Vote on the next Community Playthrough :D

What do we play through next?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.
FFI because I haven't played it, and I know someone will be happy I voted. :awesome:

FFVI, because someone recommended it and haven't played that either.

FFVIII, because it's one of my personal favourites in the series.

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
FFVIII cuz I like it and Chrono Trigger because it's fun to see how stories handle time-travel and the battles system looks interesting.


Pro Adventurer
I have voted:

FFI because I haven't played it either and I'm intrested to see the first game in the series.

FFIV because I haven't finished it, but I love it, and it was this game that got me intrested in the series (even though I had started to play X, VII and XI at the point).

FFVIII because I haven't played it yet, but I'd really want to, and I've been looking forward to playing it one day

FFX because it's the best FF game ever! Deal with it. :monster:


Pro Adventurer
I nominated Tactics as well, Lex! It was in a separate post though, so I don't blame you for missing it. If it's too late to add to the poll, then perhaps people could give it some write-in votes, though I'm not expecting it to win or anything.


Will you perhaps be leading us? I've heard tales of your vast, deep, and intimate knowledge of VIII. Legendary. :P

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
I don't know if I want to commit to the pace leading would demand. I think Lex is already quite good at it anyway. Or maybe Carlie? I definitely want to see new players' reactions to everything and what they discover off the beaten path, though.
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Please dear god someone else do it.

I will if I have to. I don't mind/ actually quite enjoy doing it but I just do not have the time this year. I know VIII quite well so if that does end up being the choice I can decide the chapters for whoever's running it, I don't mind doing that part. And I'll definitely be participating either way. Might play it on Vita actually.


Pro Adventurer
I voted for all the games I nominated. That's everything in the poll besides VI, VIII, X and CT. Looks like VIII is going to win though :)


I don't mind playing VIII, but I'd really like us all to do V at some point. There are too many people that haven't experienced it that should.


Pro Adventurer
Assuming we end up playing VIII:

Instead of giving just one player the burden of leading us through the whole game, why don't we - to quote Samwise Gamgee - share the load?

We could base our chapters on the segments of Absolute Steve's walkthrough, as follows:
{1} Balamb Garden & Fire Cavern
{2} The SeeD Examination
{3} After the SeeD Exam
{4} The Forest Owls Mission
{5} Timber and Optional Dollet
{6} Lunatic Dream & Galbadia Garden
{7} Deling City Mission & The Tomb
{8} Winhill
{9} D-District Prison
{10} Galbadia Missile Base
{11} Panic at Balamb Garden
{12} Fisherman's Horizon
{13} The Mobile Garden
{14} Balamb under lockdown
{15} Visiting Trabia Garden
{16} Clash of the Gardens
{17} Finding Ellone
{18} Esthar
{19} Lunar Base & Ragnarok
{20} The Awesome Ragnarok
{21} The Lunatic Pandora
{22} Ultimecia's Castle

We can change the structure as we see fit, but that's probably a good starting point. Then, if anyone wants to do a particular chapter, they just have to sign up for it - first come, first served, but we'd try to make sure that everyone who wants to do a chapter gets one :)

If half a dozen of us (or more) take a few chapters each, it wouldn't feel like so much of a chore for any of us, and we'd get loads of different perspectives on the game. What do you think?


How many chapters did our playthrough of IX have? Could we combine the contents of any of those segments to make for fewer chapters? 22 chapters = 22 weeks of gameplay, and I'm afraid that that might end up being kind of long and stretched out.

But I think that sharing the load is a decent idea. I, however, have never played VIII (beyond maybe the first hour or so, simply because Force wanted to show me how it works), so I don't think that I'd be a very good leader...


IIRC, I forecasted IX to last for 22 chapters, then as time went on ended up with somewhere between 16 and 19.

The main problem is that - even though it's not at all difficult to get through a chapter in a week even if you're the busiest person on the planet - people tend to see long chapters then just stop updating/ playing. There's sadly a kind of guarantee that of the 10 people that have so far voted for VIII, it's likely only about 30% of them will make it to the end.

I would love to be wrong about that guys. Seriously, stick with it :monster:


Great Old One
VIII won, eh? The funny thing is, I bought this game on PSN a few months ago and started playing it, so I can hop in when we get there. I didn't get very far though - I do remember getting the ballroom scene and running from some crazy machine thingy that had lots of nice magic I could take.


Pro Adventurer
Yay for VIII! :joy:

I wouldn't mind hosting some chapters, the only problem is that I've never actually played this game, so I have no idea what's going to come up before I play the chapter myself. This means that it will be nearly impossible for me to come up with good questions for the chapter and so on. :/

I don't think 22 chapters is too bad. As long as the chapters are not too long, I'll be fine.

I'm really looking forward to this! ^_^
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