What country is FFVII's fanbase strongest? (is it strong where you are?)

Wolf Kanno

Memento Mori
VII was pretty popular with some of the guys at high school I went with, it was usually a bigger deal to my underclassmen cause most of the people in my class or in higher grades were more into sports, ladies, and what not. I only knew one girl who liked it at school, I've met more since then but I'm finding more and more fans who got into thanks to the Compilation and have never actually played the original.

Being online with a few FF forums, I've noticed the majority of VII-IX fans hail from the Europe and other PAL regions which isn't surprising since Square didn't seem to care about these regions until VII arrived so I can see why it would be a big deal since I think the extent of the FF love given before this was FFI and Mystic Quest of all things.
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