The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt


Dark Knight
Seph Stampede
It'll take me even longer, it's on hold until I clear Arkham Knight.


.. ? ..
King of the Potato People
I'm not buying Arkham Knight until I've finished this, and I think I'm no where near finishing this yet. :monster:

I'm currently level 20 and searching for Witcher gear in the Skelligan Isles. I regretted playing on Death March (Very Hard difficulty) initially but now I'm glad I did. Beating monsters feels like much more of an achievement than it would have on easy mode.

I told Triss I love her, told Yen I don't.
I'm curious to what I've missed out on with Yen but that can wait for another playthru. :wacky:

To anyone on the fence on this one it's worth getting. :)

Mayo Master

Pro Adventurer
Pfew! Finally kicked Eredin's butt. Took me long enough to finish this game (although I prefer to take my time in RPGs). It was really awesome. I think my favorite moment must have been the mini-quest about the allgod :D


Phantom Lord
I only just finished the Bloody Baron questline and I've clocked 30 hours. I get a feeling I'm not even that far into the game either. Good grief.


Well hello thread

I just finished TW3 for the first time. I've been playing it on and off for the past year. Just in time for 2021!


Now I can go back to playing Cyberpunk without feeling guilty :monster:

(I am coming back to do the DLC at some point though)

Jimmy XH

Pro Adventurer
I am also in the thread. I really enjoyed that. I clocked 70 hours over two months doing a fair few of the sidequests, but I knew that I'd want to come back for a second run so I wanted to leave some of it to mystery at least.

It was a game that somehow managed to escape my consciousness for a while but I'm very glad it was recommended to me. It felt like a classic RPG but with a modern approach. To start with, I found it hard to do more than an hour at a time but once I got a little more immersed into it, I was really wanting to plough the story and do the sidequests I considered to be most interesting. The scale of it was impressive and visually it stood the test of time given we're five+ years on from release.

More please.

Jimmy XH

Pro Adventurer
I really should give this another go. Does it have an Easy mode or something? :P

It does indeed. I went in on the default moderate setting to have a bit of a challenge and made plenty of foul-ups on the way, but I didn't find any of it excessively difficult on that setting.

I didn't want to use any hints and tips first time round but I'll certainly be looking to be ploughin' through the next run with a few handy pointers from the internet.


Eyes of the Lord

Ray tracing, FSR 2.1, DLSS 3, improved screen space reflections, improved foliage, better textures and more.

New camera option that'll bring you closer to the action, combined with alternative Quick Sign casting option, map filtering and the option to dynamically hide the minimap.

Photo mode, bug fixes and the integration of some community-made favourites in addition to CDPR's own modifications, cross-progression (like they added for Cyberpunk)

Netflix DLC includes alternative looks for Dandelion and Nilfgaardian soldiers as well as a new quest inspired by the show where you'll be able to get diagrams for new equipment for Geralt.
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