Was the Compilation a mistake?

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
I see what you're saying, and that's fine, but I think that the main thing that muddies up the Compilation for me is that the writing and narrative just isn't very good, despite whatever overall direction they went with it.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
I think some of those problems with its writing are a symptom of each title's format, the need to spread each title over varying consoles/formats, and the fact that S-E are a bunch of lazy fuckers who only feel comfortable doing these titles on a small scale as spinoffs, instead of actual, full blown sequels, ala FFX-2.

Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
I don't think the Compilation is a waste of time.Certainly it could have been done better if it had all been on just one console, and focused more on things like the Wutai war. Still, the Compilation has had more good than bad for me so far,

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
I think some of those problems with its writing are a symptom of each title's format, the need to spread each title over varying consoles/formats, and the fact that S-E are a bunch of lazy fuckers who only feel comfortable doing these titles on a small scale as spinoffs, instead of actual, full blown sequels, ala FFX-2.

Yeah like, I see what you mean. And also what I want everyone to realize that when I say the writing isn't very good, that's not a blow against S-E, because I know they could have, and have the ability to do better, but they seem to have half-assed the Compilation, instead of really sitting down and making sure it was quality, regardless of how long, how little or big the scope, or what they added to the mix.

I don't think the Compilation is a waste of time.Certainly it could have been done better if it had all been on just one console, and focused more on things like the Wutai war. Still, the Compilation has had more good than bad for me so far,

Well, 'waste of time' is a bit of a stretch, I admit. I still enjoy them on a base level, and I certainly enjoy talking about it with you guys. It is what it is, and I try to enjoy it for what it is, but 'waste of potential' is probably more accurate to how I feel. It could have been so much better.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Yeah like, I see what you mean. And also what I want everyone to realize that when I say the writing isn't very good, that's not a blow against S-E, because I know they could have, and have the ability to do better, but they seem to have half-assed the Compilation, instead of really sitting down and making sure it was quality, regardless of how long, how little or big the scope, or what they added to the mix.

Their symptom of half-assing has honestly been steadily getting worst, especially with this generation. It's just been a slow slippage of effort and resources devoted to certain games and franchises. Sequels never get the same amount of time or effort. "Snack games" as I like to call them, are the main source of gaming output they feel comfortable making. When the PS2 was finally left behind with FFXII, S-E just couldn't get its ass in gear, in terms of releasing a large scale title of their flagship series. It's either a handheld game, cell phone game, with the occasional release of an X-Box 360 game, that's been developed by an outside studio.

There's clearly something going on in terms of their time and resources. And with FFXIII, they again, failed to devote enough time or energy to create a full fledged game of the calibur they're synonymous for. Let alone a game that's of the same quality as other games today.

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
Now we're on the same page. Looking at the Compilation alone, it's easy to conclude; "well, they can't all be epics like FFVII, give 'em a break, cut 'em some slack", but when you look at FFXIII as well, you start to notice; "something is definitely going on here. There is definitely a pattern emerging."

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
The compilation wasn't a mistake. It's execution was.

Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
Well, 'waste of time' is a bit of a stretch, I admit. I still enjoy them on a base level, and I certainly enjoy talking about it with you guys. It is what it is, and I try to enjoy it for what it is, but 'waste of potential' is probably more accurate to how I feel. It could have been so much better.

I agree with you. Though the compilation is entertaining, it could have been so much more.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
WRT making Shinra, that would not, I think, make a good game. Not a bad novel, though.
The Wutai war... TBQFH, I want FFVIII-T to depict the Wutai war. I want examples of squad based tactics depicting decisive battles on both sides of the war, with a mix of heroes and grunts.

In any case, in one way, the biggest problem to the compilation is the fan expectations. Even if S-E produced pure gold, fans have made their own perfect sequels in their heads, and they'll never get it.
It's the same as what's gonna happen with MvC3. Mark my words

Also, while there are retcons, the actual retcons are the sort you have to dig deep to find, and aren't absolutely incorrectable, like the timeline of Gast's research, meeting Ifalna, discovering Jenova's not an ancient, etc.

Max Caulfield

shaka brah
Chi, Trollzaya, Dean Winchester, Black Widow
While I don't think the Compilation was a "waste of time", I do think it could have been a lot better and contained so much more. It doesn't really show as much progress in the development of the characters, their lives, and stories as it could. I also really wish that they'd show more of Gaia as a whole. Everything is so small in comparison to what it could be.


Pray for Sound
Issac Dian, Dudley, Chev Chelios
You all act like it's over. The Compilation made money. FFVII tie ins will continue until the money dries up or another project comes along that is more lucrative for SE to devote time and resources to. Besides, they gave themselves ins with Sephy's last AC line and Genesis' extra scene. Whether we want it or not is kind of irrelevant I hate to say. Any next title that's not a straight remake is going to jump on that. It makes me a bit queasy.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
You know, as I think about it more... I guess you could call the Compilation's creation and execution a "mistake." Like those mistakes you have while drunk at a truck stop, in the back seat of your car with your partner on prom night; both of you going at it hot and heavy, just innocently having some fun to celebrate graduation, until...the rubber breaks.

...And just because it was a mistake, and today its the freeloading whore that refuses to get a job, finish its semester in college, or do anything because it just can't be bothered, doesn't mean we should love it any less. It's a good mistake, the Compilation has a good head on its shoulder, and while it may have not lived up to its potential...don't worry, there's always the future.


Mr. Thou
It's not just the Compilation. I haven't enjoyed a SE game since FFX.

Square was the absolute gold standard of RPG innovation in the 90's. What compares to Xenogears, the Chrono series, the Seiken Densetsu series and the FFs of old today? SE hasn't lost talent but at some point they lost vision.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
I think some beers for all our posters, with Hotel California playing in the background, would round out this thread, perfectly.


Mr. Thou
Haha. I'll drink a beer. Here's to a decade of riding past success and receiving the automatic benefit of the doubt.

I keep hearing that FFXIII sucks for the first twenty hours but then it gets better, so it's awesome. Seriously? If the game weren't called Final Fantasy would anyone grind out twenty hours of suck?


Pro Adventurer
For me it wasn't so much that it was a mistake, it just felt a little sloppy, the re-release of AC showed that to me. DoC felt really neglected out of all the titles, and it really suffered from being a rushed project, with a poor story and script. It just felt silly really. Although I liked it when I played it.

I really really enjoyed CC. I thought it was a really good game and I enjoyed the story (minus Genesis of course xD). Like Hope said, I was more interested in learning about Zack's backstory so it was enjoyable. I also liked the missions, they were so addictive. I got caught up completing them before going to Nibelheim...It was also fun to get a glimpse into life in SOLDIER and ShinRa, which we did not get to enjoy in BC (cause we didnt get it :/). I also would have liked to see more about the Wutai War and it may have been a good direction to take CC in, but alas, it was not to be.

Really overall, I did feel that the compilation complimented the first game. Sure, it wasn't as amazing as the first game but I liked the addition of the parts, and it was nice to see what happened to the world post FFVII...

In short I didnt think it was a waste of time at all :)


Joe, Arcana
While I don't think the Compilation was a "waste of time", I do think it could have been a lot better and contained so much more. It doesn't really show as much progress in the development of the characters, their lives, and stories as it could. I also really wish that they'd show more of Gaia as a whole. Everything is so small in comparison to what it could be.

I think I agree with this point more than any other in this thread.

It just feels like they force a storyline in wherever they can but ignore the characters themselves.


Double Growth
Also, while there are retcons, the actual retcons are the sort you have to dig deep to find, and aren't absolutely incorrectable, like the timeline of Gast's research, meeting Ifalna, discovering Jenova's not an ancient, etc.

See, I knew I wasn't crazy. The way everyone talks I felt like I was missing this mountain of irreconcilable changes to the plot and just couldn't find it.


Pro Adventurer
Having not read anything in this thread nor care to i got one thing to say.

You guys are putting pus... FF7 on a pedestal.

It wasnt that great in the first place.


Pro Adventurer
Shouldn't this thread be in the "Compilation General" section?

But anyway... I'm having fun with the Compilation, and that's what really matters to me.
However, I gree that it is(not "was", because it's not over yet) being a waste of potential. For years, the FFVII fans asked for a game based on the Wutai-War and the Cetra/Jenova-War, and when S-E finally decided to expand the story... They show a never-heard-before conflict against some guy named Genesis, a war with some unknown group named DeepGround, etc.
The fanbase ask something, and S-E gives another.
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Ghost X

To answer the thread, if I already haven't: It wasn't a mistake, they just took it in the wrong direction, which was a mistake. Huge risk expanding on a game considered a favourite by a lot of people. I would've liked to see sequels to the original FFVII game, but not in the way it has panned out.
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