The Unused Content Of Crisis Core | Highlights

Many fans are familiar with the unused content of the original Final Fantasy VII. However, even the Compilation of FFVII has its fair share of secrets that lay dormant in the game files. In our new TLS video we highlight some of the hidden material that exists inside Crisis Core:FFVII.

Note: Cutscene comparisons in the video is best enjoyed in full screen.

Written By: Shademp​
Narrated By: Fancy​
Edited By: Claymore​

Thank you to Claymore and Fancy for making this video become an awesome reality. <3
I don't remember ever telling @yellow condom cid how I personally pronounce my full alias. She's one of the very few people to get it right and for that she gets the biggest cookie.

Pronouncing it as Shad-emp is alright though. The short A is accurate after all if you're simply referring to me as "Shad".

I thought I got the idea for using Zack's voice clips from the GameTrailers review of Crisis Core but upon rewatching that video I seem to be misremembering. Might be the case that some of their other reviews played more with having game character voices reacting to the narrator.



I don't remember ever telling @yellow condom cid how I personally pronounce my full alias. She's one of the very few people to get it right and for that she gets the biggest cookie.

haha it's funny, I only knew this bc when I was going through member spotlights for the anniversary party trivia game, I came across your post explaining the origins of your name. :wacky: That and I vaguely remember some folks saying it correctly on vc. Wanna say it was Darth and mayhaps Roger?

Ty for the cookie anyway!!
i say 'shad' to rhyme with 'fad' but 'shademp' as 'sha-demp'

wait that's not the topic of this thread
We could always pretend it's tangentially related since clearly I have a shop in Crisis Core. :monster:


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