The seven best lines of dialogue in FFVII


Pro Adventurer
7 best boobs - just so we can anger Tifa haters again. :monster:
Yes, but which would win: Tifa's left or Tifa's right? :P

Here are some things I thought of:

  • Seven best challenges (either self-imposed, like a White Mage Only game in the original Final Fantasy, or built in to the game, like getting the Excalibur II in Final Fantasy IX)
  • Seven worst storylines / plot devices (I expect FFVIII would feature at least twice, with memory loss and time compression)
  • Seven most powerful game-breakers (e.g. getting the Zodiac Spear as early as possible in Final Fantasy XII)
  • Seven most memorable enemies (from Final Fantasy VII, probably)
  • Seven best minigames/sidequests
I like Avec's idea of the seven best FMVs as well.
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