Fiat Lux
- Masa
^63 hours!? O_o I'm pretty sure I've logged that on Dark Souls just trying to make it to Blighttown O_o Teach me this sorcery O_o Only, y'know, not in the game because my magic's crap
I guess once your ass has been pounded by the first two games, the third one doesn't hurt so bad?
Joking aside, magic is your friend, especially for newbies who get fed up of swinging their sword at a brick wall.
I wanted to make a Paladin build in DSII, so I choose Cleric as my starting class and sunk enough levels into Faith until I had enough to cast the Lightning Spear. Then I spread the rest across the board, primarily topping up my Strength, Endurance, Attunement, Vigor and ofc Faith. Don't think I touched Adaptability. I devoted some time to Sunbro'ing in order to obtain the Sun Sword which scales with Faith, and finally the Sunlight Spear spell. I like to think I was channelling the spirit of Solaire. \0/
Most annoying area for me was the Shrine of Amana, because of those damn spellcasters and their ridiculous range + homing missiles. It's manageable with a bow, but it felt poorly-designed and I didn't appreciate how the game was practically forcing you to adopt one specific strategy. Probably one of the rare examples where the 'artificial difficulty' tag seems apropos.
Does anyone know if the PC version of Dark Souls 2 has a boxed retail version? Or is it only available digitally?
Last I heard, the retail version's already out, except for in the UK where it's been delayed until May 2nd. That doesn't affect the digital release, however.