video games and motion sickness


does anyone else have a problem with this?

i've always been really sensitive to motion sickness, ever since i was a child. i had to ride in the car with these wrist-bands.

certain games have given me a really difficult time with it. the first kingdom hearts comes to mind.

is there any way to cope with this?

i was playing portal the other day until it made me barf :(


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
does anyone else have a problem with this?

i've always been really sensitive to motion sickness, ever since i was a child. i had to ride in the car with these wrist-bands.

certain games have given me a really difficult time with it. the first kingdom hearts comes to mind.

is there any way to cope with this?

i was playing portal the other day until it made me barf :(

Believe I have sometimes when I am in car and its always unpleasant.Sometimes I just need to rest after I feel my head starts feeling weird.


unsavory tart
I get this all the time, I don't even understand why. Even in games I'm not suppose to.

It's mostly FPS which is okay because with rare exception I don't really play FPS's but occasionally other games give me issues, ones that I really enjoyed (Mass Effect 1, Gears 2, and Arkham Asylum, but I managed to play both to the end because I still really liked them).

I think a lot of the times I just kept myself from playing for long stretches of time, and tried not to swerve the camera around so much.


Portal always gave me a headache. Today while playing Mass Effect 2, I was on a shipwreck that kept wobbling around because it was on the edge of a cliff and ohhhh was that making my head spin :/
I'm the same as Splintered, FPSs will do it which is why I never play them. As a kid I never got car sick and I wouldn't say I'm that sensitive now, but Halo always made me want to hurl.

Dana Scully

Special Agent
YACCBS, Legato Bluesummers, Daenaerys Targaryen, Revy, Kate Beckett, Samantha Carter, Matsumoto Rangiku
Yeah I get this with certain FPSs, ever since I was a kid. Halo 2 in particular was awful, I couldn't play it for more than an hour at a time. I haven't figured out anyway around it though >:


sweet dee
Bun, Academic
Only with games like Doom and whatnot. I've had an issue with FPS like that. Makes me really disoriented and my eyes find it difficult to keep up with the motion on the screen.


I've only ever had this once or twice, and I think I was playing Deus Ex: Human Revolution. Other than that it's never been a problem. IIRC I just closed my eyes for a bit then it was fine again. I'm not really a motion sickness-ey person though, i've never had it with travel or 3D at the cinema or anything :/. Sorry I can't be more help.


Pro Adventurer
Benoist; Captain Highwind
My best explanation for what's going on:

Long story short: in motion sickness, it's your brain thinking you're hallucinating, because what you're doing and what you're seeing don't match up. So your brain thinks it's been poisoned and starts activating the nausea response to get you to try to throw up and expel whatever poison you've ingested. One of the triggers is the center nerve on the flat underside of your wrists, located in the very center, 3 fingers down from the line between the end of the hand and start of the wrist. Which is why holding it down gently helps.


I heard Myth Busters also confirmed ginger pills work? (Some side effect considerations)

However, I'm fine with just my sea bands/taking a break to hold my wrists, and don't want to ingest anything.


Great Old One
I can get it in elevators, on boats and in cars if I'm reading something and we're on a Norwegian road (didn't have that problem on the German Autobahn :wacky:) but the only weird thing I get from games is my eyes do this funny thing when I'm playing Guitar Hero. It's not motion sickness though. I'd expect me to be the first to get motion sickness from games.

Do you guys play PC or console games when you get it? How close are you to the screen? Do you wear reading glasses? I ask bc I very rarely play PC games and when I do I have +0.5 reading glasses on.

Ghost X

I only got motion sickness in cars as a kid.
Twas rather amusing vomiting out of my mouth as if it were a running tap. Maybe not at the time.


Double Growth
I hear people talk about it plenty, but I've never had any sort of issue with it. I can read in cars and such, and video games never gave me problems. I understand the science that causes it, but it confuses me as to why it doesn't either affect everyone or no one.

The only time I can recall being notably motion sick I was pretty hung over, so I'm not sure it applies :P


Watching people play FPS on PCs makes me feel sick. Playing them on PC is also bad for me. Yeah, playing with a mouse lets you move the character around faster but the constant jerky motions make me wanna barf. :@

Games with a lot of fog also have this effect on me (again especially bad with FPS games but I hardly play them anyway xP). Playing Turok on the N64 was a cause for much sickness for me. :P
Luckily, nowadays games don't have to use intense fog effects for hiding pop ups anymore...but christ, N64 was a damn fog machine.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
lol, I just remembered Turok and it's 'crotch-cam'


I can read in cars all day long, but give me a comic book on a road trip and I'm done for. Out for the count. I have no idea why it would be different than just reading, but I just can't handle the pictures for some reason. Maybe there's too much visual stimulation or something. But I've always been able to read in cars. We used to take a lot of long trips when I was a kid, and it was the only way to stave off boredom for me. So I guess my experience with Portal and the shipwreck in ME could have been because there was simply TOO much going on, too much unstable movement, too much stimulation that my brain was trying to sort out, but I don't think I've ever had problems with any other games.

And yes, I've gotten a little queasy while drunk or hung over in cars, but again, doesn't happen for me normally.


Playing Turok on the N64 was a cause for much sickness for me. :P

Ughhhh I have a very vivid memory of being really ill from that game!

I am just having a problem getting through Portal (on PC, with a controller though) it makes me feel not good :C

But it's so fun...
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