TLS Patreon


Deleted member 546

^ Or the desert rose or guidebook. :awesome: Have we used the Shinra logo for anything yet? I can't remember all of the symbols in use now.

Suggestions for donator perks would be good too, I've been pondering merchandise an' shit and with the Wee Pom being so close now, I took the liberty of creating a TLS-themed tartan with the intent of having it added to the tartan register so anyone meeting a donator level would have the right to use the tartan. The only shit there is that it's a bit late in the day to get it made up in time for Kupocon (it takes about eight weeks for non-stocked kilts to be made from what I'm reading).

EDIT: Also we're only $10 away from meeting the monthly running costs now!


Pro Adventurer
@Shub Niggurath The Shinra logo is currently used as an admin badge. I still have the SOLDIER logo badge and the Cosmo canyon badges sitting idle if you wanted to consider them for the Patron badge too.

I also love the merch idea. I considered mentioning it but wondered whether perks could be a one time thing or if they had to be a recurring thing on Patreon. I suppose it's our prerogative in the end.

Unrelated, I'd also love to try and make some designs for some pieces of merch.

Deleted member 546

I needed the approval of a legitimate Scotsman, I'm glad it was granted. :awesome: Also if that dude carries on picking up hay like that he'll be there for weeks. :monster:


Thanks for the suggestions B, I'm more than happy to do a thing with badges and usergroups. One thing that I'll probably end up doing is checking the patrons every month; I do think the Patron usergroup should be one that is only valid for as long as people actually are patrons. It's a bit more ehhh, elitist in that regard (even if people have donated like 10x what the current patrons do atm).

Are people okay with getting a username color that matches the err, Patron red of Discord?

edit: can we actually set username colors here? I've already forgotten :monster:

Deleted member 546

I don't have a red username on Discord. :watchingu: If we can set username colours then I'd rather not have red thanks. Also I just realised I don't have a red name because I haven't linked from Patreon to Discord. Fuck.

IF PEOPLE DONATE £500 OR OVER TO THE TLS POT BEFORE XMAS, I WILL GET A VII-THEMED TATTOO SOMEWHERE I CAN'T HIDE IT. I ain't joking, you fuckers know I'm a crazy mofo like that. :awesome:

Yeah so far this ain't happening, come on folks! Every donor can nominate an idea and if we hit $500 by Xmas I will put it to a vote and HAVE WHATEVER WINS PERMANENTLY INKED SOMEWHERE VISIBLE not my feisu though, just no. :monster:


Great Old One
Oooh so that's why people are red on Discord. I thought their user was voice banned in a channel or they were having technical issues or something. lol.


It's the same color red as Discord's primary action buttons, I thought it would fit but if it's giving mixed signals then I can change it to whatever :monster:

@ mage I'll go through the list and check if it's all up to date; there's a bot that's supposed to set roles but I guess it's not very trustworthy.

edit: actually Discord and Patreon need to be lincced up for that to work. I've done it manually for now, it succs but interconnected services are a bit ehhh.


Great Old One
I see I'm now a Patreon on the second Discord server but not the first - also no badge on TLS itself. Also I'm in no new chat rooms on either service, at least that I've noticed. Which of these require a $5 donation? I donate less than that (I donate a total of $10 in total to stuff through Patreon (because I donate to other services as well and as I'm an old granny who forget stuff I've set a limit to $10 per service) and I don't want to give up anything else at the moment) so ideally I'd be a Patreon on both Discord servers or none :monster: What is to be expected and shit? The Patreon page only lists $5, for "Discord awards", so assume I've just wrongly been put down as Patreon on the second server but oh well :monster: Thought it was worth asking :monster:


I have no power in the first discord (I'm not even there anymore lol), but I saw that you were listed as a patron of TLS and thus gave you the role on the second discord. As for the TLS badge, that's what the Cosmo Canyon symbol stands for now! @Joe can give you the role in the first discord, I reckon. :)


I set the Discord tier at a fairly arbitrary $5 when I first added it, but, I can change it to $1 or whatever, :monster:

We can also set multiple tiers, I can create a $10.000 tier or whatever that just gives you admin access to everything forever :monster:


Pro Adventurer
I set the Discord tier at a fairly arbitrary $5 when I first added it, but, I can change it to $1 or whatever, :monster:

We can also set multiple tiers, I can create a $10.000 tier or whatever that just gives you admin access to everything forever :monster:
Did you ever considered to use the browser brave? I think it's from dude who originally created Firefox. I use it on my phone since it has a build in add blocker:awesome: And I just realised that you get crypto by using it (which you can send to sites you want to support). So in theory I could send you like 5 bat coins which would be something like10 bucks. And since it's not possible to cash that in as a user, why not really just send it to a site I use frequently to help them out:monster:


Pro Adventurer
Did you ever considered to use the browser brave? I think it's from dude who originally created Firefox. I use it on my phone since it has a build in add blocker:awesome: And I just realised that you get crypto by using it (which you can send to sites you want to support). So in theory I could send you like 5 bat coins which would be something like10 bucks. And since it's not possible to cash that in as a user, why not really just send it to a site I use frequently to help them out:monster:
I might should add that I didn't really do any research around that subject, except reading a Wikipedia article. So this thing might turn out to be bitconect 2.0:monster:


We handed admin access to people poasting n00dz on FFOF, :awesome:.

Nah just saying, sometimes I want to yeet all responsibility for the site away because idk, shifting priorities, arsedness, responsibilities, etc. 10K is probably way less than the site is worth though. I wouldn't just sell it though, not to a random investor, don't worry - I've seen what can happen then, someone buys it, spends a couple weeks on search engine optimization and the like, then sells it again for 5-10x the original investment.

Then again if someone offers me serious fuck-you money I might just take it aaaand get everyone over to TLS 2.0. I shouldn't post that in writing, lol :monster:


We handed admin access to people poasting n00dz on FFOF, :awesome:.

Nah just saying, sometimes I want to yeet all responsibility for the site away because idk, shifting priorities, arsedness, responsibilities, etc. 10K is probably way less than the site is worth though. I wouldn't just sell it though, not to a random investor, don't worry - I've seen what can happen then, someone buys it, spends a couple weeks on search engine optimization and the like, then sells it again for 5-10x the original investment.

Then again if someone offers me serious fuck-you money I might just take it aaaand get everyone over to TLS 2.0. I shouldn't post that in writing, lol :monster:


Awww I get that feel tho
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