Was the Compilation a mistake?


Pro Adventurer
@Dacon: Absolutely agree. Regardless of what SE originally intended they had Rufus survive. Besides, Rufus surviving isn't that inconceivable and I do believe CoS really covers that nicely.

Further to this, the talk in game of his death could be argued as simply speculation....communication in shinra seems to have seriously broken down...so it's not too far fetched.

As retcons go this one is very workable.
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The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Speaking of perspective, I think this thread is in desperate need of taking stock of some.

First, look at Dacon and Mog. Here are two dudes who have about 1 positive comment about the Compilation for every 100 comments they make about it.

Next, look at me. As the "Compilatiobn of FFVII Inconsistencies" section of my FFVII plot FAQ should attest, I am the absolute most unforgiving person in the fandom when it comes to retcons -- even to the point that jokes about retcon discussions being capable of summoning me instantly from a two-week sabbatical (a la negative FFXIII reviews with Daniel) can and have been made.

Yet all three of us have absolutely no trouble whatsoever swallowing that Rufus could be portrayed as alive in a sequel to FFVII. Why?

Is it because people in the real world have survived less likely scenarios? Is it because -- within FFVII itself -- equally implausible miraculous survivals occurred involving falling from great heights (Tifa, Cloud, Dyne, Cloud again), being skewered or slashed with large swords (Cloud, Tifa, Tseng), being hit by a large truck and tossed through the air like a cannon-propelled beachball (Palmer), and fighting Cloud in physical combat (Reno, Rude, Elena, Palmer, Rufus himself)?

Yes. Yes, it is, actually. :awesome:

It still changes nothing, he was hit in the face with a bomb ...

An explosion, actually. :monster: Just reiterating once more that the explosive projectile in question had already detonated. Rufus was never hit by it.

Daniel said:
... and was clearly blown away, his office along with it and yet he still has all his limbs intact and does not appear to be as damaged as you would expect even assuming it was plausible for him to survive.

One would expect the dude in the van from Dacon's video to be a lot more jacked up than still having all his limbs too, yeah? Or, hell, Dyne falls into a canyon and the only damaged limb is the one that was shot before he fell in? He's already wounded when he goes in, yet he comes out of the mess better than Tifa during her fall.

And while I know you said earlier that it's possible to survive a great fall when trees break your descent and that it was "a canyon of unspecified depth," the fact that a) it was so far down you couldn't see the bottom, b) he kept getting smaller and smaller into the distance, and c) he eventually completely disappeared from sight -- not to mention d), as there were no trees in the area on the surface, there were probably none in that chasm either -- makes it a far greater leap of suspension of disbelief than Rufus surviving an explosion where no visually confirmed harm is depicted coming to him.

Daniel said:
Somehow though this conversation has got onto plausibility of death or serious injury when the original point was that FF7 made it clear he was dead and that imho they retconned it.

I'm not sure that this alone was the original point, because even from your first post in the discussion, you were saying "In the case of rufus, he was hit in the face with a large missile like weapon and there is no way he survived it" and "Tifa was sliced and it is possible to survive a slice with a sword. Not likely, but possible. It is not possibe to survive a bomb hittong you direct on."

Plausibility was always being discussed here.

Daniel said:
I stand by that in the same way I stand by Hojo being a retcon, because both clearly are.

Hojo's not a retcon in the same way. He didn't survive. A copy of his mind -- or the literal thing, if you're Mako -- was transferred into the data network.

Daniel said:
being impaled through the chest with a large sword, and being blown away in an office by a huge missile like weapon are in no way the same thing. I hope you agree on that?

I do. I think the sword wound sounds worse, as, in fiction, people tend to come back from those less often. :awesome:

For real, though: People come back from explosions all the time and rarely does anyone in the real world bat an eye over it. Watching someone get pierced through the chest and then seeing them die -- well, that's a little different.

Daniel said:
If Dyne's revival was unlikely, what does that make Rufus being blown away in his office ?

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Banned Flunky
Seifer Almasy, DanielReturns
Well I have to competely disagree and I am not going back over old ground for sure, but I will say that if people accept that Rufus is back so blindly, and that Hojo being back is ok, and callit something other than a retcon (which it is as close to being as it possibly can be), then it is no wonder these questions about the compilation surface.

If people keep accepting this then the story will just fall apart (already has done really) and I really can't see any of these changes/retcons call them what you want, being at all beneficial to FF7; quite the opposite.

I didn't like the story of FF7 because of cheap "get outs" for the characters and judging by what has gone on since 1997, what we have now is a "anyone can come back" scenario.

How is that supposed to be a good thing? I really can't quite fathom it....and I can't understand why people are making so many excuses for it either....I and others I suspect, will just continue to ignore all these spin offs as if they never happened.

The good news is we still have FF7 as it was, and no matter what poxy retcons (or if you prefer cop outs/get outs/ butcherings) they come out with be it Genesis, Hojo, Rufus...etc etc etc....it doesn't matter. So I guess the people who love the compilation can love it whilst those of us into a decent and workable storyline can stick with FF7 and everyone is happy.
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Save your valediction (she/her)
Daniel, Rufus surviving the explosion was an acceptably exploitable loophole. Tasteful? No. Possible? Yes.

As Tres said, nobody who is debating here actually likes the Compilation. What I'm seeing is a bunch of people bickering over things they basically agree on.
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Banned Flunky
Seifer Almasy, DanielReturns
Daniel, Rufus surviving the explosion was an acceptably exploitable loophole. Tasteful? No. Possible? Yes.

As Tres said, nobody who is debating here actually likes the Compilation. What I'm seeing is a bunch of people bickering over things they basically agree on.

My only gripe is that it isn't being called a retcon. I think it follows every criteria there is for it. But be that as it may, so what. I am not sure what the concensus on the compilation is, perhaps we need a proper poll? Maybe we can have one "was it a retcon: :awesome:

I don't think there was a loophole, not with the dialogue and not with the actual FMV as it was presented. That is my final word on it. I hope someone sets a poll up ;)

Back to the topic...Compilation? Haven't played it and won't. I did like a lot of Advent Children but the endless fighting and appeasement of fanbase was nausiating, and changing Cloud to this depressed emo guy was very annoying.

Most of all I dislike that people fall for all these spin offs hook line and sinker, which only means more of them and what I see as a dilution of the original game.

The End.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
My only gripe is people of reasonable intelligence acting like the retarded dog who chases his tail until his neck breaks. It's retarded and unnecessary.

Oh, and noobs. God those noobs.

Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
Daniel, we're not saying its not a retcon, only that its possible. As for a general concensus on the compilation. I can't speak for the fanbase at large, but here it seems to boil down to 'The compilation adds some cool new locations and concepts to FFVII, but is ultimately wasted potential with the only truly good entry being ACC.'

Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
Mixed feelings or no, I think we can all agree that ACC is the best entry in the compilation by far, not counting the OG.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Mixed feelings or no, I think we can all agree that ACC is the best entry in the compilation by far, not counting the OG.

Maybe. But I don't want to say that like it's a good thing.

Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
It isn't a good thing when you look at BC and LO, and to a lesser extent CC. We won't mention DC. But at least ACC was decent.


Save your valediction (she/her)
My only gripe is that it isn't being called a retcon. I think it follows every criteria there is for it.

I don't think anyone is arguing that either. Everyone is agreeing that the original intention of the game was to have Rufus die.

But for the last ten pages of this thread, the conversation has been largely about whether it was possible for Rufus to survive, which is - as we've all said - moot. We've pretty much established that it is theoretically possible for Rufus to survive that attack (even though in the OGC he wasn't supposed to.)

You could explain it many ways, in that Rufus is a bad ass motherfucker, or game mechanics bled into the story, or (the most plausible) he just got lucky.
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Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
Well I have to competely disagree and I am not going back over old ground for sure, but I will say that if people accept that Rufus is back so blindly, and that Hojo being back is ok, and callit something other than a retcon (which it is as close to being as it possibly can be), then it is no wonder these questions about the compilation surface.

If people keep accepting this then the story will just fall apart (already has done really) and I really can't see any of these changes/retcons call them what you want, being at all beneficial to FF7; quite the opposite.

I didn't like the story of FF7 because of cheap "get outs" for the characters and judging by what has gone on since 1997, what we have now is a "anyone can come back" scenario.

How is that supposed to be a good thing? I really can't quite fathom it....and I can't understand why people are making so many excuses for it either....I and others I suspect, will just continue to ignore all these spin offs as if they never happened.

The good news is we still have FF7 as it was, and no matter what poxy retcons (or if you prefer cop outs/get outs/ butcherings) they come out with be it Genesis, Hojo, Rufus...etc etc etc....it doesn't matter. So I guess the people who love the compilation can love it whilst those of us into a decent and workable storyline can stick with FF7 and everyone is happy.

with all due respect what the hell are you talking about

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
with all due respect what the hell are you talking about


Pro Adventurer
Well I have to competely disagree and I am not going back over old ground for sure, but I will say that if people accept that Rufus is back so blindly, and that Hojo being back is ok, and callit something other than a retcon (which it is as close to being as it possibly can be), then it is no wonder these questions about the compilation surface.

If people keep accepting this then the story will just fall apart (already has done really) and I really can't see any of these changes/retcons call them what you want, being at all beneficial to FF7; quite the opposite.

I didn't like the story of FF7 because of cheap "get outs" for the characters and judging by what has gone on since 1997, what we have now is a "anyone can come back" scenario.

How is that supposed to be a good thing? I really can't quite fathom it....and I can't understand why people are making so many excuses for it either....I and others I suspect, will just continue to ignore all these spin offs as if they never happened.

The good news is we still have FF7 as it was, and no matter what poxy retcons (or if you prefer cop outs/get outs/ butcherings) they come out with be it Genesis, Hojo, Rufus...etc etc etc....it doesn't matter. So I guess the people who love the compilation can love it whilst those of us into a decent and workable storyline can stick with FF7 and everyone is happy.


Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
It's like...it's not even so much the post itself doesn't make sense (and even that's on shaky ground), it's more like...it's completely out of context and irrelevant to the post (s) he responded to, and the last several posts before that. It would be like me going to court to get out of a parking ticket, and when it comes to make my case to the judge I stuff a piece of bread into my mouth and start rambling on about M4 Sherman tanks.


Mr. Thou
Something is very eerie about all this... I think the very first LTD went something like this thread. Maybe we should all get out while we still can.
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