The Seven: most appropriate character themes


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Can't really argue with any of those, although there are others I wish had been included, but that's seven-song lists for you :monster:

Also isn't Those Chosen by the Planet Sephiroth's theme?


Pro Adventurer
I would have said so as well, but OWA picked up three nominations, and I can't think who else it would represent. :monster:


Kind of a shame we've only got songs from three games - VII is overrepresented as always - but I'm not complaining, them's the votes. I think VI, VII and IX have the best soundtracks anyway, so it's perhaps not surprising that they also have the most memorable character themes.

I'll write up the article shortly. Thanks to everyone who nominated!

Sadly FFVIII is the only game with no character themes at all, or I'd have nominated one from it since it has one of the most diverse and beautiful soundtracks in the series (IMO).


Ooooh Salty!
roxas9001, Krat0s9001, DarkSlayerZero
Sadly FFVIII is the only game with no character themes at all, or I'd have nominated one from it since it has one of the most diverse and beautiful soundtracks in the series (IMO).

With VIII, you have to pick what theme most likely would go with who.

The Oath pretty much goes with Squall.
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