TRANSLATION OPPORTUNITY: SaGa Frontier 2: Perfect Works

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
If you haven't heard of the SaGa series, it's a JRPG series by Square. BUT THIS TOPIC AIN'T ABOUT THAT

My name; Tryscal The Great

SaGa Frontier 2's Perfect Works book is like that games version of the Ultimania, and it's one of the most mysterious and sought after translations on the entire fucking repetoire of Square games. We should commission this shit and see if we can take on this beast, somehow, someway. Tres, hito, I may need your help on this, but I'm willing to set up a cash pile to get outside help to get this translated too. This can be a big boon for the site if we can actually even attempt to pull this off.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Less interested in the SaGa Frontier 2 than in Saga's Kaitai Shinsho.

Did the scanning project ever finish on that? Does anyone know?

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
You mean SaGa Frontier, as in the first game? No, I don't think so, but I think we should jumpstart on this for now. SFII stuff is notoriously rare, so we should jump and capitalize on this while we got it. Trust me I didn't forget about the original SF either. But this for now.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
You mean SaGa Frontier, as in the first game?

SaGa is the first game, but yes, I meant Frontier.

No, I don't think so, but I think we should jumpstart on this for now. SFII stuff is notoriously rare, so we should jump and capitalize on this while we got it. Trust me I didn't forget about the original SF either. But this for now.

Fair enough.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Yeah, I can help with translating too, time depending.

If we do get this for translation, we'd best be served breaking the book into discrete chunks and parceling those out among translators, so that no one person is overwhelmed by the whole affair.

Also so if one person has to flake for awhile, we're less up shit creek than we might be.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Probably going to be dead to Mog after this, but I shoukd mention that I never finished SaGa 2 and haven't played it in yeeears. Don't know how much that may hinder my ability to assist, but it's safe to say I would need a refresher on some of the terminology specific to this game.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
I would probably be willing to pitch in something for a translation fund should it prove to be necessary. It's probably about time I started putting some money into this community. Really, if 20 of us pitch in $5, that's $100. That's nothing to shake a stick at.


AI Researcher
Probably going to be dead to Mog after this, but I shoukd mention that I never finished SaGa 2 and haven't played it in yeeears.
I still haven't finished one character's chapter in SF1 yet.

I was never even born in the eyes of Mog.

I don't think I actually have 2 (I was going to get the PSN one but decided against it to see how I liked 1), and I don't know how much time I would have between other projects and life obligations, but I would be willing to look over stuff or any other minor help that might... help.

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
Thanks for the offers, everyone. How I'd like to do it is to have our resident translates split it up into sections and work on it, and I can be available as a localization consultant since I'm familiar with the game. Any slack that requires outside help money wise we can try to raise funds for. So let's get this started immediately. How shall we obtain the book for scanning?

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One

Here it is. If anyone wants to nut up and buy this right now, I'll pitch in a part of the cost to an account of your choice and hopefully everyone else does too.

Keep in mind that this book is incredibly rare, that's an excellent price, and if some other dude grabs it before one of us does, man, for what its worth I'm gonna be pretty upset. Not that any of you or us has an obligation to this, but this is a helluva opportunity for us right here.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
I've been spending a lot of money on records lately but I can probably pitch in something. Definitely not as much as $50 though.

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
Hopefully I'd like to have this in our hands tonight.

Okay so I guess that ain't gonna happen. Today, then? Keep in mind that I'd buy it myself, but I don't have a scanner, and it wouldn't be funny if it shipped and arrived while I was at sea, which means everyone would be assed out. The person who buys it has to have a scanner.


I'd pitch in uh, 20. Can't give more than that but yeah.

THATS A LOTTA MONEY considering I don't even really know these games. *cough*

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
THATS A LOTTA MONEY considering I don't even really know these games. *cough*

This sentiment isn't new; guys, for a community who laments the fall of Square, you guys haven't really played very many games from that golden era we all say we want back!

I'm about to set up a 'Recommended Playing' topic for this very purpose.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Hey, I managed to get EU only releases! Oceans are no excuse!

I don't have a working scanner, so me buying it is a waste, but I can pitch cash in.

IMPORTANT QUESTION- Who owns a scanner?
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