The Shera was built by Cid...and wasn't?


AI Researcher
北瀬 そう言えば、一時期、『VII』の続編作ろうかって話を野島さんとしていたことがあったよね。
I think this was more 'taking about making a sequel to FFVII' with Nojima than making FFX a sequel to it. The interviewer sounds surprised about the idea that FFX and FFVII, and Nojima seems to be satisfied with FFVII and FFX being linked rather that going on with the sequel idea (『VII』は気がすんだかなと。)

I was wondering if this was more 'telling too much [of the story]' by adding new parts of the story. Like you could spoil the story by adding too much to it. (then they went and made ffx-2. and last mission. and x-2.5 which was definitely a case of going too far)

I read this as him, having added this epilogue thing, it made him think or realise once more (改めて思いました) how well made/put together FFX was.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
On the first one, you may be right. I took the header for that section of the interview (『FFVII』と『FFX』はつながっていた!?) as paraphrasing the interviewer's reaction during the interview itself (『VII』の続編ですか!!), but maybe it wasn't meant to be read as such.

I kind of had to guess at the subject in that one thanks to Nihongo shenanigans being what they are.

With that second bit, that's what I was going for with the "Is it saying too much?" line (e.g. "Is less more?"), but maybe I didn't choose clear enough wording. That's why I had thought that line is hilarious, though. XD

"Is it going too far? Well, best not to worry about it -- let's just make X-2, connect it all to VII and then write a shitty erotica fanfic."

I think you're definitely right about that last one, though, and I'm going to adjust that line a little bit. It does seem to be that he's saying "Upon coming back to it and thinking about it a second time in the course of adding this epilogue, one realizes just how perfect the original was, etc." It's still part of that same thought process (how difficult it was to add to X), but I misunderstood the second half of the sentence.

Thanks! :monster:
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AI Researcher
I read the ~ですか!? less as 'it is' and more... I don't know, some vague concept that exists in my head :monster: like they're just repeating what he said to get clarification, more like you just said 'a sequel to VII??' in English.

I read 'saying too much' as Nojima thinking he had said to much, but maybe that was just me.
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