Take a look at the materia Enemy Skill. What is perhaps the easiest way to get all of them? If you know how to MANIPULATE.

Let's find the path of least resistance for Corruption by using original character names. ( Remember Cait Sith is Reeve ) Add up the fact's to it all.

Cloud Limit 4 - Loved- Past Covered- No more Shinra
Tifa Limit 4 -Loved- Past Covered - No more Shinra
Aerith Limit 4- Loved- Past covered- No more Shinra
Barret Limit 4- Loved- Past Covered - No more Shinra
Nanaki Limit 4 -Loved - Past Covered- No more Shinra
Vincent Limit 4 - Loved - Past Covered - No more Shinra
Cait Sith Limit 2- Questionable- Questionable - Questionable
Cid Limit 4- Loved - Past Covered- No more Shinra
Yuffie Limit 4 - Loved - Past Covered/ Kind of / no shinra
If you asked Aerith to look at this she might say, look's about right.

What if you asked Jenova? She might say
"Oh look there, half the potential and twice the voice."

Shinra, one hand washes the other! Corruption is not given, it is transferred. Does anyone know what a sith is?

My last piece of information is this.

None of the magic in all of the Kingdom Hearts would not be possible for one fact.

"With out a keyhole, there is no Keyblade"

Sad, but maybe true?

The Best news about it all??

If you have watched Advent Children. You know how Aerith feels about 'what if's'
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Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Hang on, are you suggesting Cait Sith is behind it all? and Aerith knew/suspected? but then why didnt she say anything? :huh:


Lv. 25 Adventurer
The Green Hat
Yes exactly. IF Reeve is conduit for Jenova's will ( the head of shinra ) sephiroth would be the strong arm. err arms.


If everything I say is a farce, then it is also IMO that Square will release more information of Reeve's family and past with Shinra.

If you take out an evil genius from the story line. who would sacrifice themselves for the black materia? Sephiroth is to busy float'n around and stuff.

What I was implying about 'what if's' is that Aerith openly welcome remnants into the promised land or where ever the heck she is at. At least she did for Kadaj, eh?
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Lv. 25 Adventurer
The Green Hat
If you take the idea, and ride the drift out. What would be next?

How about an Epic return of Meteor


Lv. 25 Adventurer
The Green Hat
If you read Loveless. Destruction and Creation remain in Silence, IMO

Anyone know what became of Shinra Urban Development?

I don't..
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Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
This is like the Da Vinci Code or something :lol:


Lv. 25 Adventurer
The Green Hat
Hah yes it sounds very similar. It's pretty well known that you can't point a finger at someone with out pointing 3 finger's at yourself.

Sephiroth always call Cloud a puppet because so is he. I mean most of Disc 1 you are chasing after him, only to find out that it was Jenova the whole time.


Pro Adventurer
Isn't there already a thread discussing a conspiracy theory where Reeve is secretly the evil mastermind of the compilation or something?


Lv. 25 Adventurer
The Green Hat
I am going to see if I can find it. Thanks!

If it is true I have included MEGA spoiler information in my Fan Fiction.

Feel free to gander, comment too!
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