Cookie Monster
International Trailer:
I just had a bit of a sexwee. Then I remembered how shit Origins was.
Was Silver Samurai cg? Or was it just the light?
I'll probly catch it in theatres if the reviews are decent. I don't really care about it tho to be honest.
Aronofsky would've made it a rather different movie and one I'd definitely goan see, . He's worked with Jackman before on, which imho is a rather good movie and much better acting by Jackman. Not that I'm an expert, mind.dodgy trailer alert
I From what I've read, this is supposed to take place after "The Last Stand," so that might still be in continuity unfortunately,
The music in The Fountain was down right beautiful too
You love anything that involves Ellen Page.
You and my wife would be the other two.
You and my wife would be the other two.