Having not received any critique, I guess I shall go straight into it. A seed system might have been better, but I have simply used RANDOM.ORG's list randomizer. There are three instances below where groups from the same universe clash, but I swear I have not rigged anything
I will put this up for critique again, if people would prefer a seeded system for example. If that's the case, feel free to make recommendations, if a seeded list randomising generator exists =p.
I'll then start making polled threads for this.
1. FFVII: AVALANCHE Ravens VS FFVII: Shinra Inc.
2. FFII: Wild Rose Rebellion VS FFIX: Lindblum.
3. FFXII: The Resistance VS FFX: Al Bhed.
4. FFXII-RW: The Aegyl VS FFVIII: Esthar.
6. FFVIII: Galbadia VS FFXIII-2: Caius's Army.
7. FFVIII: SeeD VS FFT: Knights Templar.
8. FFIX: Cleyra VS FFIX: Burmecia.
9. FFII: The Palamecian Empire VS FFXIII: Guardian Corps.
10. FFIV: The Baron Kingdom VS FFVI: The Gestahl Empire.
11. FFX: Yevonites VS FFIV: The Dwarf Kingdom.
12. FFXII: Kingdom of Dalmasca VS FFXII: Rozarrian Empire.
13. FFT: Nanten Knights VS FFXII: Archadian Empire.
14. FFXI: San d'Oria Military VS FFVII: Wutai.
15. FFXI: Windurstian Military VS FFIX: Alexandria.
16. FFT: The Hokuten VS FFXI: Bastokan Military.