omg the writing (particularly in the first episode) was so horribly bad. Horribly. I feel inspired to write a detailed analysis, that's how bad it was. It started out pretty okay, with Mulder's dialogue, but that's how far it went. I know they had a lot to squeeze into the first episode; introducing old and new characters, explaining the past while setting up an entire new premise for the new season - AND make Mulder the torch carrier (because Mulder was always the torch carrier of the show, at least they got that part right) for ideas that in part feels like butchering the entire premise of the old show. Then they had to re-establish the Mulder/Scully relationship, add some tension in there, re-establish Scully as a mother...
Honestly the first part of the first episode it felt like Mulder and Scully were playing parodies of their old characters. It's as if the actors were well aware of how bad this was going to end up
And what's with the storytelling? Important scenes are left out, only to be disclosed to the viewer when a character learns it. Skinner shows up out of nowhere - we don't even see him meet up with the two characters like suggested at the beginning of the episode - and then bam, the X-files has been
reopened? What? Why? What did I miss? I'm pretty sure I was paying close attention? I mean they probably explained it in a sentence somewhere, but I don't want to being told it's been reopened, I want to be in the room with Mulder and Scully when they learn. I want Mulder's reaction, and Scully's skepticism. (I know we see that skepticism when she has that talk with Mulder, but still.)
Honestly it felt like the script was 2 hours of film, but they realised it too late and had to cut out a lot of the scenes.
Then there's the filming. What's with all of the close ups? The original X-files was beautifully lit and shot, this felt like it didn't succeed with any of it.
Also, the FBI was always like a third main character in the show: The suits, the name badges, the FBI executives, their offices... none of that was really present. (Mitch Pileggi in a worn down office space does not cover it. And what had he been doing all these years, by the way?)
Anyway... what they did right: The explanation of what happened between Mulder and Scully. Mulder's depression. Scully's concern for him and the 'I don't blame you for us ending and I still care for you'. Mulder's need to 'latch on to' something and the more modern (I guess?) angle of the extra terrestrial bit. They gave Mulder way too little time to adapt to this new 'truth' though, it felt like he accepted it too fast. That whole bit could have been season finale stuff, not first episode stuff. Also handing Mulder a space vessel within the first 30 minutes? He used to wait 500 episodes or something to see something that remotely resembled an alien. The new girl is an excellent actress. And although a bit cheesy, I liked how they used the whole 'make the population accepting and docile' stuff. It just should have been written better.
As with pretty much everything else.
I'm still gonna watch the rest though. Mainly because I want to see if it gets any better.