Can I hijack your thread for a second, since you seem to have got what you wanted from it?
I'm designing a Pathfinder campaign for some IRL friends of mine to play, and while I'm not strictly writing the protagonists' parts (the players get to do that themselves), I am writing a lot of NPC parts, many of whom are protagonist-friendly. I decided to do something I've been wanting to do for at least a decade, since I first had the idea: write a story in which every character's gender is a coinflip. A literal coinflip, in this case.* I'm writing characters first and determining their genders and names second, in the hope that (a) I will avoid gender tropes and stereotypes, and (b) I'll write a lot more women into the story than I might have done otherwise. I try not to be biased but it's always easiest to "write what you know", and I know the life of a man.
My method has just given me my first lesbian pairing: the leader of a city and her female partner. Our first session is tomorrow and I'm already intrigued to find out how the players react to it, because I won't be drawing attention to it at all. If anyone's interested, I'll let you know how it goes.
Apologies if the hijack was out of line, but I didn't feel like making my own thread for this.
* I know there are more than two genders, but I've chosen to stick with male and female for the time being. I intend to include an ambiguous or non-binary character further down the line.