What is the oldest FF deserved to be played today?


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Yeah, Gau is arguably the most powerful character in the entire game. Hell, you could probably go through with just the Stray Cat and Retainer rages and still have him be more useful than nearly all the other characters. And the small pool of equipment available to Sabin is probably a large part of the reason his usefulness drops so sharply. I wonder whether he would have maintained his usefulness in the World of Ruin if he could use stuff like the Snow Muffler and the Ultima Weapon.

I never used Setzer much, but then again I couldn't be arsed figuring out how to manipulate the slots. In fact I'm not sure I even know it was possible without save state manipulation and/or slowdown, but then, since I never used him much I probably knew it was possible and just forgot about it. Fixed Dice and some of his other equipment rule though, there's no question about that.

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
You know what, fuck it, FFVI character run downs since I'm in the mood and FFVI is hot fire.

Terra-Probably tied with Celes for the best character in the game. High Magic, and her equipment pool is top notch. She gets access to the best shit in the game and when properly equipped, can literally take anything to the face and keep going, as well as dish it out because she can equip the strongest swords. Also Morph doubles her stats and wreck shit.

Celes-Same as Terra, pretty much a mirror clone character wise except for a very few minute details (slightly higher stats, she can't equip the Cotton Robe or some shit like that), and Runic. Runic actually isn't very useful outside of a few situations, but her raw damage dealing potential and her slick armor choices make it forgivable.

Locke-Relatively unremarkable until he gets the Valiant Knife. And then he fucks shit up. VK ignores enemy defenses (either that or it doesn't get its damage halved by Genji Glove, I actually forget which), but either way, his damage dealing potential shoots through the roof. Keep him at critical status and load up on protective equipment and he's good to go.

Edgar-Gets great equipment like Terra and Celes, and since Tools uses the same algorithm as the ones for physical attacks (except they get their own multiplier and they ignore the back row), there's no reason to ever use his weapons, ever, really. Stick him in the back row and CrossBow/Drill/Flash/etc shit up. However the power of his Tools taper down later in the game.

Shadow-Shadow gets some okay equipment choices, but Throw also renders his physical attacks kinda worthless. Just buy enough Shurikens and you'll be set. They're cheap as fuck and plenty as well, so you don't have to worry about running out. Also extra points for Interceptor protecting him now and again. Just don't get stupid with Rippler and lose him.

Cyan- Cyan blows. His ATB bar within an ATB bar shit pretty much ruins him. Why wait for some bar to charge up when you could have another character doing potentially more damage without the wait? Also he's slow. The Tempest weapon trick makes him pretty neat, but other than that...

Mog-Mog is pretty fuckin' solid in the right hands. I mean, his Dances are unpredicable and unreliable, but slap a Snow Muffler on him and some other shit and watch him take 0 physical damage from everything. He loses points for that being a late game strat, though.

Gau-Gau is the lord and savior of FFVI, honestly. The right Rages make the entire game a hilarious joke.

Setzer-Fixed Dice. Master Scroll. End game. However he loses points for not being TOO great before that, but like I said, it's possible to manipulate his Slots.

Sabin-Great at first, declines as the game goes on. His equipment is balls, man. FUN FACT: The entire game throws shit at Sabin that raises his Vigor/Power. Sabin's a monk, makes sense, right? Wrong. Most of his Blitzes are based on his Magic stat, something he doesn't really have a lot of.


Relm-Unremarkable ability wise until you realize she has the highest natural Magic stat in the game. Oops.

Umaro-Balls. The fact that he can't use Magic makes his rank shoot to the bottom.

Gogo-Can do everything, is great at jack shit.

Strago-Blue Magic isn't as broken as it usually is, but it has its uses. Mid tier.


You're an idiot. Your age isn't a valid reason for not having earlier series entries either.

It is, just because i didn't play earlier seires for my age dosen't mean i should of played them like other people do, FF7 was one of the first PS1 games i purchased, so i never actually played any of the earlier games.

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
The Godfather series came out more than a decade before I was born and it is my favorite movie series.

So uh, the age thing really ain't no good reason.


For me it is the only reason, because its the earliest FF i have played, i am not going to state another ff if i haven't played it, and to me ff7 was the best, i enjoyed that the most. Even if i had researched an earlier final fantasy, without playing it, i woulden't be able to judge it.


Thanks for that, just briefly reading that actually makes me want to play it lol, but yeh, i'll get it on ROM or something.
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