Top 10 FF7 Music - THE FINAL

Alex Strife

So so so difficult!!

It should be like that:

1. Anxious Heart
2. Main Theme

Special mention to Tifa's theme, and Still More Fighting...


Pro Adventurer
1. Main Theme. I spent a while listening through the playlist, but in the back of my mind, I knew this would be the number one choice for me at the end of it. I could just listen to it endlessly.

2. J-E-N-O-V-A. This was much more difficult. Aerith's Theme was particularly tough to turn down, and One-Winged Angel made the final shortlist (of four) as well. I'm happy with my choice though; J-E-N-O-V-A is epic.
Fave: Main Theme
Runner up: Highwind takes to the skies
They are so evocative of the joy of roaming around their world in search of adventure.


Pro Adventurer
T, Zulo, Thomas
1. You Can Hear The Planet Cry
2. Reunion

You Can Hear The Planet Cry for 1 because I think it's an awesome piece. Very ominous and deep.
Reunion for 2 because to me it represents one of the most memorable moments from my first ever play through, I absolutely loved that part.


Pro Adventurer
Right, this was mentioned in the new FFVII music poll, so I thought I'd tally up the votes and see what they came to.

                                        I    II    Pts

01. One Winged Angel                    8    2     18
02. Tifa's Theme                        6    2     14		
03. Main Theme of Final Fantasy VII     5    3     13
04. Aeris' Theme                        2    7     11
05. J-E-N-O-V-A                         3    2     8
06. Anxious Heart                       2    2     6
07. The Great Warrior                   2    1     5
07. You Can Hear the Cry of the Planet  2    1     5
09. Highwind Takes to the Skies              4     4
10. Crazy Motorcycle Chase              1    1     3
11. Turk's Theme                             3     3
12. Those Chosen by the Planet          1          2
12. Still More Fighting                 1          2
14. Underneath the Rotting Pizza             2     2
15. Birth of a God                           1     1
15. Reunion                                  1     1
15. Trail of Blood                           1     1

Pixel said he would give points to them depending on whether they were the first or second choices, but he didn't say exactly how many points, so I came up with something simple. First choice = 2 points, second choice = 1 point, and in the event of a tie on points, whichever song had more first choices ranks higher.

Any objections?


I object to the fact that One Winged Angel always wins everything ever in the history of existence on the planet, and that therefore we as a community are predictable and boring.

But I can't deny how awesome it is, so I suppose I agree? lol.
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