The unused 'Palmer scene' of the Honey Bee Inn

It may take a long time until we get a translation. I may decide to frontpage it if I can figure out how to make a recording of the PSX version of "Comical". I used HyperCam2 for the video, but I need to find something for sound only. Last time I checked there wasn't any software for directly ripping the music from the PSX game, so a recording is my only option.

Then after that I would want to figure out if I can host a downloadable link somewhere, but I've never done that. What site should I use? Which one does not require me to pay anything?

Speaking of, is the game's event code (as in scripted events) written in C / C++ or some scripting language? I'd imagine the latter - developing and tweaking such events with a compiled language would suck, plus the scripters would have to learn a language only intended for tha r33l pr0z.

This is how Makou Reactor shows it.

Though some programs like Meteor (although I'm not sure if people use that anymore) can show the script in two forms.
Raw style:

This is of course as far as the field script goes. I've never tried to change any other part of the game.

Say Cthulhu, would you be up to hacking any part of FFVII? I got quite a few dream projects which require programming skills that I completely lack.
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Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Neill Corlett made a program called Highly Experimental which can rip the raw information for music directly out of a PS or PS2 game and then play it back. Might want to look into finding a copy of that. I don't know anything about it or how it works other than that it exists and what it does.


Rookie Adventurer
Hah, good luck with that :monster:. C / C++ doesn't decompile easily (if at all), at least not as easily as modern languages like Java etc, which retain some information about their original format.

Reading Assembly / machine code is what it's all about, and even then it's doubtful anything that makes sense can be found.

Speaking of, is the game's event code (as in scripted events) written in C / C++ or some scripting language? I'd imagine the latter - developing and tweaking such events with a compiled language would suck, plus the scripters would have to learn a language only intended for tha r33l pr0z.

Decompiling usually varies in difficulty in C/C++ depending on the obscurity of the libraries utilized in the source code. As far as the actual action sequences go, I'd assume that they were programmed using a customized game engine written in C++ that consisted mostly of simplified function calls and resource management tools.
I had trouble getting a recording of the "Comical" track and my plate is already full of stuff that needs to be done so I decided to make a frontpage article about the video anyway. It is sort of silly to make the frontpage article this late but hopefully it will spawn more hits for the site.

Part 4 in my Unused Text series will cover the unused Honey Bee Inn content in its entirety. I can't say for sure unfortunately when the article will be online.
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Jump Rope Champion
Vivi, Setzer Gabbiani
Is it okay if I bump this? I was just wondering if there is any progress on the translation for this.
Is it okay if I bump this? I was just wondering if there is any progress on the translation for this.

Annachuu made a translation summary for the Palmer scene:
"What I could make out was that Palmer was having fun at the Honey Bee Inn, and when he asked (incredulously) what the manager was doing there, the manager replied that "he was there for marketing purposes", in which backfired when one of the Honey Bee ladies implied that the manager was a regular there, esp with said lady. What's more, that very Honey Bee lady happened to be Palmer's "honey" and Palmer was obviously not very happy about this and chased the manager."

GlitterBerri has made much progress translating and replacing the kanji, so soon enough the fruits of our work will be revealed. Part 3 in the Unused Text series will be online very soon and after that Part 4 will deal with the Honey Bee Inn in its entirety. I'm sorry about the wait, but I promise that within a month you should see Part 4 published and with that all the Honey Bee Inn material.
I feel an obligation to inform the people that, unfortunately, it is not clear any longer when Part 3 will be online. It is finished with the exception of some of the retranslation. GlitterBerri is doing her very best, but even someone with years of experience require expert advice and her usual helpers are rarely available these days.

I deduce that we are to expect this trend during the summer, when most people diminish their online life and go away on vacation etc. Even so, be assured that both me and GlitterBerri are doing all we can to bring the goods. Thank you all for your patience.


Jump Rope Champion
Vivi, Setzer Gabbiani
Do whatever you have to do. It's amazing that you found this piece in the first place.
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