Woot, donations have started to come in at last (that, and the donate button's fixxed, lolz). So here comes the first big discussion.
What should we invest in first? There's two things that can be done with the money:
The first is to have me transfer it to my own personal account, in order to repay the initial (hosting) investment of around €90-€100, 30 at our first (Dutch) host, and a good 60 / 65 to Bluehost, our current (and not too shabby) host.
The second option is to invest in a vBulletin license, which will cost around €180 or something (or that might be the dollar price). That would buy us an unlimited license and one year of updates, after which we'd have to pay to get more updates.
I'm personally inclined to the first, but that's because I'm a greedy Dutch bastard,
, and I think the current forum software is performing well enough,
So, what's your take? It's your money, after all