What are your favorite 10 games? (and why?)

Clement Rage

Pro Adventurer
Yeah I loved Cyberpunk. Nothing else like it.

If it was Series instead of games, Metal Gear and Resident Evil would be in there , although I can't point to any one instalment. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts and all that.


Pro Adventurer
Man, forgot I made this thread but there is some good taste here. Someone mentioned dating sims and I just realized that I would be remiss if I didn't mention Katawa Shoujo, I used to play dating sims and none of them ever really were as engaging to me as that one.

Clement Rage

Pro Adventurer
New Contender: Space Marine for the PS3. I know only the basics of warhammer (and truthfully, not many of those), but this game is just perfect. It's everything it needs to be.


Pro Adventurer
I have no particular oder right now, but i would say this 10

Skies of arcadia
Xenosaga 3
Phantasy star universe
Kessen series/dynasty warriors series/samurai warriors series/nobunagas ambition
Persona 3
Rogue galaxy
Pirates! Original and remake
Tales of legendia
Shining force exa
Pool of radiance (80s ssi project series)
.Hack series

Maybe i forgot something essential


Lv. 1 Adventurer
10. Uncharted 4
9. Shadow of Mordor
8. Tekken 7
7. Batman Arkham Knight
6. Devil May Cry 4
5. Metal Gear Rising : Revengeance
4. Ghost of Tsushima
3. Yakuza series
2. King of Fighters series
1. Final Fantasy series (Particularly FF15, FF7Remake)


Lv. 1 Adventurer
Michael Fink
10 favourites...it'll be hurt to exclude some games among my many favourites :(. Limiting the list to one game per franchise.

Devil May Cry 3
An excellent action game to this date, only edged out by its following installments but still having the best executed story in an action game, you don't get much better than this.

Dragon Ball FighterZ
The dream game any fighting game player fan of Dragon Ball always waited to happen finally made a reality. A game that the hardcore FGC can take competitively seriously.

Final Fantasy XV
A roadtrip with the best four digital bros you could ask for, an excellent game to chill. Wish Noctis & Co were my friends.

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Great criminal gang simulator that Rockstar ever made haven't quite managed to replicate since then.

Kingdom Hearts
One of the greater coming of age stories in a jrpg, the writing of the franchise peaked here (...:'().

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phanton Pain
Metal Gear at its most expressive and a fitting if moody way to end the Solid series.

Persona 3
Game came at the right in my life when I was experiencing a lot of loss, helped carry the head up and move forward even if it still hurt.

Resident Evil 4
A well paced, fun and campy horror action game, nothing more, nothing less.

Shadow of The Colossus
Crowning achivement that you can do excellent storytelling with very little.

The King of Fighters XI
Can't articulate why I like it a lot other than it's my all time favourite fighting game.
This is the best list on here I seen yet honestly. Minus DBfighterz and and persona 3 I can actually fully agree with these. I personally liked Resident evil 4's story but its controls ruined game for me but the remaster or remake not sure which it counted as tbh made it best one. DMC 3 was good but for me DMC 2 was my favorite storywise. Kingg of fighters i honestly know nothing about. Metal gear I really did not care for 5 and much prefer playing my HD collection of 2 and 3 more. Grand Theft auto is a tough choice for me but I honestly think my favorite is gonna be the gta 4 dlc game The Ballad of Gay tony over even San Andreas. Kingdom Hearts is another hard decision for me but I probably like KH2 slightly more than KH1 honestly. Final Fantasy is 1 I agree with you on cause I simply did not care for the old rpg style of old games pref3r action rpg. I honestly am not a ps gamer so never played shadow of the colossus but have seen playthroughs and all the cutscenes and think it was a brilliant writing job.


Lv. 1 Adventurer
Michael Fink
10. Uncharted 4
9. Shadow of Mordor
8. Tekken 7
7. Batman Arkham Knight
6. Devil May Cry 4
5. Metal Gear Rising : Revengeance
4. Ghost of Tsushima
3. Yakuza series
2. King of Fighters series
1. Final Fantasy series (Particularly FF15, FF7Remake)
Honestly this list is perfect. I personally don't care for fighter games so Tekken would not make my list. However if i made a fighter game list of best games tekken 7 would be #1 on just a graphical and technical standards to meet alone. I totally glad someone agrees with me on #9 being better of the 2 games.


Lv. 1 Adventurer
Michael Fink
So first off i will only be doing 1 game per game series so otherwise list may just be 3 games series lol.
There may be some double IP's though will not be from same series at least if so these are my rules I set myself to male my list.
Also in 1 case I did set a limit for myself on 1 for a specific publisher/developer which I will mention when I get to it why I did so.

10. Kingdom Hearts 2: I love the entire series but Kingdom Hearts 2 just really was Kingdom Hearts storytelling at its very best

9. Dragon Age 2: This one was a very hard choice between 2 and origins but upper hand had to go to 2 for its improvements and being less glitchy

8. Star Wars Jedi Knight 2 Jedi Outcast: and here is the start of the aforementioned two games under same IP but nit same series The entire Dark Forces duology and Jedi knight trilogy is a great series, However Outcast has by far the best story and emotional power behind it of them all

7. Gear of War 3: a great climax to a great trilogy story)

6. The Walking Dead game Series as a whole (and here is that 1 publisher developer exception I had mentions the 4 games just don't have the same level of emotional effect separate as they do together as a long Journey watching Clementine grow in the walking dead universe from a scared little girl to a badass teenager raising a kid all on her own in midst of the apocalypse)

5. Mortal Kombat 11: I am not a huge fighting game fan but I do enjoy a good story so The soft reboot trilogy of Mortal Kombat (aka MK 9) MK X and MK XI are a rare exception into my favorites. I love the more in depth story modes in these games it was a close toss up of MK 10 and 11 but in truth bringing Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa from films back to portray Shang Tsung in MK 11 was the icing on the cake that put it on top for me. I really love that guys amazing facial expression way of speaking iconic lines.

4. Red Dead Redemption 2: I may not usually be a huge fan of westerns but this game was just all out a great story great characters amazing landscapes and scenery everywhere you go great fulfilling side missions as well as some great real world references like recognizing this time period as the start of the push of Women's Suffrage and depicting the real dangers those brave women faced to make life better for women even in a very action man fueled story they took a moment to recognize this important part of history. It did not shy away from the problems of the times from racism, to the massive culture shock free living frontiersmen and women had to face as their culture was slowly erased from existence and they biggest problem of the age the corrupt fat cats of train and oil industry buying off detective agencies and making the law the most corrupt in American history yes even worse than it is today. It did a great job balancing all of this.

3. Mass Effect 2: This is just a great trilogy and 2 is Mass Effect at its peak Ps I love Tali more than any other character and her drunken nerdy straw humor rant in 3 was perfect

2. Batman Arkham Knight: this is by far the hardest choice for the 1 per series rule I set all 3 games are amazing and 2 did many things better than 3 and 3 did many things better than 2 but it was the finale that won it over Batman sacrificing i identity to save others and than sacrificing his life so his team can continue to keep Gotham safe was unique and perfect ending

1. Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic: This is a game that still almost 20 years old now and still people are replaying it through on pc and modern consoles. It is by far the best RPG game ever made. the best star wars game ever made and arguably one of the best video games ever made few games hold up 20 years later and still draw gamers in the way KOTOR does.


Alex T
Bit late, but this tier maker has been doing the rounds, and I finally sat down to hammer out my Top 10 (and then some).

Yes, I'm counting Advent Children as a video game. It takes up the mental space of one in my mind. And the bottom row is more a homage to the games of yore that I really enjoyed growing up.


Deleted member 13557

I'm yet to play a bunch of classic / criticality acclaimed games, but as of this very moment, my (highly subject to change) list would look something like this:

1: Bloodborne
2: Final Fantasy 7
3: Persona 5
4: NieR: Automata
5: Resident Evil 4
6: Tekken 2
7: Devil May Cry 3
8: Crash Bandicoot 2
9: God of War 3
10: Super Mario World
Been a while since I made that list. Update time.

First five games listed are my top five. The rest is only vaguely ranked.

(apologies for quality, filled this out on my phone)


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