What happened to FF's after X?


I'm not sure this is in the right place, but the question is simple, mabey some of you have thought of this before. But what did happen to FF games after X? I know the company became Square Enix but in my opinion the whole concept of FF changed drastically (My first game was FF7). The change (again imo) has been bad, and has not worked in the way mabey Square Enix intended it to go.FF10-2, was a big change to the games before, characters, music, even gameplay.FF11, never played, so I have no right to make an opinion on this game.FF12, again big change in gameplay and battles, characters seemed bland, story seemed boring or bland or dragged out.FF13, beautiful as the graphics were, graphics are not everything in today's world, characters once again seemed bland, story was a little boring aswell. etc.I'm not one to judge a book by it's cover but my first opinion on FFversus13 is not good either, my fear is that it will follow the same bold route as the games before it, too much change etc etc. I think mabey Square Enix are trying to fix something that never needed to be fixed? what are your opinions?


White Knight
Thamauturge (IMDb and Gamefaqs), Haeralis, Haeralis the Brave, Wiegraf, and JudgeMagisterDelita
I absolutely HATE it when people say this utter bull. There was not only very little change in the management, but they have made plenty of good games after IX (Yes, IX. FFX was absolutely horrible, as are most of the people who worship it like idiots). FFXII itself is the best main series Final Fantasy game. Though I concede that X-2 and XIII are both just utter lol material (probably because they are both similar to that awful FFX)

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
FFX was absolutely horrible, as are most of the people who worship it like idiots).

oh ok

Though I concede that X-2 and XIII are both just utter lol material

X-2 had one of the best battle systems in the series. The main game was...lol. But the gameplay? Gold.


White Knight
Thamauturge (IMDb and Gamefaqs), Haeralis, Haeralis the Brave, Wiegraf, and JudgeMagisterDelita
Certain things about the games after FFX were ok...but there were too many negatives..which made it an overall bad game. One thing you can say about 7,8,9 and 10 is that overall, they were good games.

Respect = minus 9001

And XII is a good game, unlike the aforementioned shame-game


The Wanderer of Time
Every Final Fantasy game has its pros and cons. Even FF6 and FF7 had flaws. Nothing changed about the Final Fantasy series after X, XII was still a good game, they just did it differently from before, the same way every FF game takes the gameplay, story and characters in a different direction than the one came before it. Given time the hatred for FF13 will die down, nostalgia will set in and its fans will rise, and it'll be just another base-breaker FF game like VIII and X. IMO none of the main series games are truly "bad" - some are significantly better than others and some are not as good as others, but in their own way every main series FF game is a solid game.

People need to get over this idea that somewhere SE has lost its way with the main series. They've slowned down the speed they churn them out at but the games themsleves are fine. It's the half-assed spin-offs and ports that they need to get over.

FFversus13 is not good either, my fear is that it will follow the same bold route as the games before it, too much change etc etc.
To be perfectly blunt and mean, this is a stupid thing to say. Every FF game is bold and innovative compared to what came before. If they weren't the series would still be locked in that pseudo-medieval genre it was in the early series. The only game that wasn't bold and innovative was IX, because it deliberately wasn't supposed to be new, it was a tribute to the old.


The Wanderer of Time
I think Final Clusterfuck XIV has forfeited its position and role as a FF game, given that even SE is like "yeah it sucks, bear with us while we improve it". When they make it worth playing and worth the price, then it'll be FF14 to me. Until its just "Final Fantasy Not-XI"


Pro Adventurer
Vega, Kyle Hyde
I'm not sure this is in the right place, but the question is simple, mabey some of you have thought of this before. But what did happen to FF games after X? I know the company became Square Enix but in my opinion the whole concept of FF changed drastically (My first game was FF7). The change (again imo) has been bad, and has not worked in the way mabey Square Enix intended it to go.FF10-2, was a big change to the games before, characters, music, even gameplay.FF11, never played, so I have no right to make an opinion on this game.FF12, again big change in gameplay and battles, characters seemed bland, story seemed boring or bland or dragged out.FF13, beautiful as the graphics were, graphics are not everything in today's world, characters once again seemed bland, story was a little boring aswell. etc.I'm not one to judge a book by it's cover but my first opinion on FFversus13 is not good either, my fear is that it will follow the same bold route as the games before it, too much change etc etc. I think mabey Square Enix are trying to fix something that never needed to be fixed? what are your opinions?

Mmm, did you play all the "pre-FFVII" games? I mean, ALL of them?

In any case, hey, the formula needs periodical changing, we can't expect to see the exact same formula over and over again for 20-something years. This industry lives by constant change and evolution.

And XII is a good game, unlike the aforementioned shame-game

Opinions, opinions. FFXII is a masterpiece, and FFX was a great game IMO, I liked both.

Celes Chere

FFX was absolutely horrible, as are most of the people who worship it like idiots

Ow~ Why make a stab at the people that like FFX? O_o Anyway, I don't think FFX is the greatest but it certainly wasn't horrible. I don't see why some people hate FFXII so much. There's nothing that different besides the stupid gambit system which I will say sucks ass. (and weapons liscense) I found it to be a more challenging game with a lot more in it to do, which made it a lot more fun. Plus, I loved almost all of the characters. I can only tolerate so many in FFX.

Yeah, FFXIII was a big negative but you can't say "yo man what happened after FFX!" because one FF game they made afterwards sucked.

Even FF6 had flaws.



The Wanderer of Time

Don't misunderatand, I think FF6 is a masterpiece and the best in the series. But the difficulty was incredibly low, magic was ridiculously overpowered, the Limit Break system was bad (though given this was its first appearance, acceptable), and the total lack of direction in the World of Ruin means that not only is difficulty skewed but you need to know where to go from a third-party. Come on, would you *ever* find the Ancient Castle or recruit Gogo if you didn't know how to do it? The Guide Dang It content in any game irritates me, its acceptable for optional sidequests but the World of Ruin is full of it.

This is why I want a remake of FF6 badly, with a tune-up to the difficulty and a bit more direction to the World of Ruin (or at least more obvious ways to find the most obscure bits), it would be flawless. I would also make the game a clear dual-protagonist game with Terra and Celes, fuck the "no main character" bs, pick one or both of them and do a few small tweaks to make it clear they're the central heroes. Wouldn't you like a flashback to show how Celes and Terra knew each other during their time in the Empire? Of course you would.


I never played any FF's before 7, for those who asked.But drake, to say FF13 will in time be remembered by fans as a great FF, is a insult. The only plus from the game was graphics, and battle system. FF10 however, in 2001 had outstanding graphics, good battle system, good characters (whether you liked them or not), simple but interesting storyline, and good gameplay... A lot more than ff13 in 2010 had.


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
I don't think FFXIII sucked. I think it was ok. I really enjoyed the battle system. The story wasn't that bad either. I liked XIII more than XII tbh, but not by much. I enjoyed them both. X-2 is probably the worst offender in terms of story and character behavior, but the battle system there was great. And I enjoyed it despite all the... wackiness.

FFX was a great game. But even if you didn't like it, it's hardly necessarily to call people (and it's a lot of people) who liked the game idiots.

XI, I can't say as I haven't played it. And XIV the same. Though if SE is admitting it's bad, then it must be true.

XIII-2 seems to be shaping up to be ok, and I'm not sure how you can form an opinion on Versus when the game isn't even out yet and our knowledge of it is very limited.

Just for the record, in case anyone is curious, I've played all the FF main series and most of it's side games. I don't really mind a change in formula. Despite what you may think, the formula has been changing over time. I think the biggest leap was from X to XII, if anywhere. And the problem with the gambit system was fixed beautifully in XIII.

(btw, Tiff, bandwidth exceeded)


The Wanderer of Time
I never played any FF's before 7, for those who asked.

Your opinions just became very difficult to take seriously because you clearly don't understand the history of the series then.

But drake, to say FF13 will in time be remembered by fans as a great FF, is a insult. The only plus from the game was graphics, and battle system.

And that is your opinion, others disagree.


In all due respect, the question was not based on the old FF's, I did state my first was FF7 and the question was based on FF7, 8, 9 and 10 onwards. How can you compare a game such as FF6-below to FF10-2 onwards anyway? I'd love to know.


Pro Adventurer
Vega, Kyle Hyde
Yes, but you can't talk about "concepts" and "changes" if you haven't even played more than half of the franchise =/.


The Wanderer of Time
In all due respect, the question was not based on the old FF's, I did state my first was FF7 and the question was based on FF7, 8, 9 and 10 onwards. How can you compare a game such as FF6-below to FF10-2 onwards anyway? I'd love to know.

Your question was asking how the FF series lost its way, when you don't know the "way" it took to where it is now. How can we take you seriously when you indicate you don't want the series to be bold and innovative when you don't understand that the FF series is always reinventing itself and always has been?


White Knight
Thamauturge (IMDb and Gamefaqs), Haeralis, Haeralis the Brave, Wiegraf, and JudgeMagisterDelita
Ow~ Why make a stab at the people that like FFX? O_o Anyway, I don't think FFX is the greatest but it certainly wasn't horrible.

Then you don't worship FFX like an idiot, and my comment wasn't directed at you. It was more directed at the idiots on places like Gamefaqs who post their usual crap about how their game has "The best narrative ever" and/or "the best anything ever" and say that every game after FFX is just awful. Not only are they blindly ignorant, but they are also completely annoying.

As for me, I completely loathed every character in that game that wasn't Auron and Jecht, I found the character design to be some of the worst I have ever seen, the music almost completely forgettable (the only songs I liked were Fight With Seymour, Auron, and Assault), the voice acting awful, and the narrative was just overall ridiculous. It felt like a crappy do-over of the much better Final Fantasy Tactic's religious plot, only it did it wrong. I can concede that the gameplay wasn't completely terrible like everything else, but almost every game is better in this area.


I never did disrespect the fact FF has always been changing over the years. However, I stated that the change was bad...and IMO it was bad, the change between FF6-below to FF7 I guess was a good change...the change from FF10-present...hasen't been as good, that's what I'm implying.


Higher Further Faster
I absolutely HATE it when people say this utter bull. There was not only very little change in the management, but they have made plenty of good games after IX (Yes, IX. FFX was absolutely horrible, as are most of the people who worship it like idiots). FFXII itself is the best main series Final Fantasy game. Though I concede that X-2 and XIII are both just utter lol material (probably because they are both similar to that awful FFX)

Wow, um, you got anything to back that up?

You know how many people in the world disagree with you on all points?

And liking FFX makes someone an idiot?

Then you don't worship FFX like an idiot, and my comment wasn't directed at you. It was more directed at the idiots on places like Gamefaqs who post their usual crap about how their game has "The best narrative ever" and/or "the best anything ever" and say that every game after FFX is just awful. Not only are they blindly ignorant, but they are also completely annoying.

Even still, you are basically just hating on them for having a different opinion than you do on something you don't like.

I don't see how what you are saying is any different.

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Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
OP has been banned for being User Name. I'll leave this open though as it actually has generated some worthwhile discussion.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Can people quit being dicks because people have different opinions?

Disagreement and debate is fine. But there's way too much insulting going on here. First and last warning. Either debate like adults or warnings will be meted out for flaming. No one's an idiot for liking something.

...Unless it's Twilight. :awesome:
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