The Soundtrack


Garden Festival Retiree
On my latest trip through the game, I'm amazed by just how often Anxious Heart plays. And the variety of situations to which it does. It speaks to the success of the presentation that, despite this, the song is strongly linked to Nibelheim, Cloud, and Tifa in my mind.

Anxious Heart is one of my favorite tracks. You just explained to me why, thank you! :D


Speaking of Anxious Heart

Also I always assumed this song was named for Tifa (specifically how she feels about who Cloud is for these important moments in the game).


Double Growth
I definitely always thought so too. Partly why I was so surprised by the other situations it played in. Not a problem, just notable. Like how Oppressed People plays in Rocket Town, but it will always be "the Wall Market theme."

And I wish I could fingerpick guitar like that.


Pro Adventurer
BitSymphony has some nice remixes, though they're generally not quite what I think would be suited for the remake, though some come close.

Sounds pretty close to what I figure the updated track will probably end up being.

Mako reactor
The bits that sound like they're supposed to be sounds from the mako reactor don't sound quite right to me for some reason.

Shinra Corporation

As nice as it is, it feels like something's missing, posisbly a layer of the counter-melody. There's a lot going on in the original version so I wouldn't be surprised.

The Great Warrior Seto
It would probably be better off starting softer.

Birth Of a God
A bit too quiet.

Judgement Day
Needs more of that percussion sound or whatever in the beginning.

Forested Temple


Flowers Blooming in the Church
Probably my favorite.

What do you think?

Listening to that Judgement Day one, I can really hear Nobuo's sound in it. It makes me think of VI and some of his earlier games.
Now I'm feeling nostalgic.


Mostly curious on how they're gonna recreate J-E-N-O-V-A and Jenova Absolute. Both are timeless and I've never heard of any fanmade versions that came close.
I hope that if a new vocalized song (apart from One Winged Angel) is added to the soundtrack that it won't be some pop song. I'd prefer it to be something somber yet hopeful and with lyrics specifically meant for Final Fantasy VII. Perhaps some rearrangement of the AC Promised Land theme, maybe translated to Japanese/English and with some edited lyrics.


Just came across this and I have to say, this might very well be the best cover version that I've heard of the theme - similar to the original, yet different enough to be interesting, and non of that metal BS that seems to infest almost every cover version of the battle themes of the game.

Good stuff.
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